Family Nursing Essays Text

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Family health nursing paper introduction the family, what can be more important to an individual than ones own family? families serve as the basic social unit of society. 563 this paper will discuss the family, its importance for nurses, how the family has changed from the traditional nuclear family and will attempt to paint a picture of what a family is today. Why is the family an important focus for nurses? the family is an important focus for nurses for many reasons two of which will be highlighted in this paper. Many illnesses such as heart disease, some cancers, diabetes, and asthma are known to follow genetic lines. Understanding a patient's biologic family history often helps to diagnose unusual or rare conditions and the use of dna testing and other laboratory screening tests can identify family members who are considered at high risk.

Once a family has been identified with strong genetic ties to a particular disease, a plan of care can be established which will include a great deal of education with the goal of primary prevention, regular screenings, and education. Intensive measures can then be taken to make early diagnoses or even prevent the disease in an effort to reduce morbidity and mortality medalie cole kelly, 2002. A recent report by the institute of medicine as quoted by denham 2003 suggests patient centered care addresses the need to manage smooth transitions from one setting to another or from a health care to a self care setting. Once a patient is discharged following a hospitalization due to an acute or chronic illness he or she will need assistance to recuperate and recover to their highest level of functioning. When acute or chronic illness strikes a family member, the roles of family members often change from mother, spouse, or sister to caregiver. The family can assist the patient with simple tasks such as diet, toileting activity follow up appointments and any miscellaneous needs such as medication reminders, errands to pick up medications or supplies and meal preparation to complex tasks such as dressing changes and medication administration.

Nursing began in the home and, as such, families were of necessity included in all aspects of care. It was only with the move to hospitalized care that patients were separated from their families brombley, 2005. The traditional mother, father and one or two child households is now complex with divorced and remarried couples at times each entering the household with children from previous relationships.

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Other family structures might include: gay and lesbian couples who adopt, and single parents who lack any support from the child's other parent. Family size is decreasing as is the number of households containing married couples. With the rise in working women, families where both parents work rely on daycare centers for younger children and generations of latch key children are now becoming the norm. Census bureau defines the family as a group of two or more people related by blood, marriage or adoption u.s.

Does this definition truly define the american family? every aspect of the american family is experiencing change klein, 2004. Extended families often include persons not related by blood or marriages that simply have close ties to the family are also considered family. Running head: the growing specialty of family nursing the growing specialty of family nursing stephanie hursey university of phoenix concepts of family nursing theory mrs. Janice hess jan 20, 2007 the growing specialty of family nursing the family's health has become an important focus on health care today.

Nursing research has transitioned from client centered care to viewing the client within the context of the family. Researchers have written materials that give explanation to the reasons for the evolving family and its impact on society. This paper provides insight on what constitutes a family, why family is important to nurses, how the family has changed and the writer's view of family health nursing. Through the interaction of family the members derive their meaning of life and the society around them. Through family the members gain an understanding of their place in society, develop social etiquette, self worth and values. The family is comprised of a variety of interdependent relationships and individuals today.

What is interesting to note is that individuals have their own definition of family and who they consider family. It is best for the nurse in caring for a family to ask the patient who he or she considers to be family. Per friedman, bowden and jones 2003 the only sure way of determining who the individual client's family is, is to ask him or her. The family is an important focus for nurses because the family helps to influence and care for their loved ones who are our patients.

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The family is the basic unit in which health and healthy life styles are defined for its members. In order for a nurse to be effective in teaching or guiding a patient to self change in his or her health and healthy life style, the family must be included. The nurse must first assess the patient's view of health and the family's view of health. Understanding their views will assist the nurse in identifying holes, gaps and unhealthy thinking and help formulate a care plan for the patient and family. According to stanhope and lancaster 2004 the family is a major influence on the individual's concept of health and illness.

It is within the family a person's sense of self esteem and personal competence is developed. The action taken by or for the person with a health problem depends on this sense of self worth and the family's definition of illness. The definition and demographics of the family is ever evolving with the changes in society. It is important for nurse to keep themselves informed and up to date about demographic trends pertaining to children and families per stanhope and lancaster 2004.

Changing demographics have implications for planning health, developing community resources, and becoming politically active, so that scarce funds and resources can be made available for health services needed by the growing and diverse population stanhope and lancaster 2004. The traditional family of father, mother and children is long gone as the norm of society. Today the family is represented by single mother households, single father households, unmarried couples living together with or without children and teenage mothers. As a result of society accepting individual's choices in managing their own lives the family portrait has a variety looks. The family portrait now may depict the single mother with children, the single father with children, same sex couples with or without children, grandparents raising grandchildren, married couples. Below is a free excerpt of family nursing plan from anti essays, your source for free research papers, essays, and term paper examples. Running head: family nursing plan of care family nursing plan of care michel’e lusk university of phoenix nur/405 friedman assessment april 11, 2011 family nursing plan of care ab met her husband in a treatment center for recovering addicts.