Essay on Love And Jealousy Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Jealousy is a special form of emotional anxiety, which occurs due to the lack of a sense of security in relation to the one who is loved. The competitor who is perceived as the rival for the affection of the person who is loved. Jealousy is an emotion having components of both anger and fear commonly found in children. It originates from the lack of a sense of security for the affections of one who is loved and more attended to. Mcdougall has defined envy as a grudging contemplation of more fortunate persons. Apprehension of losing affection leads to the attitude of resentment directed towards the rival relation to a loved one, the child feels insecure and never wishes to lose that person's affection.

Children compete with one another in their attention drawing behavior from near and dear ones and members who dominate the family as leader anticipatory or actual loss of affection on the part of the child in comparison to another who is about to get much attention evokes jealousy. It may also be expressed in inhibitor manners where jealousy responses are found through generalized passivity apathy, melancholy, loss of interest in the events in the surroundings, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, anxiety, refusal to play and loss of exchange of ideas found in adults. The jealous child feels insecure in his/her relationship with a loved one, and is afraid of losing the love and affection, which he/she was accustomed to getting. Parental preferences and extra care to one child and neutral behaviour to another child also aggravate jealousy emotion.

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Sigmund freud in his theory of psychoanalysis put forth the topic of psychosexual development. In his elaborate analysis he mentioned how sons are jealous of their fathers and daughters are jealous of their mothers during late phallic stage of psychosexual development. The unconscious wishes, feelings, and ideas focus the desire to possess the opposite sexed parent and eliminate the same sexed parent.

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In school students, who are academically poor possess jealousy toward good students and rank holders because the latter get more attention from the teachers. Jealousy in adults is characterized by being fatalistic, having low work morale and lack of enthusiasm. Whenever jealousy is talked about it's usually in reference to romantic relationships. Usually between heterosexuals, although it would clearly apply to homosexual/lesbian relationships, too. But since sociologically jealousy is a social relation a way of taking others into account and of being taken into account , i believe that it abounds in all sorts of contexts in our society, too.

After discussing it in the romantic context, i'll finish with a few words of amplification on this broader understanding of jealousy. How, in fact, much of the production and consumption in a capitalist society is premised on it. But, for now, lets think of jealousy in the more narrow context of love and romance and marriage/partnering. The truth of the matter is there's not a whole lot written about jealousy, especially from a critical perspective. I found one site which while acknowledging some destructive effects of jealousy, was primarily interested in it because the author felt it led to great sex.

Another author tried in vain, in my opinion, to distinquish between jealousy and envy. While not in the least supportive of jealousy, utilized it as a theraputic device to generate greater empathy between people. One of the best sources to describe jealousy is an article by emma goldman written circa 1912, jealousy: causes and a possible cure emma maintains that being jealous is not an innate characteristic of humans, but rather, a learned response to structural/institutional arrangements involving monogamy, marriage, and ownership of property. However, the main content of this short essay comes from a source i no longer remember. Although i think it's from the instructor's manual to keith melville's excellent old textbook, marriage and family today. I have only my notes taken at the time and utilized numerous times in various sociology courses.