Ib English A2 Hl Paper 1 Tips Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Look our for things like sensory imagery, imagery, personification, rhyme schemes in poems , tone, mood, etc. Also, it's essential that you give your own personal response into what you think the passage means, i.e. Ask your teacher for the rubrics which she grades your essays by and study them to the minutest details because they emphasize what you need in your essay.

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Structure: thesis statement is essential name three things you want to discuss in your thesis eg setting, theme, imagery and its effect this is obviously a rough structure but you get the general idea. With poems feel free to analyse each stanza giving you a pretty obvious structure. Good luck lykke til

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This paper tests two things: your ability to respond to text based question and a written response to a text. The texts will be all in the language that you have taken and will be chosen externally. Although if you get lucky, one of the papers might have a ton of vocabulary from something you 39 ve studied already. If you can figure this out you 39 re guaranteed at least one point on that text:d. Alright, so the multiple choice is almost always directly within the text or paraphrasing a section of the text.

The multiple choice could ask you to choose the best option that summarizes a certain paragraph in the text, or choose from a list of things that are most relevant to the paragraph in question. I know this is a little vague but before i get clearance from some higher ups i 39 m not going to go around posting specific examples. Unless you pm me and ask for them because then i 39 ll explain them to you all you want. Sometimes the matching is really easy while others it 39 s a brutal pain in the tuchkis did i spell that right?. On the left side of the page you are given a list of words from the text with a blank box on the side of the word as well as the line number to the right. To the right of the page is a different set of words that is not within the text.

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Your directions are to match the words on the left with the words from the right. I find this to be somewhat challenging as you have to know what the words on the left and right side means in order to match them. Another type of matching could be fill in the letters of the events that occurred within the passage. Fine the word in the passage and read the sentence it is in, it may help you find the connotation of the word.

Another important thing to do if you don 39 t know the words on the right is to use root words. Some words branch off of other words so you can find root meanings and even get connotations from them. Sometimes words pop out of nowhere at you and you reach epiphanies and want to scream during a test. While reading the passage you 39 ll come across some blanks in the form of some numbers. For each question you are required to select, from a word bank, which answer best fits within that blank.

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Some of the answers sound like they can fill more than one blank and then some of them sound like they don 39 t fill a blank at all. Memorize all of the ones you can because come test time its a nerve wracking section. Short response self explanatory, you get a question you respond to it using text. The only i have to say for this is try not to use uber long quotes to cover your butt. You get boxes to chek true or false then if its true you have to back it up with text from the passage or if its false you have to say how its false and then back it up with text from the passage.