Essay About Why Drugs Are Bad Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Below is an essay on why drugs are bad for you from anti essays, your source for research papers, essays, and term paper examples. You will learn how to be healthy and how to make others be healthy by telling them and your friends this. I believe people shouldn’t take drugs and i hope someday i can stop that! drugs are very bad for you because you can injure your lungs or you can die from it. After smoking cigarettes, tobacco, or cigars, some people don’t want to quit because they think they will gain weight. Most people don’t quit because of that which makes them less healthy than being overweight. If you have ever been sick and had to take medicine, then that would be taking drugs, but not in a bad way like some children and adults. First of all, parents aren’t being very good role models, because they can take drugs, like walking around outdoors holding a bottle of medicine or pills that they aren’t supposed to take.

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Like beer and wine, if you drink too much and get drunk and drive as you are drunk, then you can go to jail if the police catch you. At the age of 18, you are able to buy cigars and cigarettes, and at the age of 21 you are allowed to buy beer and other types of alcohol. It’s a common known fact that drugs are bad, but yet they are still used recreationally, especially among teenagers and young adults. Some of the most popular drugs used today are marijuana, ecstasy, tobacco, and alcohol. Scientists have learned a great deal about how thc acts in the brain to produce its many effects.

When someone smokes marijuana, thc rapidly passes from the lungs into the bloodstream, which carries the chemical to the brain and other organs throughout the body. Thc acts upon specific sites in the brain, called cannabinoid receptors, kicking off a series of cellular reactions that ultimately lead to the high that users experience when they smoke marijuana. The highest density of cannabinoid receptors are found in parts of the brain that influence pleasure, memory, thoughts, concentration, sensory and time perception, and coordinated movement. Users experience slower reaction times, extensive hunger, poor memory, and lack of motivation.

In personal experiences, weed has had no worth while positive outcome on people that i know have used it, especially regularly. Known users have been arrested, expelled from school, suffered with their grades, or made poor decisions. People have told me that the feeling of being high actually does not feel good at all, and that it makes them depressed or that they are being pulled downward. Consistent use of marijuana can lead to addiction, lung cancer, anxiety, depression, and dependence.

Short term effects of taking the drug include feelings of mental stimulation, emotional warmth, enhanced sensory perception, and increased physical energy. Adverse health effects can include nausea, chills, sweating, teeth clenching, muscle cramping, and blurred vision. It is a rumor that exercising, or doing any other activity that would cause the body to heat up such as sex, would cause the body to overheat while on ecstasy and thus would result in death. I have heard that taking a shower feels really good, but coming down from a high of mass endorphins is especially painful.

A girl i know was coming down from the high so fast and so hard that she was banging her head on the cement in the parking lot because she was feeling so terrible. When a person drinks alcohol, the alcohol is absorbed by the stomach, enters the bloodstream, and goes to all the tissues. The effects of alcohol are dependent on a variety of factors, including a person's size, weight, age, and sex, as well as the amount of food consumed before drinking.

The disinhibiting effect of alcohol is one of the main reasons it is used in so many social situations. Other effects of moderate alcohol intake include dizziness and talkativeness the immediate effects of a larger amount of alcohol include slurred speech, disturbed sleep, nausea, and vomiting. Alcohol, even at low doses, significantly impairs the judgment and coordination required to drive a car safely. Low to moderate doses of alcohol can also increase the incidence of a variety of aggressive acts, including domestic violence and child abuse. Hangovers are another possible effect after large amounts of alcohol are consumed a hangover consists of headache, nausea, thirst, dizziness, and fatigue.

Some long term effects of alcohol are liver failure, addiction to alcohol or alcoholism, damage to the brain, damage to the fetus of a pregnant. Because if this is a speech supporting homeopathic medicine i 039 d make different points. You lose your sense of good judgement, and are more likely to do things to hurt yourself because you aren 039 t thinking straight walking into the street without looking, leaving the stove on and burning yourself. You begin to hang with other people who use drugs and sell drugs, in order to more easily get your drug and to be around people who enable your drug use.

This causes you to become involved with a very bad crowd, often with people who steal your belongings from you and abuse you. These people usually get arrested all the time for various offenses and if you aren 039 t careful you get arrested with them for being with them when they commit their crimes. By being around these people you can become exposed to more crime, violence, and trouble. I would say this is one of the most significant aspects of using drugs that i can 039 t emphasize enough. You get involved with a bad crowd and then get in trouble with them or hurt by them.

Drug users don 039 t usually continue to hang out with non drug users that go to bed at night so they can attend their jobs the next day, and all that. They hang out with other people who will facilitate their drug use and enable them. So certain groups end up hanging together and it is within that group you inherit all their collective troubles. You eventually become so addicted you have trouble supporting yourself, and so you become very poor. Often they lose their jobs and become homeless after selling and losing everything.

It 039 s hard to get up every morning and keep a job or regular schedule if you are a very heavy drug user. Also you end up paying money for all the legal fines, court offenses you rack up because of number four. You get in trouble for having illegal drugs on you or in your car, you get in trouble for being around other people committing crimes and mistaken to be a part of it.

And you get in trouble when later on you flunk your drug screens while on probation. Every time you get in trouble, you pay fines and court fees, and the criminal record you accumulate makes it hard to get a job and sometimes makes it hard to find a place to live my own landlord does background checks and so do many others. Often people become more paranoid, more delusional, and have trouble keeping their priorities straight. Their thinking becomes clouded and they really don 039 t immediately see and understand the cause/effect or predict the consequences coming from their actions. Think of all the people attending mental health clinics trying to achieve a better mental state.