Essay About Reading And Learning Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

How can you learn to read and write better?  more to the point here: how can you learn to read and write better by reading web pages such as these? first of all: reading is primary.  one can write only as well as one reads. Many people read newspapers and novels and never write an original word themselves.  they can decipher words and sentences on the page, but do not have a sufficient grasp of spelling and grammar to construct their own sentences.  but all writers must be readers! you cannot write without reading as you write. You cannot write without first understanding how the language works to communicate ideas. And they must evaluate how what they have done will get them where they want to go. What additional ingredients are required? what other aspects must be considered? what misunderstandings must be prevented? to write better, you must learn to read better.   to consciously evaluate your writing you must become more conscious of reading behaviors.  finally, throughout our education and employment we are expected to be able to read far more complicated texts than we are expected to write.

once again, reading is primary. readers and writers already speak the language. Our concern here, then, is not with knowing the language itself with vocabulary and basic sentence structure but with facility in the use of the written language. And our concern is not so much with the structure of individual sentences, with the correct and resourceful use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and appropriate word choice, as with the broader elements involved in constructing an extended discussion. These pages are not concerned with traditional rules of grammar and usage, with correct verb agreement or spelling. They do not repeat rules you learned or did not learn in english classrooms.  while these issues are important for good writing, these pages focus on broader concerns. Our attention here lies more with shaping and analyzing extended discussion, with broader questions of how thoughts are developed and how meaning is conveyed within a written discussion.

constructing extended discussion

writing is traditionally taught in terms of examples.  students are asked to read well formed essays often examples of rhetorical categories such as argument, explanation, and description and to mimic their structure.  but few if any essays really demonstrate only one form. Reading can teach us some things about the language, but reading good essays can only go so far in enabling us to become better writers.  seeing how well someone else expresses himself or herself does not mean we will suddenly be able to do the same ourselves. Just because we appreciate something does not mean we can mimic, imitate, or duplicate it. Only when we understand how ideas are expressed can we begin to do the same ourselves. What is the structure of james baldwin's sentence: if we and now i mean the relatively conscious whites and the relatively conscious blacks, who must, like lovers, insist on, or create, the consciousness of the others do not falter in our duty now, we may be able, handful that we are, to end the racial nightmare, and achieve our country, and change the history of the world. What resources of sentence structure does he use?  what is he doing that we could learn to do ourselves?  see sentence structure.

To learn from reading essays, we must learn how to analyze those essays.  we must know more about what we can expect to find in a text and more about how to draw meaning from what we find.  we must, in other words, become more aware in our reading. Reading instruction is dual purpose.  it serves both to improve our ability to understand texts that we read and to develop our own writing abilities.  when we see how we draw meaning from others, we can see how to instill meaning in our own work. The discussion throughout focuses on nonfiction texts, simply because the bulk of reading in school, business, and the world involves nonfiction texts.

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The same principles can, however, be applied to fictional works to stories, drama, and poetry. The approach here is concerned with helping you to realize what you already know about the language as a speaker of the language, and with enabling you to consciously apply that knowledge to reading and writing.  the result is a more active, reflective, problem solving approach to reading, and a more resourceful approach to writing. Are you wanting to go to university, or are already enrolled, but want to learn the skills to succeed? do you want to learn from an essay specialist, and receive guidance throughout the entire process of writing your essay? on 27th february, 2016 i will be delivering an essay writing course at the upper coomera community centre.

The essay writing course also includes my expertise and other resources to help you develop your writing skills, from basic grammar, punctuation and sentence structure, to researching and referencing your essay.

how will this course benefit you?
in contrast to textbooks and courses that are available, this 8 week essay writing course will scaffold every step of your essay writing process in a supportive environment. It is suitable for absolute beginners, to students wanting to excel in their essay writing, as it includes everything that you need to know to be successful in writing essays, or writing powerfully. For this reason, it is unique to anything that is available, and is a result of my extensive experience of writing and teaching essay writing to students of all ages and subject areas.

what type of support is offered?
to help ensure that you write the best essay that you can, in every workshop i will provide opportunity to spend time on the development of your current essay. After completing the next section of the course, the remaining hour will be dedicated to the construction of your essay, providing opportunity for personal feedback on your writing and discussion with the whole class. There will also be a private facebook group for discussion throughout each week. This private group is intended to provide further support and to help ensure that any issues or learning areas are addressed in the next workshop. The essay writing course is designed to be completed over an 8 week time period. The knowledge and skills needed to write an essay effectively will be covered, with examples and class discussion to ensure that all learners understand the process before moving forward. The following outlines the structure of each week: week 1 what you need to know before you begin writing week 1 helps learners identify the features, organisation and structure of academic writing in other words, how essay writing is different to every other style of writing.

It also includes everything on using punctuation correctly and how to enhance readers understanding through using punctuation. pronouns, prepositions, articles and conjunctions using pronouns, prepositions, articles and conjunctions in your sentences punctuation how punctuation works and how to use it to help your reader understand your ideas week 3 structuring your ideas week 3 helps learners understand the importance of structuring their ideas in an essay like format. It outlines each section of an essay and looks at how each section connects to each other.

It will also begin the writing of their own essay, with techniques to use as they begin reading information to include in their essay. It includes an analysis of the varying claims made by writers and how to identify well reasoned arguments. It also provides details on how to include this information in an essay, such as quoting and paraphrasing ideas. planning, writing and drafting includes the processes involved in each stage and how to ensure each stage is completed effectively editing includes the process to ensure that your essay becomes a polished piece before submission apa referencing rules and examples of the australian psychological associations style of referencing cost: $299 this equals $37.40 per 2 hour session. It also includes the ultimate essay writing guide and workbook worth $49.99 and other learning resources provided throughout each workshop, plus in class feedback on your writing, providing guidance and support to help you become the best writer you can be.

where and when will the course be held?
the course will be held in activity room 2 of the upper community centre at 90 reserve rd, upper coomera.

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It will commence at am, saturday 27th february and will run until the 16th april, 2016. On each saturday morning we will complete a two hour workshop, and will conclude each session at 1am.

is the essay writing course right for me?
this course is ideal for you if you say yes to any of the following: if you answered yes to any of the above, you will enjoy being a part of the essay writing course.