Dileep George Phd Thesis Text

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My cofounder and i raised a venture round and we have been heads down working since then. We will provide more details when we formally launch the company sometime in early 2011. I visited the los alamos national labs in new mexico and had very interesting conversations with garrett kenyon, louis bettencourt and others.

I gave a talk at the redwood center on the connection between retrograde signaling in neurons and sequence learning. I took off for india in november and visited the indian institute of science in bangalore. My recent talks were all around the theme of how to reverse engineer the brain with specifics on combining insights from machine learning and engineering with neuroscience. I have been consolidating my thoughts on this and i will be writing more about this in the future. One of the reasons why i havent been posting frequently is the amount of comment spam my blog was generating.

So, instead of running my own wordpress and wiki installations, i decided to move my blog and website to posterous. The new website will be centered on the blog which will be directly linked to w.dileepgeorge.com when the conversion is complete. My next few posts will go to both my wordpress installation and my posterous site.

Dileep george 39 s firm vicarious, in which facebook ceo mark zuckerberg and hollywood filmstar ashton kutcher put in money, uses visual perception system to interpret the contents of photographs and videos in a manner similar to the human brain. The system claims to reliably solve modern captchas, including google 39 s recaptchas, the world 39 s most widely used test of a machine 39 s ability to act human. George shares advice for those setting out in the field in an interview with krishna bahirwani.

how much neuroscience is essential for a computer science/information technology student to pursue artificial intelligence? can you make any recommendations? what is important is to get a system level understanding of neuroscience rather than the minutiae of neuron function. The one about 39 hierarchical bayesian inference in the visual cortex 39 by lee and mumford is a good overview paper. There are many popular science books that attempt to build a framework for understanding neuroscience data.