Essay About Platonic Love Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Below is an essay on platonic love from anti essays, your source for research papers, essays, and term paper examples. Plato discusses love erôs and friendship philia primarily in two dialogues, the lysis and the symposium, though the phaedrus also adds significantly to his views. In each work, socrates the philosopher is in two ways center stage, first, as a lover of wisdom sophia and discussion logos , and, second, as himself an inverter or disturber of erotic norms. Plato's views on love are a meditation on socrates and the power his philosophical conversations have to mesmerize, obsess, and educate. Section 6 with the closing section of the symposium and with parts of the ion, protagoras, and laws. Sections are not self contained, however, and are intended to be read sequentially.

Most scholars agree that the order of composition of the erotic dialogues is lysis, symposium, phaedrus, though some put the. Othello 32 loves 32 desdemona 44 32 cassio 44 32 and 32 he 32 even 32 loves 32 iago 46 32 32. The 32 characters 32 talk 32 of 32 spiritual 44 32 platonic 44 32 romantic 44 32 carnal 44 32 and 32 even 32 possessive 32 love 46 32 32. I 32 love 32 you 32 terri 32 and 32 terri 32 loves 32 me 44 32 and 32 you 32 guys 32 love 32 each 32 other 32 too 32 40 carver 32 727 41 46 32 32. Mel 32 as 32 well 32 loves 32 nick 32 and 32 laura 32 in 32 a 32 friendly 32 platonic 32 relationship 46 32 32. There 32 are 32 many 32 different 32 types 32 of 32 love 58 32 self 45 love 44 32 friendship 32 love 44 32 erotic 32 love 44 32 parental 32 love 44 32 love 32 of 32 nature 44 32 romantic 32 love 44 32 and 32 god x27 s 32 love 46 32 32.

Friendship 32 love 32 is 32 when 32 you 32 and 32 another 32 person 32 love 32 each 32 other 32 in 32 a 32 platonic 32 way 46 32 32. Romantic 32 love 32 is 32 friendship 32 love 32 only 32 on 32 a 32 much 32 deeper 32 level 46 32 32. How 32 or 32 why 32 is 32 love 32 and x2f or 32 desire 32 a 32 philosophical 32 subject 63. Love 32 and 32 desire 44 32 while 32 being 32 emotions 44 32 are 32 triggered 32 by 32 thoughts 46 32. Love 32 and 32 desire 32 are 32 both 32 emotions 32 of 32 extreme 32 passion 32 and 32 extreme 32 complexity 46 32. Love 32 is 32 a 32 pronoun 32 to 32 them 32 as 32 well 32 as 32 a 32 god 32 they 32 value 32 and 32 worship 46 32. White 32 noise 32 crackled 32 on 32 the 32 wire 32 as 32 desire 32 and 32 jealousy 44 32 fear 32 of 32 loss 44 32 and 32 the 32 need 32 to 32 be 32 loved 32 conspired 32 to 32 cloud 32 and 32 distort 32 expression 46 32 32.

Sex 32 is 32 the 32 difference 32 between 32 platonic 32 and 32 intimate 32 relationships 46 32 32. In 32 platonic 32 relationships 44 32 there 32 are 32 emotions 32 for 32 each 32 other 44 32 but 32 not 32 necessarily 32 as 32 strong 46 . 32 32 32 32 32 32 in 32 the 32 republic 44 32 plato 32 40 252 45 253 41 32 distinguished 32 between 32 the 32 twoprimary 32 types 32 of 32 love 58 32 32 the 32 erotic 44 32 romanticized 32 love 32 felt 32 by 32 individuals 44 and 32 friendship 32 or 32 love 32 which 32 was 32 caring 32 but 32 devoid 32 of 32 any 32 sexual 32 desire 32 orconnotation 46 32 32. Like 32 plato 32 before 32 him 44 32 nietzsche 32 40 65 41 32 recognizedthe 32 difference 32 between 32 eros 32 and 32 its 32 obverse 44 32 platonic 32.

Thus platonic love in its purest essence in symposium is love of this kind, the love of beauty. This is the kind of love is the epitome of what platonic love is.there are other references in syposium to love that is non sexual. The importance of platonic love for plato in his time was the direct tie of the love of beauty to true virtue. Platonic love as i understood it was simply the love between two human beings in a nonromantic sense. For example the first conclusion i draw when i begin to describe platonic love is that which is found between a brother and a sister. Of course platonic love can take place between friends i suppose, which in some cases leads to a developed relationship blooming into a situation full of longing, desire, and romance. At any rate i feel the term platonic in many instances is stable, but it can be proven that it is subject to change course and become a romantic affair.

Conversely, i will also consider the possibility of a heterosexual male male relationship in the terms of platonic love. After gilgamesh and enkidu meet, there forms a relationship based on the theories of platonic love. Whereas at one time we could not look at this kind of relationship in terms of the possibility of there being more than an emotional platonic love present, with the opening up of today x27 s society it can now become an important analytical lens doty 76. The characters talk of spiritual, platonic, romantic, carnal, and even possessive love.

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I love you terri and terri loves me, and you guys love each other too carver 727. The argument for the existence of platonic love between family and friends seems more plausible then the deep love into which we as humans supposedly fall. I 39 m writing an essay on platonic love and i 39 m not sure how to use quotes. Show more i 039 m writing an essay on platonic love and i 039 m not sure how to use quotes.

Here 039 s my sentence it is customary in our culture today to say that we 039 love 039 something when we really just 039 like 039 it. It is customary in our culture today to say that we love something when we really just like it. Or should i omit the and 039 039 marks all together? i feel like i should have some type of punctuation there. To balance romeo as a character, shakespeare creates mercutio a good friend of romeo's who acts as his conscience.