Cultural Diversity Paper Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

In a society such as ours, during a new millennium, culture and lifestyles vary to the extreme. All across the world, there are many different cultures, and many of these people with different cultures live in the united states. Sometimes, i think we catch ourselves being close minded about other religions and cultures, because of the way we believe or the way we've been raised by our parents. In most cases the values and beliefs that are held by ones parents have an impact on their children's values and beliefs as well. I am going to look further into the lifestyle of another individual different from me, as impacted by an individual's development and growth. I will determine how different races, religions, and cultures have affected this individual, and compare and contrast her culture from mine.

My interview was with mary, a 19 year old female who lives at home and attends college. At the age of two, mary's father moved to the united states for poverty issues, to make a better life for his family. Mary tells me in india, there were no hospitals really close by, unlike ours here in america. In india, the doctor came to the village that you live in, once a year for your yearly examinations. Mary explained to me that between the ages of six and twelve, she never really hung out with people the concept of globalization, which is the increasing integration and interdependence of different countries from one another in terms of economic, communication, and technological aspects, leads one to address the concept of cultural diversity or multiculturalism.

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Cultural diversity in the health care system touches lives of many americans in one way or another. No matter what our own cultural background is, when we go receive medical care, we may encounter a care giver who comes from a different cultural background than ours naylor 1997,291. In the concept of cultural diversity, it can be recognized that two terms are equally important. The first concept is culture, which refers to the total way of life of individuals, and the unique characteristic that separates the human from the rest of the world of living things. It is said to be the primary means of human adaptation and the basis for the majority of human thought and behavior.

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As such, human beings create, learn, and use culture to respond to the problems of their natural and social cultural environments, to control them, and even to change them naylor 1997, 3. The other important term in the concept of cultural diversity is the concept of diversity, which refers to variety. Putting the two concepts together, cultural diversity refers to the presence of a variety of cultures in a particular group or area. In this sense, the difference of one’s culture with another is being recognized, thus, emphasizing one’s individual unique characteristics in relation to one’s ethnic or racial origin. Nurses perform an essential job in a health care environment that serves as a reflection of diversity and cultural complexities of the society we are living. Nurses take care of different clients by their age, sex, education, socioeconomic status, regional locations, sexual life style, physical and mental disabilities, as well as ethnic and racial backgrounds.

In this paper i will investigate the variety of those issues and their involvement in nursing care. This paper describes the important role of the nurse in cultural transactions within the scope of health care, and offers an approach to cultural acceptance that is coming out of the nursing process. May people are migrating all over the world, as well as there are many different existing groups which make emphasis that much more should be done in nurse care regarding patients’ cultural diversities.

Additionally to the main care approach, nurses should introduce the commitment and desire to change. We are living in the world with its mobile and diverse populations the cultural mix is becoming more intensive. This is specifically challenging to nurses as they are expected to deliver care that involve these differences. During last several decades, literature about nursing care had examined culture as a notion and shaping factor of health behaviors. There are few nursing theories that emerged to explain and address culturally retrieved perspectives and meanings of illness and health behavior. But nevertheless, there are developed guidelines as to their practical implementation and further education. Culture is one of the several things that are essential enough and no one can be left out of it.

All people belong at least to one culture and there are many people that can boast of belonging to more then one. The life ways of a definite group are their transferred changes and memories in those life ways that occur over time. Changes within a culture are ceaseless and are influenced by social environment to the extent to which the group members are change adaptable. For instance, when members of some culture immigrate to other country with the other culture, they often encourage their cultural individuality, but they also take on some new culture attributes. Japanese can enjoy american football and hot dogs and still be diligent in practicing the shinto religion. On constant basis, change increases in the immigrants’ offspring who arrived to the country in the very early age or were born here. Nurses should acknowledge the process of gradual cultural change through acculturation or socialization.

When culture dynamism is accepted, the description of behaviors or the naming of definite cultural attributes has restricted utility. A client of any culture can be born, receive education and live their whole life in the other country. It will also be different among members of the same group as they can have different backgrounds, including education level, economic status, or even time period they spent in the other country. That list of data regarding different cultural characteristics will acquaint the nurse with wide outlines of a cultural group, but be barely helpful in the process of individual health care. For the simple reason that group members are in the process of constant adaptation and change, the nurse cannot apply just one behavioral pattern to all group members. Factually, in this situation the dependency on the static characteristic can increase the risk of client behavior stereotyping arousal.

Stereotypical behaviors are generally being referred to as unchanging, fixed, characteristics that are attributed to all members of a definite culture. Many psychologists now offer a generic view of culture that starts with the individual and spreads to comprehend components of the context in which that individual appears, including family, friends, occupation. For example, some native americans avoid eye contact to show their respect to the companion though, this behavior may not be applicable of all of them. It is impossible and moreover impractical to investigate in cultures through mixture of behaviors, rituals, and beliefs. But the individual, as well as cultural group s/he belongs to should be focused during the health care process.

Nurses should apply pragmatic approach to the culture matter of patients that must be flexible enough to take many scenarios into account. In this context, diversity is an undividable concept that involves not just ethnic groups and color people, but also other marginal people in society. These groups are involved for the reason that they experience discrimination on the ground of their lifestyle choices, for example, sexual preference, or socioeconomic status. Leininger 1990 , campinha bacote 1996 and giger and davidhizer 1995 developed three of the most frequently utilized models. The leininger model is the demonstrative systems approach to assesing cultural understanding. The author defines cultural content categories as legal, educational, kinship, political, economic, philosophical, religious, and technological. Giger and davidhizer suggest that nursing review the following factors in their cultural assessment: time space communication environmental control biologic variations and social organization.

The campinha bacote model evaluates cultural knowledge, cultural skill, cultural awareness, and cultural contacts as cultural competence components in delivery of nursing care. Literature regarding the issue also proposes many information collection tools that were developed to construct clients profile from other cultures and to identify how associated behavior affects the psychological, biological, and sociological health dimensions. Nevertheless, theoretical models and assessment tools integration into the factual nursing practice is still an evolving process.

The most common speculation is that there is a convergence point where people enjoy being the same before differences cause deviation. This similarity is predominantly the result of the common need of all people to be treated with respect. Nurse ability to accept the need of all people to be treated with respect is based on awareness of the intercommunion of three cultures.

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