Endangered Species Expository Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Pandas are great symbolic creatures but without your help it could be the end for them. But with help the lives of the endangered pandas can be spared. panda bears are big black and white bears that like to keep to themselves. Pandas don rsquo t produce many babies and sometimes only produce one in there lifetime. Survival for young baby pandas rare and the number of birth isn rsquo t high enough for them not to be endangered. According to pandasinternational.org, ldquo the great and giant panda bears have been listed as endangered in the 1980s, and the population of the panda bears have decreased to about 1,600 in the wild. Rdquo in todays socitey, people are getting together to help deal with these endangered pandas, and finding a way to help them from becoming extinct.

There are many zoos created to help care and keep the pandas from the danger in the wild. According to smithsonian national zoologic park, ldquo giant pandas live in broadleaf and coniferous forests with a dense understory of bamboo, at elevations between 5,0 and 10,0 feet. Zoos in japan, hong kong, thailand, taiwan, mexico, france, spain, austria, and australia are built to accompany the giant pandas to the fullest level. People who help care for the pandas makes sure that the pandas are happy and under no stress. The population of pandas having been decreasing and has reach the point for them to be considered endangered because of many reasons.

Humans have a great effect on pandas and many reasons that causes these pandas to be edangered are caused by man. According to the world wildlife fund, ldquo hunting remains an ever present threat. Poaching the animals for their fur has declined due to strict laws and greater public awareness of the panda rsquo s protected status. Rdquo in many places, bamboo forests are cut down so the land can be used for farming. This has a great impact on the pandas because it requires the pandas to migrate somewhere else which can cause lots of problems. With people chopping down bamboo forests, the pandas have no source of food and will die. Another reason why pandas are endangered and the number of new pandas isn rsquo t growing is because pandas don rsquo t often reproduce.

Many factors contribute to the number of endangered panadas and some people aren rsquo t aware of how bad it is. Global warming is also a big issue that contributes to the low number of panda population. No one will know when another natural disaster can occur and greatly affect the giant pandas. There are still some people out there that just don rsquo t see the importance in saving the endangered pandas.

Fences By August Wilson Essay

Helping out the pandas in the conservation or reservations area is a way that can keep the pandas safe and secure them from danger. On may 12, 2008 an earthquake occured in china, and caused a lot of trouble for the pandas. There are so many factors in the world that contribute to the decrease in panda population.

Sometimes people that go hunting might accidentally hurt a panda without realizing. People realized what terrible destruction they have been doing to the poor panda bears. All around the world there are endangered animals that have a small chance of survival, and are approaching extinction.

When people are in need of land, they will cut down the forests that belong to the animals. It is difficult for a panda to leave the bamboo forest they lived in and go find another one. The panda population can eventually decrease to a state where there are no pandas left and they would become extinct. Approximately 1,600 are left in the wild, and that isn rsquo t nearly enough to not take action. If this trend keeps on occuring then the pandas will have to face the end that they never wished for.

These giant creatures are respectly greatly in china and they are very symbolic animals that a lot of people look up to.the problem of endangered animals is still currently going on but if more people rise into action then we can save many lives. There many are many ways to help the endangered pandas, and some people are already in action and doing to things to help. The worldwildlife.org is helping other people see the problem of endangered animals, and get them to realize how bad this is. Since pandas can rsquo t tell people that they are endagered and need help, we can help them do that by spreading the word for them. Building organizations and creating awareness is another way to help solve the problem of the endangered animals. By getting together and helping the pandas, their population will start to increase. If everyone can get together and do this then the panda can finally be taken off the endagered list.

In your community, you can help create a fundraiser to earn money, and give to the pandas in need of help and supplies. Endangered animals such as the panda is a big problem in the world but with your help then they can be farther away from becoming extinct. Panda bears are threaten and endangered and without doing anything to help them then they could be gone forever. The panda bear rsquo s future rest on our hands, and we can either help them or not. A species or organism that is either few in number or threatened by changes to the environment or parameters of predation could be left at risk of becoming extinct is considered an endangered species.

There are many countries that have laws in place to offer a special level of protection to these species as well as protecting their habitats. Most laws forbid restricting, development of land, hunting, or development of preserves. There are only a small number of species that get listed officially and receive protection legally. There are a variety of species that become extinct or will potentially become extinct without ever receiving notice from the public. The biggest concern is the rate of speed that each species has headed into extinction over the past 150 years. Many species have evolved and through the last several hundred million years have regularly become extinct since the time of the industrial revolution. If the extinction rate continues to escalate, which is seemingly the case, it is possible that in the next decade the number of species could be in the millions.

Many people relate to the endangerment of birdlife or large mammals, there are some ecological issues that threaten the stability of ecosystems on the whole if there are key species that could vanish within the food chain. In controlled environments captive breeding of endangered or rare species comes with restricted settings. A species can be saved from extinction so that its population is stabilized and doesn’t disappear. For some time this is a technique that has worked in captive mating, but does attribute to the menagerie of asian and european rulers.