Comparative Essay About High School And College Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

length: 1216 words 3.5 double spaced pages as we go on in life we face many challenges and new situations that we deal with. A new situation that most people deal with is college and all the changes that come along with it. What many people don't realize is that high school, in many ways, is similar and differrent from college. In that class you have to re write a sentence that is not proper and make it correct in high school i had to do the same thing in my english class.

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The papers are also similar in high school i would have to write papers all the time just like in college. In high school you had to do the same you would have to read through the book and answer questions. People learn as life goes on college helps doing this because it shows people new differences which people must change their ways to adapt to a new stage of life. Do you want to study in high school or in college? these two options are very dissimilar, althogh in both you can learn a lot. In high school most teachers will assign you to turn in your homework late if you give them an excuse such as i forgot it at home or it is in my locker.

In contrast, in college if you give your professor one of these excuses, they will say too bad and you do not have another opportunuty. There are also a lot of tests in high school usually, there is a test every week or two. Most of the time you will read aloud in class or go over every point of the homework so, there is no question of what you have to do. In high school the teachers are always on you about attentance that is, if you miss to many days, you can fail, so if you are not in class, they want to know why in addition, they probably call your parents and let them know that you were not in class. On the contrary, in college the teachers do not care whether or not you are in class it means that if you are not there, you are going to get a failing grade, so you have to be responsible to succeed. To conclude, the main differences between high school and college are the assignments, exams, and absences. The high school 180 s teachers teach the students the responsibility by making them to do their homework and monitoring their attendance and college students are expected to have it.

Comparative essays are among the most common types of writing you will do in school. Not only does it help you develop a valuable skill critically comparing different aspects of various items , theyre also one of the most helpful types of essays you can write. Contrary to what the name might suggest, comparative essays dont just compare they also contrast.

The items youre comparing can be, practically, anything, from political theories to literary works to reality shows on cable tv. And dont assume youre always going to compare and contrast two things a comparative essay can work just as well for examining similarities and differences among three, four or more items. Compared to other types of essays, comparative essays makes it easier to clearly communicate with readers. Rather than provide examples or illustrations, the comparison with another object alone can be enough not always, but some of the time to create a clearer picture in the readers mind. As a result, theyre an excellent way to convey information something that will come handy in your communications whether in school or in whatever industry you end up working at. The last thing you want to do is put in hours of work only to realize later youre not following instructions. Most of the time, the essay assignment brief will say exactly what items you need to compare, like the role of women in three works of shakespeare or the youth orientedness in obamas and romneys respective campaigns.

In some cases, however, youll simply be told to compare three works of shakespeare or compare obama and romneys respective campaigns. When that happens, you have to develop your own basis of comparison, so youll need to research a bit for themes, concerns, devices, or issues present in the items concerned. In particular, pay attention to those where there are ample similarities and differences that could be worth writing about i.e. Once you have a basis of comparison, you can now come up with a list of similarities and differences that fall under it. Make sure to do this before proceeding, since a well thought out list can really help simplify all the succeeding steps in writing your essay.

Think critically abouit the similarities and differences between the items in question. If the list is too long for the prescribed length of the paper, its not a problem you can always trim the less important attributes later. Do note that this isnt supposed to be a proper outline, so dont worry about that yet. Once you have a list of similarities and differences, you can then decide which way youre going to go with your main thesis. Do the similarities carry more weight? or do the differences outweigh the former? your main thesis should reflect that. Once you have a thesis in place, it should be clearer which materials should comprise your essay. You can then trim down the list you made into those which will be relevant to the thesis.

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When it comes to your outline, there are, generally, three standard structures used in comparative essays.  just choose one of them to design your outline and, afterwards, finish your writing. Here, you address both similarities and differences regarding an aspect of the subject in each paragraph. Every time you need to address a different point, you start a new paragraph and so on. Doing this keeps the comparison at the forefront of the readers mind, making sure they connect the relationships themselves through the entire reading. In this method, you split each point into two paragraphs: one for the similarities and the other for the differences.

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