Essay on Home Is Better Than Boarding School Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Many day schools offer coeducation facilities and this is an important requirement in terms of today’s world. Interacting with the opposite sex in the early years will enable children to be comfortable in the presence of the opposite sex when they reach a stage where they might have to work alongside them in an official environment. Children who have not had this opportunity might be shy and uncomfortable when they people from the opposite sex in the future. Most day schools encourage children to mingle with the opposite sex from their early years and this builds confidence and helps in exchange of ideas between the sexes over the formative years. Although there may be a few boarding schools that offer coeducation, day schools clearly outnumber the boarding schools doing this and coeducation in day schools is a much more accepted and existent structure in day schools, especially in india.

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Day schools are a preferred option as they are much less expensive than a boarding school. Most good quality day schools are relatively cheaper than boarding schools and this is another reason why parents opt for day schools over boarding schools. Day schools allow parents to admit students in private tuitions of their choice as well, in case their children need extra coaching. Most boarding schools in india have fees that are a bit exorbitant, and unless parents are willing to fund a new experience and style of education for their children, most average indian parents prefer day schools.

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You are taking part in a debate entitled, it is better to attend day school than boarding school. Speaker, honourable and wise adjudicators, esteemed timekeeper, my worthy opponents and members of the floor.   as a member of the opposition team, i am here to speak against the motion, it is better to attend day school than boarding school. ladies and gentlemen, i have been a boarder since form one.   my parents have full conviction that i stand to gain if i stay in boarding school.

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  for example, boarders learn to keep their rooms clean and do their own laundry.   boarders, however, have a head start because they start learning to be self reliant earlier in their lives.   it is better for students to attend boarding school because there are more opportunities for interpersonal development.   students from different backgrounds study together, eat together and play together.   since they rub shoulders day in and day out, they have to learn how to tolerate one another and to help each other.   in day schools there is little obligation to develop good interpersonal relations.   after all, they go home at the end of the day to their parents who see to their needs.

  boarding schools produce students who are more mature in their dealings with other people.   lastly, it is better to attend boarding school because the environment is more conducive for studying.   activities in a boarding school are structured: afternoons for co curricular activities and nights for studies.   students who go to day school usually manage their time themselves and end up watching television or spending time on other less beneficial activities.   in short, it is better to attend boarding school than day school. to conclude, ladies and gentlemen, it is better for students to attend boarding school than day school because it prepares boarders for life in the real world.

  thank you. this is my second essay here, i have checked it over in order to eliminate i don't know if there will be somebody who notice my post and reply to me.but. However, in recent years, the boarding schools have become more popular than before.some parents bewildered which one is better for children ,should i send my child to a boarding school instead of traditional school. The boarding school's feature is to strictly manage the calendar of student's study and living with professinal methods and advanced facilities. In addition, children have more time to play ,study ,conmunicate with their peers ,and parents don't worry about children are alone when they are focus on work ,and have no time to accompany them.

Away from families' care, children have to learn to be independent on living and thinking ,after all, teachers in school are not able to attend each student carefully enough. Meanwhile, from the emotional aspect, it will take less time to stay at home with parents that cannot be accepted by a lot of children and parents. The two reasons significantly lead people to choose the day school except that some parents are too busy for work to take care of their children. The day schools' cost is less while parents could have more time with their children.moreover,the same with the boarding school or ever better than some of day school were supported by government ,most of the day school still have the capability of educating children with good advanced facilities. All in all, which type of school should be chosen according to the different families' real situations.

We cannot assure the better one but the fitter one.after all, brilliant person are not from the same type of school or education form. Many parents with affordable means prefer their children to join a boarding school to their studying in a day time government or public school. One of the many reasons given for this preference is that living in a hostel is necessary for discipline, academic excellence and inculcating self discipline.

One other reason is an extremely busy schedule of both the parents which forces them to part with their children, when they are young, and send them to boarding schools. Yet another factor could be the fact that both the parents are employed in different parts of the country. But nobody can deny the fact, and the actual story from the mouth of a boarder can be really moving that the children who are sent to such schools tend to suffer a lot from home­sickness and loneliness, initially. Whatever the gains of a boarding school, the fact is that nothing can substitute parents while the children are growing up. It is really very cruel to send a child of 6 or 7 years of age to a boarding school.

After the 6th or 7th grade, a child could be expected to cope with the problem of separation from parents, but before that it is a cruel denial of his due, i.e. However, it cant be denied that in a boarding school a child does learn values that he or she might miss at home, such as sharing, better social adjustment, initiative, leadership and the like. The child has perforce to make his decisions there choose his companions, find his own time to study, mix with all kinds of students and face day to day problems on his own. In brief, we can say that he matures faster, becomes less dependent on others and learns to be more self confident. But there is every chance of his falling preys to a wrong company pick up bad habits and indulge him in unwanted practices.

Not being under the supervision of his parents, he could learn to tell lies and cheat and thieve in order to meet his vices, like smoking and gambling. Hence, it is the duty of all of us to keep checks on our children from time to time, and learn to detect the signs of any unusual changes in their behaviour. It is a fact that many boarding schools have superb facilities for child development, but to be at the safer side, it is still necessary that we keep ourselves acquainted with the childs development. Many parents confused whether to send their children to boarding school or sending them to day school. But, as a student, for me i do not agree with the statement which been said that boarding school is better than day schools. As we know, in boarding school, children just learnt to leave alone without their parents.