Conclusion for Death Penalty Essay Text

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length: 1460 words 4.2 double spaced pages an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Since 1976, there have been five hundred twenty three executions in the united states, twenty three in 19 alone. Death penalty information center, p.1 there are many different methods of execution used by the government. There have been significantly more executions of minorities than white americans. Amendments eight and fourteen state that no cruel and unusual punishment can be inflicted, and no state can deprive any person of life liberty or property. The death penalty clearly takes these privileges away from more than 20 people are on death row today.

Virtually all are poor, a significant number are mentally retarded or other wise mentally disabled. More than forty percent are african american and disproportionate numbers are native american. American civil liberties union it does not seem fair that only these people are dying. If a jury makes a mistake and a person is falsely accused of murder when they find out they messed up they want to take the sentence away. If the sentence is life in prison, they can tell the person they are sorry and they can go free. It does not work that way if they if a jury falsely accuses a person of a crime they did not commit with a sentence to death, they can not take it back.

Since 1976, seventy people on death row were found innocent of the charges they were accused of. Death penalty information although some people feel the death penalty is a good thing, i think it is wrong. When someone has committed the crime of murder it creates a great loss for the victims family. Does putting the killer to death make the family of the victim feel any better? they still have to live with the loss of their loved one for the rest of their lives. Taking the life of someone else does not redeem the life of the person that was killed. In many cases, the families of the victims do not want the murderer to be put to death.

Hurting someone for her would not really be for her, would not honor her, or help us. Diego ribadeneira, p.2 what he said is true, it does not help the victim or the family to kill the criminal. Her father knew she would not want anyone to be hurt for her so the death penalty would not when we put criminals on death row for committing the crime of murder, we are stooping to their level.

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Why should we follow what they do and kill them in return? an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Ghandi if we kill people for killing other people we are basically saying murder is a good choice. If the government can say that a person deserves to die then why can't an ordinary person do the same? last year in boston, a fifteen year old boy was killed in a fight over jewelry.

A family member said, the notion that your child must die because my child died? that does not satisfy. Diego ribadeneira, p.3 this family experienced the great loss of having a loved one killed. If the family of the victim does not think the killer deserves to die, who has the right to say they should die? the family is the one who is suffering so they should have the right to say they do not want to kill anyone. Sometimes murderers will kill themselves after committing the crime so they will not have to face the consequences of what they have done.

These people would rather be dead, as well as the people they killed, then spend the rest of their lives in jail. It is a proven fact that the murder rates are lower in states that have done away with the death penalty. No one wants to spend his or her life wasting away the death penalty is another easy way out. If a person commits a crime as horrible as murder they would probably rather die themselves then sit in prison for the rest of their lives. I feel they should have to suffer through that in jail not end their lives right away. There is a debate going on now in massachusetts on whether or not the death penalty should be implemented. Cardinal bernard law, the leader of the archdiocese of boston, said, the teachings of the church are clear, for a well informed catholic to support capital punishment, it would be morally wrong.

And if one knowingly rejects the teachings of the church it is wrong, morally evil, and a sin. Boston globe, diego ribadeneira people who call themselves catholics usually follow the church's rules. If they know it is a sin and it will go against their beliefs why would they support the death cardinal law was talking to governor paul cellucci on this topic.

I happen to believe putting the death penalty on the books will deter a certain amount of horrific violent crime. Boston globe, diego ribadeneira through these statements it shows that governor cellucci and cardinal law have two different views of how catholics should think of the death penalty. Looking at it as head of the church in boston, cardinal law feels it is morally wrong and it is a sin to have the death penalty. Paul cellucci, being a catholic and the head politician in massachusetts, feels it is a good the cardinal feels cellucci, being a catholic, should not want to have capital punishment in his state. How can he call himself a catholic when the cardinal flat out told him god is not for the death penalty? a person's fait is in the hands of god not a jury. But in civilized society, we reject the, an eye for an eye, principle of literally doing to criminals what they do to their victims.

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Also known as capital punishment, is the judicially ordered execution of a prisoner for a serious crime, also called a capital crime or capital offense. A good example to protest serious crime kamrul islam id: 0920398030 may 05, 2013 abstract in recent times, death penalty has increased in our country. Government has established this rules regarding death penalty in order to control the crimes that has gone out of hand.