Essay About Nature of Mathematics Text

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It plays an important role in forming the basis of all other sciences which deal with the material substance of space and time. To calculate the extension or composition of matter in space and time and to compute the units that make up the total mass of the material universe is the object of mathematics. For the space time quantum is everywhere full of matter and we have to know matter mathematically in the first instance.

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Knowledge of mathematics is absolutely necessary for the study of the physical sciences. Computation and calculation are the bases of all studies that deal with matter in any form. Even the physician who has to study biological cells and bacilli need to have a knowledge of mathematics, if he means to reduce the margin of error which alone can make his diagnosis dependable.

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To the mechanic and the engineer it is a constant guide and help, and without exact knowledge of mathematics, they cannot proceed one step in coming to grips with any complicated problem. Be it the airplane or the atom bomb, radio communication or nuclear power, anything that has to do with anything concerning matter in any form, a knowledge of the principles of mathematics is the one thing absolutely necessary. Of course, it goes without saying that an elementary knowledge of the simplest branch of mathematics, arithmetic, is the daily requirement of every man and woman in the ordinary affairs of life. Study of mathematics promotes habits of accuracy and exactitude, and prevents a man from being careless and slipshod. On the whole a mathematically minded man is usually more dependable than one who is otherwise disposed.

That is why the study of some mathematics is compulsory up to the secondary stage of all education systems, and its habit has to be sedulously fostered. In the modern age, the intensely abstract nature of pure mathematics has brought the science nearer to philosophy.  knowledge of mathematics is indispensable both for the man in the street as well as for scientists and philosophers. Below is an essay on math and nature from anti essays, your source for research papers, essays, and term paper examples. Nature does not produce mathematical patterns we attribute mathematics to the reoccurring happenings in nature. Some could say this is one and the same, but our ability to categorize in order to communicate, innate in communication, leads to an empirical conclusion of whether mathematics is created or discovered. We take data, the flashing rhythm of the fireflies and then make generalizations, for example, the theory that best explains many oscillating cycles throughout nature, pheromones.

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Strogatz says it best …mathematics can expose the underlying unity of phenomena that otherwise seem unrelated. Although mathematics must be rational, all observations must be carefully followed through every sense we can experience a particular case in nature, deduce reasoning for why this happens to thus find and explanation. Many of the explanations given for the fireflies of thailand or those of the great smoky mountains derive from many other theories provided to shed light on similar patterns throughout nature. Mathematics has been created rather than discovered for the simple fact that it was not already in existence.

Moreover, the competent process of taking chaos and molding it into a symbolic structure enables our understanding of the universe. The implication of mathematics being discovered infers the data, patterns and recognition of synchrony within communal. mathematics and the language of nature a text only version of this essay is available to download. Mickens word scientific, 1990 god is a mathematician , so said sir james jeans 1. In a series of popular and influential books, written in the 1930s, the british astronomer and physicist suggested that the universe arises out of pure thought that is couched in the language of abstract mathematics. But why should god think only in mathematics? after all, some of most impressive achievements of the human race have involved architecture, poetry, drama and art. Could the essence of the universe not equally be captured in a symphony, or unfolded within a poem? three centuries earlier, galileo had written, nature's great book is written in mathematical language an opinion that has wholeheartedly been endorsed by physicists of our own time.

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