Descriptive Essay Literary Term Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

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Reno begins by creating a scenario that describes the ramifications a toy manufacture would incur if it had sold a toy that caused a multitude of casualties as the deer season has brought on. Reno continues by stating that reports are already flowing of human accidents and fatalities a15. Reno then questions if there is a better portrayal of colonist today than that of a deerslayer a15. The evolution of the hunter s attire and what methods are used to enhance the hunter s aim are also covered. Hide the cows and goats season, is the expression that reno says livestock owners use in referring to the hunting season a15.

Reno then closes his essay by noting that he is looking forward to enjoying some venison with his friends but not their tall tales. Is an essay that takes a humorous viewpoint on the precautions people take for the deer hunting season. Freeman begins by describing a southeastern part of vermont that he moved to, as a dairy community long past by 20. He recalls reading a variety of stories about the different seasonal activities of the people, depending upon the season, yet hardly ever came across any stories that cover the respected tradition of deer hunting even though the custom was abominable. Freeman continues by remembering a morning in november and the sight of his neighbor s herd of cows that had the word cow painted on their hide s 20. A brief and unfruitful conversation with the neighbor is covered and the experience of freeman s first day of the deer hunting season is given.

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He writes about his observations of people and pets that wear brightly colored clothing as a precaution during the hunting time. Freeman warns the outdoors type, though it is hard, to think twice and then stay home 20. He notes the fact that there are numerous preparations to be made for winter, without the additional deer hunting precautionary measures to be taken 20. He makes a joke of the deer hunters literacy by suggesting that country dog owners should not only label their dogs as such but also provide additional protection for their pets by attaching a recording device that says, don t shoot, i am a dog a15.

Freeman also takes a humorous approach when writing about the protective measures people take during the deer season. After observing that his neighbor s marked herd had survived freeman stated, after all, no deer hunter who could read would shoot a cow 20. Reno s essay covers from the laws of deer hunting to the ludicrousness of the custom, while freeman focuses mostly on being safe during the hunting season. The essays are similar because they both take a humorous approach in addressing issues surrounding deer hunting. Both essays mention the labeling of dogs and that people should not stray into the woods during the deer hunting season.

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Reno humorously describes beer and bourbon as wildlife attracting and aim improving potions used by hunters a15. Reno continues by comically defining a law that prohibits hunters from using a moving vehicle as an aid while they shoot wildlife from a public road as they must not careen down a public highway blowing away animals from the open window of a registered motor vehicle a15. Freeman characterizes himself as an apprentice observer of the precautions people take for the deer hunting season as i have become a close student of the lengths to which people go each year on the eve of deer season to provide a margin of safety for themselves 20. Reno is informative when he notes the high rate of human casualties suggest the deer are getting their revenge a15. Reno also informs the reader of a law that restricts deer hunting to the daylight hours as hunters must not hunt after sunset or before sunrise a15.