Customer Retention Phd Thesis Text

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You will be able to buy a paper that meets all of your assignment requirements and will always pass as your own. The following report is a proposal intending to conduct a dissertation on the subject of customer retention is in the mobile telecommunications industry. According to buttle and ang, 2004 , customer retention can be considered as the final phase of a relationship management within which the first two stages are the customer acquisition and customer development. Many theories have been developed based on the benefits of increased levels of customer retention for any organisation. Several studies have propounded that increased levels of customer retention contributes to increased profits and revenue as well as the intangible benefits of customer loyalty contributing to long term sustainability of the organisation. Moreover there is adequate data on the subject of the feasibility of customer retention for a mass market service based organisation in the mobile telecommunications sector. A mobile telecommunication service provider in any country has a large customer base and it is necessary to target those customers who are profitable or a long period of time and retain them.

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And effective retention strategy can offset the negative effects of the ups and downs in the market and can also be considered from the angle of barriers to the entry of new players in the market. But there are also suggestions on the lines of selective customer retention and also the concept of reducing those customers which are considered as unprofitable. For any organisation mainly in the service industry, there is a cost towards servicing the customers, even though this may be very insignificant or a mass market organisation such as a company in the mobile telecommunications. But the cost incurred in servicing that segment of customers who are unprofitable or considered as contributing to a lesser share of the profit of the organisation is the loss of an opportunity cost to the organisation. Hence customer retention is not about the strategy of retaining all types of customers even though this may be the practice in many organisations.

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It is on this basis that the present report is written as a proposal to conduct a research on the following working title. In order to conduct a feasible research and develop accurate conclusions it is necessary to focus on a particular subject area or a specific population. The main area of research is customer retention in the mobile telecommunication industry in the united kingdom and it is proposed that a case study approach is adopted to conduct that research on the subject. Customer retention strategies of the mobile telecommunication service organisations in the united kingdom a study of the customers of three mobile uk but a mere study of the customer retention strategies will not provide any addition to the already available research literature since it is a widely studied area. Hence for the purposes of the research, the author wishes to focus on a specific area related to the effectiveness of the positive and negative retention strategies on the customers of the mobile telecommunication service organisation. On this basis the exact purpose for which the research will be undertaken is provided below. Customer retention strategy can be adopted or practised in a negative or positive manner and some of the research studies have indicated that negative retention strategies are much more effective in retaining a target customer base than positive retention strategies.

According to alamaro, 2011 negative retention strategy can be employed selectively on the target customers whom the company wants to retain for a longer term, but the positive retention strategies such as the provision of loyalty points and discounts has to be provided to every type of customer irrespective of the targeting. But it is quite possible to selectively applied positive and negative retention strategies so that the target segment of customers can be retained through a combined retention strategy. The effectiveness of the two types of retention strategy in different types of industries is considered to be different. The author when evaluating the literature on the subject of customer retention has found that the previous authors and researchers have evaluated that in some type of industries either the positive or negative retention strategy can only be applied. Moreover there is no significant study about the effectiveness of the retention strategies employed in the mobile telecommunications industry. Based on the above what was the following research question has been developed which will be studied effectively and conclusively during the research process.

    to critically evaluate the effectiveness of positive and negative strategies in increasing the retention ratio of customers
positive retention strategies are considered to be fostering loyalty which according to henning thurau and hansen, 20 , is an attitudinal and behavioural concept.