Medical Marijuana Persuasive Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

10 sources cited length: 4269 words 12.2 double spaced pages rating: purple price: $17.95 marijuana prohibition stands as one of the most unwarranted policies of the united states. Every year we are spending billions of dollars on the war on drugs with little benefit. Data released by the federal bureau of investigation show there were an estimated 1,552,432 arrests for drug related crimes in 2014 – a slight uptick from the 1,531,251 drug arrests in 2013. Including arrests for distribution, there was a pot related arrest every 42 seconds.

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This prohibition makes no sense, especially in a country where alcohol use is completely acceptable. Many argue that marijuana use is much more safe than either alcohol or cigarettes, yet it has been illegal for almost 70 years norml. But even more terrible is that fact that there are many medicinal benefits of marijuana that are being denied to hundreds of thousands of patients yearly.

Marihuana, a signal of misunderstanding, the report of the us national commission on marihuana and drug abuse, 1972. persuasive essay in california there is still more controversial debate over the use of marijuana for medical purposes. The advantage with using marijuana for medical reason is, it eases the pain, and relaxes them so they can enjoy the rest of their life. marijuana madness: a look at organizational implications after the release of the film reefer madness in 1936 and all of the horrible things marijuana is purported to make a person do, who would have thought marijuana would ever gain legal status anywhere in the u.s. This psychoactive drug has the reputation for causing hallucinations, disorientations, and also feelings of exhilaration and anxiety.

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This same drug has been found to relieve symptoms of diseases of serious magnitude. It has also been found to relieve a loss of appetite and nausea due to aids wasting syndrome and chemotherapy treatment. Although this drug has a bad reputation, it has become a major source of relief for many terminally ill patients, as well as people with mental disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder.

For these reasons, i believe that marijuana, for medical purposes only, should be legalized in the united states. 1 several negative arguments have arisen since this has become a major debate topic. In 19, the united states institute of medicine conducted a study to assess any potential benefits of marijuana in the medicinal region. This study concluded that smoking marijuana has negative effects as compared to the more effective medications currently available, and should not be used as a treatment.

2 a number of studies have reported that the effects of smoking marijuana for people with psychological problems causes a negative effect. Especially in young women, where rates of mental health problems have become many times higher in daily marijuana users. Marijuana poses a potential risk to one’s mental health, and causes increased rates of depression and anxiety problems.

It also triggers schizophrenia, as a relapse or the onset thereof, in predisposed people and also aggravates these symptoms generally. 3 the use of marijuana for the terminally ill can no longer be considered as a therapeutic intercession. Many other ways of easing their pain have arisen that show positive effects as compared to marijuana. To relieve the pain of terminal patients, a doctor should prescribe anti emetic or analgesic therapies of proven effectiveness.

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4 misuse and abuse would be two of many negative results to the legalization of marijuana. Drug addicts, especially, would be driven to find loopholes in the laws of the world. In countries where the legalization of medical purposes has occurred, this has been the case. To legalize this would be foolery as it would pose a bad example and trigger the pressures for other drugs to become legal. 5 when a person uses a drug repeatedly, it leads to a psychological craving for it, as well as an addiction, by definition marijuana meets the criteria for a drug of addictive proportions. Animal studies have suggested that marijuana causes physical dependence and some people report withdrawal symptoms.

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6 medical marijuana, a hot debate topic, also shows many promising medicinal outlooks. It has been demonstrated to be a safe, non toxic medicine by many studies, useful in the treatment of our most disabling medical conditions. This includes multiple sclerosis, aids, glaucoma, chronic pain, amongst many others.

7 sufferers of bipolar disorder as well as scientists have independently made the discovery that marijuana can improve this disorder. It also may reduce the side effects of many other drugs used to treat this disease. Additionally, thirty to forty percent of patients with the aforementioned disorder can not consistently be helped or able to tolerate these standard medications. Smoked marijuana provides rapid relief from great suffering to some patients it quickly improves such patients comfort.

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This helps maintain their dignity and suffering as well as improve heir mental outlook. 9 marijuana, if legalized, can provide patients with a quality drug to assuage their pain. Ingredients would be well known and experts could determine the appropriate dosage. Legalization for medical purposes also encourages the pharmaceutical industry to invest in the research of marijuana’s medicinal values. 10 marijuana has been ranked lowest for withdrawal symptoms, tolerance, and dependence or addiction. Caffeine and nicotine are the only ones to beat marijuana as being at a smaller degree of intoxication. Although many reasons opposing contradict this legalization, the reasons still stand strong.

Marijuana could be the answer to many medical problems such as bipolar disorder and depression. It can help those who have pain, in the terminal sense, to live out their lives in peace. Used for treatment for millennia particularly in china, india as well as the middle east, it eventually became accepted in mainstream medicine in the west by the middle of the 19th century. However, in the united states, marijuana would later be subjected to prohibition.

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In the 1930s, the united states congress passed the marijuana tax act despite the vehement objection of the american medical association ama representative. Pharmacopoeia and with the passage of the 1951 boggs act, marijuana came to be regarded as a narcotic drug. With the passage of the controlled substances act under president richard nixon, marijuana was declared to be without any accepted medical use and even regarded as unsafe even if used with medical supervision boire and feeney 13 15 amp 19 20. Recently, there has been considerable debate as to whether marijuana can give medical relief that is at least comparable with currently accepted pharmaceutical drugs shohov vii.