English Essays on Current Affairs Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Current affairs and news programs position the viewer to react in a certain way through the use techniques such as selection of detail, audio, technical and symbolic codes. A ten news program about the falling of the twin towers on sep 11 uses these techniques to position the viewer to respond in a sympathetic manner and to accept the values and attitudes being presented. Selection of detail a technique of bias is used in the news presentation to manipulate the viewer to fell one sided towards an event or person. Selection of detail in this presentation is how the news segment only shows the september 11th and no event before or leading after. These events may change a persons attitude or challenge there value towards the event which isn't the way the news presentation wants the viewer to respond to the program. Audio codes used in this special presentation are placed to make the viewer feel different toward the segment. The music introduced to the viewer in the news segment of bag pipes and violins is very slow and depressing which places the viewer in a simular mood.

Tape this music manipulates the way the viewer responds instead of felling neutral or even maybe happy towards the event they feel sad. These are techniques of technical codes and only show the destruction of the twin towers and other footage that makes you feal sympathetic for the americans and anger for the afghanistan people. Tape by only showing one side viewers can only respond in one way the way the news programmers wish you to feel.

Symbolic codes such as the clothing the news presenters wear which is usually smart looking make the audience feel the news is important so they fell the need to watch it. Other symbolic codes used to encourage the viewer to react a certain way is the background of the news stu. On these pages you'll find the commentaries of one citizen, for whatever use you can make of them. 2 : the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family there is all manner of evil in the world. Usually we think of such an event as happening all of a piece, appearing suddenly as an aberation.

But in the case of the united states of america, this treason has arisen slowly over time, almost unnoticed by those who fell under its power. One could ask, how can a government commit treason against itself, but the facts are that in the united states, the true government is the people, and if a sitting government turns against its own people here, it commits treason. Further, our elected officials owe allegiance to the constitution, and by violating its principles, they also commit treason.

Soon it was most votes and many lies, as our government more and more served only wealth, and less and less either the people or the constitution. You have to wonder what ambition, what love of power, what religious ideology, would drive elected officials to betray their own people and the very foundations of our way of life. Below are put a few of the treasonous acts of our elected officials: in the '60's, three men of moral substance, two of the kennedy brothers and dr.

Extended Essay Ib English B

We are told the assassins acted alone, but the real question is who benefited by the heart being torn from our people. A president covers up crimes against our people, orders unlawful acts against his opponents, and commits war crimes against the cambodian nation. The congress, the senate and the house of representatives, awash in unjustified campaign contributions, manage all elections for the benefit of the incumbents. This same congress routinely abuses the people's retirement program, social security, while creating for themselves retirement benefits of an unparalleled nature.

A large bill is about to be passed in the congress, and unknown to anyone supposedly , as if by magic, a rider is attached to this bill, benefiting to the tune of $50 billion dollars the tobacco industry. An election is stolen from the party that should have won, and even the highest court is incapable of either seeking the truth or justice, but instead goes for expediency, while the losing party itself fails to press the issue, for their leaders still have power, and it is only our people that really suffer the consequences. A terrible tragedy happens to our people, and soon those with an ambition to dominate the world start to use that horror to convince us to go to war a war where there is no credible threat to us.