College Essays Electronic Media Text

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Disclaimer: free essays on media posted on this site were donated by anonymous users and are provided for informational use only. The free media research paper comparing print and electronic essay presented on this page should not be viewed as a sample of our on line writing service. If you need fresh and competent research / writing on media, use the professional writing service offered by our company. Electronic media publicly broadcasts news through radio, television, and recently computers. Both medias informs us on day to day events whether the news is local or worldwide but they have their differences.

Even though print media seems to be factual and thorough enough, some still feel more partial to the nightly news on television. Hearing the stories is personally easier for society to understand and at the same time remains a reliable source. Because of its visuals, the television is especially powerful in transmitting realism graber, 189. Electronic media gives facial expressions and other images that the print media declines in. For example, actually watching the candidates interact with other people on television makes us feel as though we are able to get to know them better and understand their meaning of their decision that they are trying to get across to the american people. The electronic media gives an emotional impact on viewers by showing updated news in action. Journalists receive information during crisis minute by minute allowing them to quickly revise and deliver news to the public.

However, the print media would have to wait until the next copy was printed for everyone to get the most recent news. By doing this, the newspapers leave a gap of information that electronic media has the capability to fill. Since the journalists seem to put more thought into what they put on paper than what they would say on television, print media tends to more factual and analysis oriented. The print media goes in depth with their coverage where electronic media is straight forward and only highlights the main topics. The newspapers keep americans informed about what is going on in politics and the economics we need to know, but there is a much easier way for people to get the news that is relied on, and that is the amusing television. In america today, television is the main source for acquiring knowledge of what is going on in the world. Some of the disadvantage between print and electronic media is their rules and regulations.

If these advertisers discontinue their help to the media, economical pressures take their toll. There has to be news on that serves the public interest and their necessities for everyday living. Once the paper is printed there can be no changes made, therefore print media must carefully evaluate the paper before publication. For example, bad stories about people could be printed that are not true and the reputation of innocent people could be slandered. Throughout the years, both medias have kept their standards in providing the public with information about what is happening around them. The media has built up a reputation for damaging lives, but let s face it, without the media we would be left in the dark. Through the print and electronic media, we know not only how our president governs, but also how other countries leaders rule.

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The print media seems to be a literate form of news, where as the electronic hands the news out verbally with less education required, making the television the most important source of information today. essays, term papers, research papers related: the 20s is believed to be an eventful decade in the history of pakistan. The local geo political amp socio economic scenarios have undergone dramatic changes due to various factors such as: explosion of private electronic media especially tv channels and fm radio stations which have become a major player in shaping, influencing and expressing public opinion.

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Rise of communication technologies particularly cell phones it had risen from 1.2 million in 2002 to 88 million by 2008 and internet accessibility more than one in ten pakistani have the net access that meant that all type of news amp information is disseminated to public at speed never heard before. Economic growth that took place in the first half of the 20s pakistan's gdp doubled between 19 amp 2007 amp gdp per capita increased by almost 60% between 20 amp 2008. The economic progress allowed the urban middle class to plug into the private media explosion and shattered the elite only edifice of pakistani politics.

Our writers can help get your essay back on track, take a look at our services to learn more about how we can help. Essay writing service essay marking service place an order private media, communication technology and the birth of a viable but small middle class led to a new non elite movement that challenged the status quo butt, 2009. At political front, pakistan began the decade of 20s as a military dictatorship, but switched back to democracy by the end of the decade. Pakistan progressed through the decade with the war against the radical forces war on terror predominated the socio political front of the country as well as the world especially after 9/11 incident in 2001 events in decade of 20s at a glance 20 in pakistan, 2006 in april 20 former pm nawaz sharif was sentenced to life imprisonment. October 13: pakistan's supreme court ruled that the 19 coup d' tat was justified december: nawaz sharif went into exile to saudi arabia. November 21: a strong earthquake, measuring 5.6 on the richter scale, strikes northern pakistan.

August: floods in sindh province resulted in tens of thousands of people fleeing to relief camps and a food crisis. September: president pervez musharraf at the un general assembly in new york said that pakistan would be willing to send troops to iraq. November: the national assembly of pakistan met for the first time since the 19 coup. On 12 october 19, pakistani army launched a coup and took control of the country. The coup was led by general pervez musharraf, who soon after appointed himself as the chief executive of the country.

This change in status was brought about by a proclamation of emergency in the country and issuance of a number of orders by the chief executive. Hard currency reserves, having grown phenomenally in recent years, reached record levels. Pakistan's stock market has been one of the best performing stock markets this century, as of 2005 update. Pakistan announced that it no longer needs international monetary fund imf assistance.

The government's economic reforms were praised highly by supranational institutions such as the world bank, imf and the asian development bank. January 1 musharraf won a vote of confidence from the electoral college and was deemed to be elected to the office of president. March 27 pakistan army troops that battled foreign militants and their local supporters in south waziristan were winding up their operation. April: the national security council nsc bill was passed by the national assembly, senate and president bringing into being the 13 seat nsc. April 22 the european parliament voted in favour of a new trade and cooperation agreement with pakistan, giving a vital boost to islamabad's relations with the european union. May 22 the commonwealth ministerial action group welcomed pakistan back into the commonwealth, noting the restoration of the constitution and progress made in rebuilding democratic institutions and restoring democracy.