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6 а єаї а °аїќ а єа іа ¤аїќа ¤ а а ѕа їа а џаї€а ёаїќа ¤а ©а °аїќ. а ¤а їа јаїќа џаїѓа аїќа а іаїќ а а ѕа µа џаїќа џа аїќ, а ’а џаїќа џа ©аїќа ља ¤аїќа ¤а їа °а аїќ а …а °аїѓа аї. 42 mins ago а єаї‚а џаїќа џа ѕа ©аїќ а а ©аїќа ©а °аїќ а ња їа аїќа аї а аї†а ља ѕа °аїќ а ёа аїќа а їа їаї†а іаїќ а µа ѕа ™аїќа а љаїѓа аїќ . 46 mins ago @ а …а °а µа їа ёаїќа ¤аїќ а аї†а њаїќа °а їа µа ѕа іаїќ а џа їа іаїќа іа їа їа їа іаїќ а а џаїѓа аїќ а аїѓа џа їа ёаїђаїќа °аїќ а єа ±аїќа ±а ѕа аїќа аїѓа ±аї€ а џа ±аїќа єа џ а а °аїѓа аїќа а їа ±а ¤аїѓ. 53 mins ago а џа їа іаїќа іа ї а ња µа а °аїќа іа ѕа іаїќ а ёаї а °аїѓ а єа іаїќа а іаї€а аїќа а ґа а а ѕа ја µа °аїќ а ¤а іаї€а µа °аїќ а а ©аїќа ©аї€а їа ѕ .

1 hrs ago а …а ¤а їа °аїѓа єаїќа ¤а ї а аїѓа °а іа а іаї€ а а µаїѓа ©а а ѕа аїќа аїѓа µа ¤аї†а ©аїќа єа ¤аїѓ а а ёаїќа ¤ а †а џаїќа ља їа їа їа іаїќ . 23 hrs ago @ а °а ѕа њаїќа ёа ѕа ¤аїќ а ља їа ™аїќ а …а °а їа їа ѕа ©а ѕа µа їа іаїќ а …а ©аї€а µа °аїѓа аїќ а …а аї€а ¤а ї а а ѕа ¤аїќа ¤аїѓ, а ља џаїќа џа аїќ а ’а ґаїѓа ™аїќа аї€ . а ¤аї а °аїќа ¤а іаїќ а …а ±а їа аїќа аї€а їа їа іаїќ а µа їа µа ља ѕа їа їа а іа їа ©аїќ а ёа іа ©аїѓа аїќа аїѓа аїќ. 23 hrs ago @ а ёа °аї а ёаїќа ¤а їа ° а аї‹а џа ї а …а °аїѓа ја ѕа ља іа єа їа °а ¤аї а ља аїќ а а ±аїќа ±аїѓа аїќ а а їа љаї‹а °а аїќ а а ѕа ёа їа іаїќ а а аїќа а іаїѓа аїќа аїѓ, а …а ёаїќа ¤ . 23 hrs ago а …а ©аї€а ¤аїќа ¤аїѓ а а ¤аїќа ¤а їа ї а єа іаїќа а іаї€а аїќ а а ґа а ™аїќа а іа їа іаїѓа аїќ а ¤аї а ља їа їа аїќ а аїља џа ї а єа ±а аїќа . 1 days ago @ а …а °аїѓа јаїќ а њаї†а џаїќа іа ї а а ѕа ¤а µа °а ѕа µаїќ а ља ¤а ѕа ља їа µа °а ѕа µаїќ а аї‹а іаїќа µа ѕа іаїќа а °а їа ©аїќ а єа їа ±а ёаїќа ¤ а ёа ѕа іа ѕа © а а ©аїќа ±аїѓ . 1 days ago @ а љаїѓа єаїќа °а а ја їа їа ©аїќ а љаїѓа µа ѕа а ї а єа іаїќа µаї а ±аїѓ а а ѕа ёа їа і а ља џаїќа џа ља єаї€а а іаїѓа аїќа аїѓ а ёа џаї€а єаї†а ±аїќа ± 12 а а џаї€а ¤аїќ а ¤аї а °аїќа ¤а іа їа іаїќ.

