Find Inner Peace Essays Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

I am thinking about the time when my best friend died, and when i stopped being myself and my life started going to hell. We were watching a talk show, but i was not paying much attention to what was going on. All i cared about was my girlfriend was coming home and that we would be able to see each other again. Oh, how we fought! one time she accused me of taking her purse, knowing what a notorious prankster i was, even though i had no idea what she was talking about. What didn't we argue about? after about, four years, we became the best friends ever.

Berkeley Phd Thesis Library

I didn't know anything yet, but my spine felt cold and i had an irrational feeling of fear. I didn't find any mortal to below is an essay on how to find inner peace from anti essays, your source for research papers, essays, and term paper examples. How to find inner peace he who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the universe. What do you gain by having inner peace and inner balance? of course you gain self control, more discipline, and the ability not to let outside events influence your emotions, actions, reactions and decisions. Their presence in your life means that the outside world cannot shake your inner world. And that causes fluctuations of the emotions and wasting time on unnecessary thoughts, emotions and actions. So what is the remedy? i have summarized 5 tips that can enhance inner peace and balance 1.

A persistent simplification will create an inner and outer well being that places harmony in one’s life. Acceptance of others, their looks, their behaviors, their beliefs, bring you an inner peace and tranquility – instead of anger and resentment. However with time you will find yourself having a very relaxed way of thinking and living. Though this sounds easy, its not when you have a society that has made an image of what they consider a perfect male or perfect female.

If you are one who deals with self esteam issues, every morning look yourself in the mirror and say god does not make mistakes. If we are presented with a situation that we can not change or affect then just let it be. For example say your going to be late for work becasue there is traffic and there is only one route to your job, instead of getting stressed out about being late for work understand that you can not physically pick up the cars and move them so just let it be.

Obviously there is nothing you can do about traffic so don't think about it just wake up alittle earlier the next day. If you practice this on small situations, as big obstacles come in your life you will have a stressless approuch to alot of things. Knowing that whatever your going through will be over soon lifts all the negative energy off of you. how does one embark on a journey to find his or her inner peace? the spiral flower 169 2001, 2002, 2004 by paul lloyd warner these are important questions and highly relevant to our own time. If we, as members of the human race, who are working to discover the root causes of violence in the human condition, both individually and collectively, cannot find peace within ourselves, how can we help bring peace to our communities and to the world? to put this simply, peace is the opposite to violence, and hence war. To completely eradicate violence from the human condition is virtually impossible.

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As long as there exists people in various stages of personal development, there will always be some impulse to violence. What is incumbent on each individual is to search themselves for any tendencies toward violence and learn to channel those impulses into positive actions. Fortunately there are technique in many of the world's cultures to help people along. How do we each find peace within ourselves? an inner peace? ah, these are age old questions.

Whatever the case, it involves the individual to work upon themselves to achieve the long sought after goal to free themselves of the very conditions which prevent one from finding and accepting an inner peace. Spiritual in this case, means one's soul, one's inner life, that inner conscience. A place within the mind where one's spirit dwells while we are alive in the world and going about our business every day. We all must find a way to cultivate our spiritual nature, our inmost being, that place of refuge where our soul resides. If the person reading this does not accept the existence of the soul, that is fine, please to the second category.

To continue on, we must pose the question to ourselves: are we alone? are we entirely alone, perhaps in the existential sense of the term? or are we connected to a whole? in the spiritual sense, we may say that since our existence is a proven fact, than our existence exists within the whole, the universe, and all there is. The fundamental question is then, can we find a relationship between our self and the cosmos? since the sun was created from the cosmic cloud, and the earth was created from the sun, and all life evolved on earth as a result of the earth's environment, we can conclude that we are evolved from the earth which was created by the forces of the universe. What is the universal stuff? the answer is all creation, everything which exists, not only in the stars, but in all dimensions, conceived of, or unconceived.