Nature Vs Nurture Essay Conclusion Text

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nurture as far as how an individual personality is biologically determined, no one really knows just in what manner it is accumulated. In an article conducted by john hockett, he describes the differences as such nature is a trait which does not change with age, while nurture is an influence. Of the most powerful tools that scholars have to analyze the relative contributions of heredity and environment to the makeup of individual human natures. Identical twins are rare, however, and twins who have been separated and brought up in different families are particularly unusual. Published: 23, march 2015 intelligence is a very common subject in psychology but as common as it is, there is no complete way of defining intelligence in it's constitute.

Some psychologists have suggested that intelligence is an ability that is general as well as single. Others have come to believe that intelligence is made up of different skills, aptitudes as well as talents. There are many theories that have been in existence as from the early 1900s in their attempt to define intelligence or to look at what really constitutes intelligence. Who wrote this essay request removal example essays ldquo intelligence, considered as a mental trait, is the capacity to make impulses focal at their early, unfinished stage of formation.

Intelligence is therefore the capacity for abstraction which is an inhibitory process rdquo thurstone, 1924. Thurstone 1887 1955 came up with a different theory on intelligence whose main focus was the primary mental abilities. This challenged spearman's theory then existing theory whose main focus was the g factor. He did not take intelligence to be a single entity whose ability is general but rather decided to focus on seven different ldquo primary mental abilities rdquo gazzaniga, 1994. The primary mental abilities on which this theory focused on include: when a person can reason something out then the person is said to be intelligent.

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In itc the machines that can do a job that a human being should do in terms of sensing and adjusting to the environment in which it exists is referred to as an intelligent machine. Humans tend to remember things by associating the thing to another that they know very well. The way a person articulates any language is a very important measure of intelligence. The ability to manipulate numbers also plays a key role in establishing a human being's intelligence. This is the ability of the human mind to play around with 2 dimensional as well as 3 dimensional figures. There is a lot of debate as to whether perpetual speed contributes to intelligence.

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Some psychologists have come to disagree with the idea that perpetual speed contributes to intelligence. The ease with which a person has to communicate using words also measures a person's intelligence. Thurstone is also responsible for the development of a statistical technique referred to as the multiple factor analysis. He has made major contributions to psychology that has formed a base for other psychologist to add on to the existing knowledge that psychology has so far accumulated. Thurstone's argument regarding the theory by spearman was that the g factor was a mathematical result of the procedures of a mathematical nature used to study it. His tests show that people with different iq scores had different profiles when it came to the primary abilities.

His tests however revealed the g factor when he administered the same tests to a group of heterogeneous children. He finally reorganized his theory to include the g factor as well as the seven primary abilities. This was a very important base for future psychologists who came up with theories. Nurture debate the nature versus nurture debate focuses on the argument whether an individual is born the way we are i.e.

Being born evil or the way we are brought up by parents/guardian and our surroundings and whether they make us the way we are i.e. Environmental gina hume ivy tech community college – northwest indiana july 20, 2011 diabetes genetic vs. Environmental thesis: is diabetes really a genetic disorder or could its causes lie in environmental factors.

Nurture on the other hand is a personal experience that mostly emanates from behavior. Nature and nurture determine individual differences in physical and behavioral traits. Historical approach historians have given elaborate explanations on nature versus nurture.

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Nurture has been historically referred to us the care given to children by parents. They claim that nurture include influences on development that arise from prenatal parental, extended family and peer experiences. Human development is depends only on the environment and not hereditary influence. He did not support the scientific concepts and challenged the world to believe his theory that human trait develops mainly through environmental influence. The scholar disputed the argument about nature and termed it as a mere empty slate, locke, 1704. Calvin hall suggested that discussions opposing nature and nurture were fruitless. Calvin argued that development of character can be affected by varying environments.