3 days ago @ а ¤а їа аїќ а µа їа ња їаїќ а ља їа ™аїќ а ња µа а °аїќа іа ѕа іаїќ а ёаї а °аїѓ а єа іаїќа а іаї€а аїќа а ґа а а ѕа ја µа °аїќ а а ©аїќа ©аї€а їа ѕ а аїѓа а ѕа °аїќ, а ¤аї а љ . 3 days ago @ а љаїѓа ·аїќа а ѕ а љаїѓа µа °а ѕа њаїќ а єа їа °а ¤а а °аїќ а аї‹а џа ї а ћа ©а аїќа аїѓ а ¤аї†а °а їа µа їа ¤аїќа ¤ а єа їа ±а ёаїќа ¤ а ёа ѕа іаїќ а µа ѕа ґаїќа ¤аїќа ¤аїѓа аїќа аїѓа аїќ . 5 days ago а а ёаїќа ¤а їа ї а °а ѕа јаїѓа µа ¤аїќа ¤а їа ©аїќ а ‰а ¤аїќа µаї а а ¤аїќа ¤а їа ±аїќа аїѓ, hanumanthappaвђ¬вђ¬ а єа їа °а ¤а їа ёа їа ¤а їа їа ѕа їаїќ . 8 days ago @ а †а аїќ а †а ¤аїќа а ї а а џаїќа ља ї а ћа ёаїќа ¤ а ’а °аїѓ а ља аїѓа ¤а ѕа їа ¤аїќа ¤а їа ©аїќ а ћа ¤а їа °аїќа а ѕа іа аї а а ѕа ја µа °аїќа а іаїќа ¤а ѕа ©аїќ. 19 days ago @ а єаїља ©аїќ.а °а ѕа ¤а ѕа а їа °аїѓа ·аїќа ја ©аїќ а ња іаїќа іа їа аїќа а џаїќа џаїѓ а єаї‹а џаїќа џа їа їаї€ а ёа џа ¤аїќа ¤аїѓа µа ¤а ±аїќа аїѓ а а ¤аїќа ¤а їа ї а …а °а љаїѓ а …а ©аїѓа а ¤а ї . tamil nadu chief minister jayalalithaa sacks dairy minister bv ramana tamil nadu news written by j sam daniel stalin sunday february 21, 2016 tamil nadu chief minister j jayalalithaa on saturday sacked dairy development minister bv ramana from her cabinet. pmk to announce more seats for women candidates for tamil nadu polls tamil nadu news press trust of india saturday february 20, 2016 the pattali makkal katchi pmk today said it would soon announce more seats for women candidates for coming tamil nadu assembly elections.

tamil nadu assembly polls will be a repeat of 1967: peoples welfare front tamil nadu news press trust of india saturday february 20, 2016 four party peoples welfare front pwf , led by mdmk chief vaiko, today claimed it has emerged as an alternative for aiadmk and dmk and would come to power in the upcoming tamil nadu assembly elections, saying the outcome would be a repeat of 1967 polls when congress was dethroned. tamil nadu government should seek immediate release of 10 tamils, says mdmk tamil nadu news press trust of india friday february 19, 2016 mdmk general secretary vaiko today urged tamil nadu government to take immediate steps to seek the release of 10 persons, hailing from tuticorin, who were arrested on charges of smuggling red sanders by the forest department of andhra pradesh. dmk chief karunanidhi criticises central government over ongoing jnu row tamil nadu news press trust of india friday february 19, 2016 criticising the centre over the ongoing jnu row, dmk president m karunanidhi today alleged that the government gets very angry if students get involved in political activities and wondered where will this problem lead to. no urgency for electoral alliance in tamil nadu now, says gk vasan tamil nadu news press trust of india friday february 19, 2016 giving an indication that the party is in no haste to form an alliance now, tamil maanila congress tmc president gk vasan today said there is still two months left for the tamil nadu assembly elections.

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jayalalithaa announces slew of concessions to government employees tamil nadu news press trust of india friday february 19, 2016 tamil nadu chief minister jayalalithaa today announced a slew of concessions, including hike in assistance under family welfare fund, for state government employees amid protests by some sections among them. pmk says it will contest tamil nadu assembly polls 'independently' tamil nadu news press trust of india friday february 19, 2016 pmk today said it would contest the upcoming tamil nadu assembly elections independently and there will be no last minute change in the party's decision. jayalalithaa announces slew of concessions to government employees tamil nadu news press trust of india friday february 19, 2016 chief minister jayalalithaa today announced a slew of concessions, including hike in assistance under family welfare fund, for state government employees amid protests by some sections among them. jayalalithaa announces free bus travel for senior citizens in chennai tamil nadu news press trust of india thursday february 18, 2016 tamil nadu chief minister jayalalithaa today announced free bus travel for senior citizens in chennai metropolitan area from her 68th birthday on february 24. vatican revokes suspension of tamil nadu priest, triggering row tamil nadu news agence france presse thursday february 18, 2016 children's activists have criticised the vatican for revoking the suspension of a catholic priest who was convicted by a us court of sexually abusing a minor. tamil nadu braces up for mahamaham the kumbh mela of the south tamil nadu news written by j sam daniel stalin friday february 19, 2016 tamil nadu's kumbakonam in the thanjavur district is gearing up for the grand finale of the once in 12 year festival, the mahamaham.

Next week on monday, 10 lakh devotees are expected to gather to take a holy dip at the town's mahamaham tank. solar scam accused says threatened to not speak against oommen chandy kerala news press trust of india thursday february 18, 2016 solar scam accused saritha nair today alleged that she was receiving calls threatening her not to speak against kerala chief minister oomen chandy, whom she has accused of corruption. traveller's cheque for judge who wanted to leave country chennai news written by j sam daniel stalin wednesday february 17, 2016 tamil nadu based hindu outfit 'hindu makkal katchi' claims it has sent a cheque for rs 1 lakh to justice cs karnan of the madras high court to help him travel to a country of his choice where there's no caste system.

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