Essay About Gift of Nature Text

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The relationship between man and nature is constantly evolving as man and nature can coexist in a harmonious relationship or a destructive one with a power struggle. The poem ‘lines written in early spring’ by william wordsworth, and one newspaper article into those arms no more by charles purcell. man from wikipedia, the free encyclopedia jump to: navigation, search this article's lead section may not adequately summarize key points of its contents. Please consider expanding the lead to provide an accessible overview of all important aspects of the article. help others find this article: nature is a wonderful and awesome creation of god.

That's why when you see a beautiful scenery or a greenery filed, mind just forgets all other thoughts, eyes never avoid looking at it and you will enjoy that pleasant nature to the maximum extent. Beautiful greenery of trees, extraordinary heights of mountains of ice and rocks, various cute colors structures of flowers, growing agriculture forms, gardens, banks of rivers and oceans, panoramic views of beaches, amazing sunrise, sunset, moon light, fully covered fog, drifty clouds in the sky, various seasons, gestures and unique features of birds animals and so on…which are incredible and can't explain in words. Many of the poets admired and inspired by observing different sights of nature's beauty. Their experience, nice thoughts of nature and views of imagination came out of their minds in the form of words and made them to write fantastic poetries on the same. We must be noticing that while praising the physical appearance, personality or behavior of a person or a child, often compare with a suitable means of nature. Nature is not only pleasant and beautiful in appearance it is also a proven and fabulous doctor which gives natural medicine.

Ayurvedic medicine treatment was ancient and the only methods of curing the diseases before allopathic and other pharmaceutics were invented. Still ayurvedic treatment has the same demand because of no side effects with the medicine and it is completely made up of natural resources. Often plan and spend their vacation by travelling to many such peaceful locations. We astonish watching such superb locations enjoy that nature and amazing location over there. Several road transports, rail and air way transport companies providing tour packages for selected number of days with full accommodation at the location till the end of the travel plan. Nature is such pretty and peaceful that's why tourists as well increasing every year to enjoy that healthy atmosphere.

about author / additional info: sreeni nature is our very existence, for, if it was not for nature we would not have got the gift of oui existence even, we would not have been created. Life on earth is the greatest gift of nature and it can be found on this earth in several hues and shapes. On earth, the gift of life is visible in so many forms, shapes and sizes, all occupying different areas of existence like the areas of land, air and water.

Different species of living beings live on land and water, and, nature has provided for each one small or big a convenient mode, atmosphere and a body to exist and grow, in its own environment. Besides living beings, we see life in other shapes those of huge trees and small plants. In the shape of these plants, nature has provided enough for the maintenance of this life on earth. After having created life and living beings on this planet, nature has given the correct and healthy environment for the existence and the continuous growth of these shapes of life. The very air we breathe in to live, the food we eat to exist and grow, the water we drink to quench our thirst are all basic gifts of nature, without which life could not have existed and grown on this planet. Thus to be able to see and appreciate the gifts of nature, we do not have far to go, as, all the life that exsits is a gift of nature. Besides life, the scenes we have the pleasure of seeing on this planet are also other gifts of nature which we get to enjoy the life given to us while we are here on earth.

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The very power to see with our eyes all the beauty around us is also one of the greatest gifts of nature, if it were not for eyes, how would we see and appreciate the nature around us. Let us just ask the blind how they feel when they realise that for them there is nothing except darkness around. To taste the wonderful foods, the tasty fruits and vegetables a tongue is provided to all living creatures, with the sense of touch we enjoy loving and being loved. These gifts though they may appear to be very meagre but they all together help us in making this life enjoyable. The gifts of nature to us living beings are uncountable, but we know about them and appreciate their importance only when, we either don't have them or, we lose them. Just imagine a single day without seeing daylight or enjoyment or love, then, would life be worth living.

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