Essay on War on Drugs Text

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length: 433 words 1.2 double spaced pages have you ever heard the expression war on drugs. That was first used in 1972 when richard nixon described a series of govern mental programs intended to suppress the consumption of certain recreational drugs. However the first attack on marijuana occurred not in 1972 but in1937 when the marijuana taxact was passed.

According to harry anslinger bureau of narcotics commissioner testified in hearings on the subject that the hemp plant needed to be banned because it had a violent effect on the degenerate races. This referred specifically to mexican immigrants who had entered the country, seeking jobs during the great depression. Making possession of marijuana a criminal offense has only increased crime rates.

By legalizing marijuana law enforcement will be utilized somewhere of more importance. Because possession of marijuana is a common criminal offense, jails are over crowded and court rooms are cluttered with marijuana cases instead of real problems. In amsterdam marijuana was made legal and the result was that crime rates dropped by 60% and the amount of drug users did not increase. Now you may be thinking that marijuana is dangerous, you may be thinking of all the things you’ve heard about marijuana, like it causes hallucinations, impairs your vision and judgment, and gives you paranoia. Do you want to know how many people a year are killed by marijuana and marijuana related deaths? zero. However, 430,0 deaths a year are caused by tobacco making it the nations leading cause of death.

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Now with all the illegal drugs combined there excluding marijuana there have been14,218 deaths. And remember there have been zero deaths even remotely related to cigarettes are legal although, according to they are more addictive, cause cancer, damage the respiratory system, raise blood pressure, decrease oxygen to the brain and body, and cigarette smoking is a significant risk factor to the cause of emphysema, chronic bronchitis, stroke, high blood pressure and osteoporosis. Not only are they dangerous to the smoker but second hand smoke is even more dangerous to people near the smoker. Alcohol abuse runs rampant in america and causes liver disease which kills 25,0 each year.

Which was my first paper that i put a lot of time into, it took a lot of brain storming and thinking for me to even start writing. Enjoy the war on drugs is a deep rooted controversial campaign of prohibition and military aid that has been debated for years. We wonder if the war will ever come to an end, and if there’s a liable solution. The war will never end, and the only way to maintain balance in our society is by not letting any laws on drugs change.

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Legalization of drugs, increased taxes for military support, and more criminals on the streets are all examples of why the war on drugs is affecting us. Over a period of time now, the united states has been enabling the war, by allowing legalization of marijuana to take place in certain states. Applying more action and recognition will increase our awareness to stay away from this loss, and would better our economy as a whole. To better end the war on drugs as a whole, we need to focus on winning the battle here in the united states before other countries. The war on drugs being fought here in the united states, is the overall dependency for drugs. It is highly demanded for distribution, personal use, and strings in other violent crimes. We can put an end to this dependency by applying some basic principles and steps.

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A step in the right direction is prevention, to abolish all laws that enable the use of drugs, such as illegalization of marijuana. The focus here is to set clear boundaries to people, and to also indicate that there is change coming into effect. Ewan hoyle states that, any drug policy should seek to minimize the number of entrants into the lifestyle of a dependent drug user. With less drugs, it allows the people and economy to grow in a positive direction. Less homelessness, dependency, crimes, and jail sentencing would be the direct result of tougher drug policies.

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If we are serious about a war on drugs, then we have to subject them to regulations and controls that minimise as far as possible their ability to do harm. 306 307 it has been said that the easier approach would be legalization, and that it would be more beneficial and successful. The concept behind legalization is an idea to lower crime rates, controlling the potency of powerful drugs, and to eliminate trades with other countries. Drug related crime rates would be a contributing factor in lowering of crime rates, and it’s safe to say that those dealers would start selling to younger generations, the same as they would with alcohol. The possibility of dealers tempering with drugs to increase potency is almost a given. And of what would happen to those younger generations willing to give these legal drugs a shot. And with legalization, we may think we came with a solution, but it is merely the opposite.

Scorza notes that the argument for legalization now jockeying for public attention is an argument that we are losing, or have already lost, the war on drugs. 5 legalizing drugs is not the answer, it would only increase accidental deaths overdoses and a  monumental alteration of human nature. 29 could this possibly be the better alternative, rather than the strict drug policies? obviously not. With legalization one would think it would put an end to our increased taxes, but it would continue to be the same. If drugs such as cocaine or opiate based drugs were legal and to be demanded, we would need to collect from sources such as asia and the middle east. And those third world countries wouldn’t be so quick to start business with the united states, and of coarse nothing ever goes smoothly. We would be fueling another battle amongst those countries, something that is inevitable.

Especially when it involves such addictive substances, with high anticipation and demand. Mark kleiman states that if the united states stopped importing drugs, mexico’s drug violence would shrink dramatically. 89 101 it is almost impossible to tell the severity of conflicts that will be caused, especially the reputation united states has for it’s known consuming greed and demand. We now begin to think that our increased taxes will grow, while sending out troops to fight for the drugs that we need.

Overall, the war on drugs seems like an never ending war, but in reality all it takes is small but powerful change in order to approach it. If we were to help ourselves before helping others, we would be of more service and help. And these principles could be applied anywhere else that has the desire to put an end into a drug fueled environment. This nonviolent approach goes along way and overtime will save more lives and potential to the people of tomorrow.

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This can best benefit the people of tomorrow and provide a safe and bright future to future generations. The war on drugs: a losing battle? in 1968, when american soldiers came home from the vietnam war addicted to heroin, president richard nixon initiated the war on drugs. More than a decade later, president ronald reagan launches the south florida drug task force, headed by then vice president george bush, in response to the city of miami apos s demand for help. In 1981, miami was the financial and import central for cocaine and marijuana, and the residents were fed up. Thanks to the task force, drug arrests went up by 27%, and drug seizures went up by 50%.

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Despite these increased arrests and seizures, marijuana and cocaine still poured into south florida. In 1982 the dea went to colombia to eradicate fields of marijuana and coca plants. The hard part now, was finding the labs used to turn the coca leaves into cocaine. The dea suspected that the cocaine labs were very large, but the colombians kept eluding them.