Essay on Banning Drugs Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

The use of performance enhancing substances or techniques to augment an athlete's ability to succeed in competitive sports is a pertinent and timely topic for athletes, coaches, and any involved health care provider. The use of these agents or methods, whether legal or illegal, can occur at all levels of sports from high school or college student athletes, to international olympic competitors, to professional athlete celebrities. At the professional and olympic level, each athlete is responsible for the drugs they consume and knowing if any of these substances are on the world anti doping code prohibited list, which is published yearly by the world anti doping agency wada. The list groups substances and methods by those that are banned at all times in and out of competition , those that are banned in competition only, and those that are banned by a particular sport.

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If an athlete has a legitimate medical reason to use one of the banned agents, a therapeutic use exemption tue may be granted only after extensive review. This list was originally published in 1963 under the direction of the international olympic committee. As of 2004, the world anti doping agency is in charge of updating and publishing the list each year.

Athletic drug testing is done to detect banned substances or performance enhancing agents in competitive level athletes. In the u.s, drug testing may occur in olympic level sports, national collegiate athletic association sports ncaa , and professional sports. Anti doping agency usada is the national anti doping organization for the olympic movement in the united states. With the usada, as noted in the wada code, testing may occur in competition or out of competition and can occur at any time and at any location.

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Testing can result in disqualifications, sanctions, and stripping of medals and world titles, as seen with professional cyclist lance armstrong. However, these substances can also be associated with dangerous and possibly life threatening side effects. Athletes should avoid these performance enhancing substances not only because they may compromise the privledge to compete, but also because they can be harmful or even fatal with long term use.

Disclaimer: free essays on drugs posted on this site were donated by anonymous users and are provided for informational use only. The free drugs research paper why drugs should be banned essay presented on this page should not be viewed as a sample of our on line writing service. If you need fresh and competent research / writing on drugs, use the professional writing service offered by our company. In the united states of america, we, the people value several things, some of which are freedom, expanding and taking care of our families and our financial security. We also discourage some behavior, such as crime, laziness and use of illegal drugs. The use of illegal drugs is harmful to the user and all those with whom the user comes in contact. There are over 40 million illegal drug users in the world today and america is the biggest market for drugs.

Illegal drug abuse must be stopped it hurts our society, hurts us, and, most of all hurts the drug user. Drugs have very harmful effects on the user and the people with whom the user interacts. The most popular drug in america, alcohol, is generally thought of as socially acceptable and relatively harmless. It is taken as a beverage and, since it is legal, it can be purchased at the corner store. There are more than 18 million alcoholics in america, an indication of how widespread its harmful effects are. Alcoholics normally drink a lot on mornings and weeknights, at times, which separate them for normal social drinkers. Often, the alcohol will bring out a violent temper and often, alcoholics abuse, physically and mentally, their friends and family.

The drinker thinks he is in control, even if a little high and he might get behind the wheel of his car and go for a drive. Other physical effects of drinking are vomiting, passing out and sometimes, if enough alcohol is consumed over a long enough periods of time, or if mixed with other drugs death. Experimentation with marijuana is dangerous because studies show that 60% of people who smoke marijuana on a regular basis move on to try harder drugs soon after. Cocaine is snorted or smoked as crack a cheaper and, as a result of being so affordable, more addictive way. Cocaine is one of the worst drugs because it causes respiratory illness and kills mucus membranes. It affects the hygiene and personal appearance of the user a great deal, because nothing is as important to the user anymore as where that next hit will come from.

Like any street drug, its user does not know what potency he is getting from batch to batch. Drug addicts need money to support their habits, and all users, addicts or casual users, are careless and reckless when under the influence. Drug users also commit personal crimes, like mugging, armed robbery and even murder. It makes innocent citizens scared to walk out of their own homes, in their own neighborhoods.

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We should keep drugs from entering the country and incarcerate dealers and smugglers. To attack the demand, we should educate young people on the risk of bodily harm, mental harm and the damage to family and relationships. Legalization of some less harmful drugs, such as marijuana, might help reduce the crimes associated with them, but it would be hard to regulate and legalization would only eliminate some of the direct criminal results, not the actual harm of the drug. It is hurting our country by causing increased crime and soaring insurance rates, stealing tax dollars, hurting families, and hurting children.