Essay on American Civil War Text

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The american civil war was a grave turning point in the history of north america. It was a conflict that pitted the northern states of the american union against the southern states. The war raged for four years, from 1861 to 1865, and was marked by some of the fiercest military campaigns in modern history. In this essay, you will learn the causes of the american civil war, as well as the after effects of the war. It has been extremely hard for historians to exactly pin point the causes and effects of the war. The war itself had international impact, not only because of the growing international status of the united states, but also because war threatened world access to the south's cotton.

Britain and france were the two main countries that had particular interest in the wars outcome, but other nations were as well effected by it. The southern states depended upon the agriculture of the slaves, including cotton production. When abraham lincoln was elected president in 1860, his opposition of slavery was seen as a threat to the economic interests of the southern states. The south responded by seceding from the union and founding the confederate states of america in 1861. Three days later on february 4th, 1861, delegates from these states drafted a constitution for the confederacy.

This was before abraham lincoln himself even became officially proclaimed president. On april 15th, lincoln then called out 75,0 volunteers determined to surpress the insurrection. By now, the confederacy had 11 states, and were outnumbered by the union who had 23 states.

The south had a population of nine million, and three million of them were slaves. The war was well fought by both the north and south, and ended in 1865, with the north easily overpowering the south. Abraham lincoln was assassinated on april 14, 1865, 12 days before the final surrender of the confederacy. In the post war reconstruction period between 1865 1877, northern reformers sought to give the freed blacks not only protection but power in the southern states. However, the effects of their programs, which were also negative in intent, was to increase southern white hostility toward the blacks as well as the north. The abandonment of the reconstruction left the blacks with their future scrapped out. Despite the blacks being free from oppression back then, they were still the lasting casualties of the war.

Only long term national progress and prosperity could begin to offset their harsh lot in both the south and north. In conclusion, the civil war had the legacy of a truly modern war, over 600,0 dead, and over a million american casualties for a cause until this day stirs the american nation deeply if this essay isn't quite what you're looking for, why not order your own custom coursework essay, dissertation or piece of coursework that answers your exact question? there are uk writers just like me on hand, waiting to help you. Each of us is qualified to a high level in our area of expertise, and we can write you a fully researched, fully referenced complete original answer to your essay question. Just complete our simple order form and you could have your customised coursework work in your email box, in as little as 3 hours.

By: steve bull 2,492 words bull april 1, 2010 bull 2,266 views was the american civil war inevitable? was the american civil war inevitable? the civil war was inevitable, only however, after one key event the cotton gin made the civil war inevitable. The invention of the cotton gin in 1793 was the key element which enabled the south to have sufficient vested interest in their traditional lifestyle in order to feel the need to defend it at all costs even from their northern countrymen. The core argument of this essay centres around the evidence which clearly defines their being in existence two ‘nations’ with in america constantly in opposition to each other. Therefore the growth of sectionalism and the events which led up to the conflict made war an inevitable outcome of the hostilities which had arisen from the to ideologically different factions which grew in the united states. Firstly this essay will identify the economic factors which made the civil war an inevitable event with reference to the singular factor that could have averted the need for the conflict.

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Second it will identify the political measures which were dictated by the sectional economic interests. The third section of this essay will introduce the ideological incompatibility between north and south which added fuel to the fire of sectionalism. The fourth section will discus the underlining social conflict which made inevitable not only the civil war but also a second american revolution. The final section will deal with the counter arguments which advocate the alleged ‘repressible’ nature of the war between the states. Economic victory was thought to have been in the hands of the modern north that saw with the end of the slave trade and the unproductive problems of slavery, the decline of the southern economy. If the economy had continued to decline then the slave labour would have surely died out and the north would have a bloodless victory on their hands. However with the invention of eli witney’s cotton gin in slavery was born again and with ruthless further the south clung on to their tradition, for it had became profitable again.

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Mcpherson 1988 terms the south’s move to leave the union as a counterrevolution which they under took in order to preserve their economic system, which they feared would be destroyed by a revolution signalled by the election of lincoln. It is the opinion of this essay that the southern succession was an inevitable step for the south to take in response to what they saw as the ultimate threat to their way of life. However due to the north’s core belief that the union was eternal it necessitated the very revolution which the south sought to avoid in the shape of the civil war. Lincoln had made it clear in his debates with douglas that although he did not like slavery he would not tamper with it, however he had used the antislavery issue to his advantage in gaining support from abolitionists. I say that we must not interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists, because the constitution forbids it, and the general welfare does not require us to do so abram lincoln, giving a speech at cincinnati, ohio in 1854 douglas’ economic proposal of a trans continental rail road set the stage for a conflict which signalled the end of political compromise. The kansas nebraska act which was a direct result of the economic conflict overturned the missouri compromise. The following ‘bleeding kansas’ incident heightened tensions on both sides and provides further evidence that the inherent economic conflicts could not be contained with in the bounds of politics.

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The sections had all ready resorted to arms to solve their differences it was merely a matter of time before their representatives made the violence official under the banner of the war between the states. The different economic structures of north and south were a fundamental division which made the conflict inevitable. The south was staunchly anti tariff and therefore was incompatible with the north that needed tariffs to protect their new industries. Failure to compromise over the issue of protectionism was a primary factor in the growth of sectionalism which necessitated war. The underlying conflicts between north and south were finally fully exposed as a result of failure of compromise in the political arena. The failure of american leadership in 1846 1861was epitomised by key events such as douglas’s kansas nebraska act of 1854 and the dread scott case pronouncement of 1857.

Both of these events overturned the previous missouri compromise and thus once again brought the two opposing nations head to head. The wilmot proviso bill which proposed to eliminate slavery in the territories was a clear signal to the south that the north was continue for 9 more pages 187 bull join now to read essay was the american civil war inevitable? during the period of 1800 to 1860, a number of situations both disagreements and political issues that came up immediately after the american revolution resulting to the american civil war. During this time, the south and north part of america disagreements became more and more over issues of slavery, taxation on the particular goods that traders brought in to the northern part from other foreign nations. The southern saw this as unfair to them as they imported many goods than the northerners hence they fought against the rule.the southern population also felt that the taxes imposed on the import goods and the export goods did not equally apply to the northern population.

Some years prior to the civil war, the northern part acquired political powers and stability due its increment of its population as the south lost the political power because their population did not increase like that of the northerners. The economic values, cultures described the sections of the american nation making the population of both parts to perceive that the nation divided itself into sections. America was an agricultural nation that relied on labor to produce its agricultural products. The northern section did not support the act of slavery, as it did not depend on slaves to provide labor for them. As the northern section continued to increase, its political powers the southern part felt the need to fight for their freedom from the northern population and injustices that they all perceived to have received from the northern part. S.a mexico war, the civil war due to the slavery conflict did divided the north and southern part of america and the american civil was never investable. The slavery issue brought about the civil war because the northern part of america perceived slavery as being uncivilized and through all means it should end, while the southern part of america saw slavery as normal and totally depended on slave labor on their plantation agriculture in the southern part.

In the southern part, state laws and even the federal laws supported slavery activities. Their owners within the southern part of the nation perceived slaves as properties. The northern part having contrary opinion to slavery activities brought about a big misunderstanding, mistrust, and even debate between the two sections as the abolitionists from the north complained   against slavery in the south. Another factor that made the civil war to be inevitable is the dred scott decision.