How to Write An Essay on My Learning Style Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Running head: personal essay personal essay of marie moore marie moore coll100 b020 american public university personal essay personal essay of marie moore the following is a personal essay about various topics about my college education and my learning styles. This personal essay will include thoughts or reasons for seeking a college degree. As well as my own personal learning styles, which are based upon inventories that have been taken. This personal essay will include my thoughts and views on my learning styles and how this impacts my future and education endeavor. Reasons for seeking a college degree stem from both personal and career advancement. The reasons for obtaining a college degree for my personal advancement, is that i would like to further my educational and intellectual knowledge. I would like to be able to say that i have continued my education and now have obtained a college degree.

I believe that it is something that i can personally be proud of, and would like to share with my family, and to set an example for my children. The reasons for obtaining a college degree for my career advancement are as follows. The first reason to obtain a degree for my career advancement is that in obtaining a college degree, this allows for further career promotions and placement. Another reason to obtain a college degree for career advancement is that it sets a good example to the individuals that i work with. I believe it will help motivate others, as well as provide understanding with my peers, who are seeking educational goals as well. Learning styles that i have found that i thrive with are both physical and visual. Personal essay with this inventory a score of 20 indicates the style utilized most often.

Every individual needs to experiment to find the learning style that works best. Just as each person needs to find their own learning style, they also need to know what style does not work. Some students are more able to retain more information if they study first thing in the morning. On the other hand, some people prefer to study in the evenings these people we call owls. Some people prefer to watch television or listen to the radio while they study, while others need complete silence to concentrate.

For some people it helps to write everything down, while others learn better by listening to the information read to them. Whatever the personal learning style, once the one that works is found, success in school should follow.

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my personal learning style tends to lean towards the hands on approach. I have always tended to retain more information if i actually do the task that is assigned. If i can get my hands on it and try the task, it helps me to understand how it works.

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To see the information and ask questions based on my observations is the best approach for me. One of the weaknesses i run into with this style of learning is an instructor who approaches learning as read it in the book and then test on the material. Unfortunately, this tends to be the most used learning style with traditional colleges. This is a problem at home because i have a husband and two children, which is the same as having three children. It always amazes me that i can be reading a book or typing a paper and my husband talks to me and asks me questions as if i am not doing anything. Most traditional schools have classes two to three times a week for a whole semester.

I think the university of phoenix matches perfectly with my personal learning style. I think the university of phoenix is going to be a great learning experience for me. So, no matter what your personal style tends to be, there is school out there that will meet your personal needs.

Classes at the university of phoenix, once you find the right style for you, you cannot lose. attention. provides free sample essays and essay examples on any topics and subjects. essay writing service produces 100% custom essays, term papers amp research papers, written by quality essay writers only.

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You can order a custom essay on learning styles now! learning style essay is such a horrifying work if it comes to you. Nobody knows about himself/herself perfectly and tends to lose efforts if it comes to writing a learning style essay. Write learning style essay is a creative piece that is bound to be unique in its style. In simple terms, learning style essay should carry all the necessary details about basic learning styles and mechanisms we come across in regular life. If seen correctly, there will hardly be any people who do not want to present themselves confidently and nicely. Being impressive and knowledgeable at the same time is just as important as flattering.

Learning style essay should be an essay of such a kind that after reading or creating it you will feel confident and focused. Is that not nice? at writemyessay4me you can find solutions to all your regular problems and concerns such as essay writing, exam questions, article writing, term papers, etc. Our writers are so proficient in their work that they provide exactly what customers desire. July 20, 2010 regardless of the situation, learning is ultimately the individual’s responsibility. Learning will not succeed unless the individual feels a strong sense of ownership and responsibility in the process itself. In all honesty, i have never put much thought into my particular learning style. However, since i decided to embark on a new challenge and opportunity by enrolling in graduate school, i have had to refocus my priorities amidst the everyday stresses of life and my hectic schedule.