Essay on Patriotism And Provincialism Text

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By manish rajkoomar category essay nationalism is the love for ones country and the willingness to defend it. The moment there is a threat to the nation from an enemy, the patriotic feelings of the people are aroused. Image source: fda7ed3288f75266dcf2 c058 4868 8395 a11589622639.jpg nationalism inspires the people for the noble deeds.

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A social reformer, an ideal statesman are all patriots in the true sense of the term. The united nations commission on human rights work for the protection of human rights globally. The moment there is threat to the nation from an enemy, the patriotic feelings of the people are aroused. Nationalism imparts extraordinary courage and boldness to ordinary men and women. Joan of arc, called the maid of orleans was only nineteen when she protested against english domination of france.

During the revolt of 1857, the people of india, irrespective of caste, creed and religion, etc. This spirit of nationalism ultimately made the british leave the country in 1947. The chinese aggression of india in 1962 aroused great patriotic fervor among the people. Forgetting their internal hostilities, the indians stood together against the enemy. A person who is settled abroad longs for his homeland, that is another form of nationalism. Once who faithfully discharges ones civic duties and obeys the law of the land is also a patriot. When india wins cricket matches, people from all parts of country burn fire crackers and distribute sweets.

Victories in the international sports or beauty contests delight all the citizens. Many terrorist outfits, in the name of nationalism, train youngsters to follow the wrong path killing and destruction. The palestinian suicide bombings and israeli retaliation in the middle east is often attributed to patriotism. Dropping of atom bombs on nagasaki and hiroshima was an act of nationalism one the part of the americans. But it was an act of barbarism which killed thousands of innocent men, women and children.

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The united nations commission on human rights work for the protection of human rights globally. In india, we have numerous examples of patriots who scarified their lives for the country from the british rule like mangal pandey, bhagat singh, khudiram bose, surya sen etc. Patriots all over the world want peace and prosperity for their nation but also want the greater good of humanity. By dinayak shenoy category essay patriotism means the love for ones country. Inspired by this powerful feeling, many have won fame and glory for themselves and their country.

It has made men rise above provincialism and casteism and sacrifice their own narrow interest for the sake of their country. Patriots have lived for their country, fought for their country, and died for their country. Image source: source.jpg nationalism encourages love for one own motherland. It removes the sense of selfishness and narrowness and inspires the feeling of heroism and sacrifice among the people for the achievement of common ideals. Nationalism also encourages a healthy sprit of fellow felling among people and help preserve unity amidst diversity. But nationalism becomes an evil when it gives rise to hatred for other countries. Pride in ones own country has often give rise to a feeling of ones won superiority as compared to the people of other countries.

They have often considered themselves to be the chosen people of god, whose mission was to civilize other peoples and nations. Patriotism might have been useful and necessary in the nineteenth century, but it is certainly not enough in the present day world. Owning to the swift means of communication invented by science, the globe has shrunk and the entire world has become like one big family. National barriers have broken down and the world has become like a big bazaar in which man moves about buying and selling with perfect ease. Nationalism has outlived its day, love for ones own country must now be replaced by love for the world. While loving the good in our own country, we must also love what is good in others. The view of the poet kipling, that east and west can never meet, no longer holds true.

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Increased contacts are resulting in greater appreciation of the cultures and ways of living of each other. The two the east and the west are now co operating and working together in number of fields. Mutual trust and confidence has increased and a number of treaties regarding the reduction and banning of chemical and nuclear weapons have been signed by the two super powers. All these facts indicate that they would come closer together still with the passing of time. Internationalism means world peace and prosperity for mankind narrow nationalism is bound to lead to total destruction.

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To love the little platoons we belong to in society is the first principle of public affections. Persons only become human in association with others, but not all associations liberate peter manicas, the death of the state, 244. Today, and a crucial one for any public philosophy, is the building of some sense of community, of common commitments and goals. Turner, political scientist, writes: the problem of social order and social solidarity is at the forefront of political problems. Today, a deep cynicism, suspicion and even animus about government and other major social institutions. For example, voter apathy is high and the best voter turnout is usually for negative action against government, e.g. Further, business downsizing has elicited deep distrust of many corporations because of loss of job security and perceived breakdown of commitments.

Educational institutions, at all levels face declining funding, and calls for accountability and reform. The various professions also especially medicine and law are focal points of much public criticism and pointed humor. Contentiousness and violence seemingly pervade these with a proliferation of litigations and acts of violence between husband wife, child parent, neighbor neighbor, teacher pupil, and professional client. Yet, as always, in this country, there is a deep longing for community, a cry for relationship and a search for meaning and for common values. They have issued a call to americans to see themselves as part of a political whole, a commonwealth and for institutions to become community enhancers. 2 communitarian etizoni asks that we enhance the community and its moral voice. 3 finally, we find business executive, carol kinsey goman urging corporations to take seriously a loyalty factor as good business, helping individuals to find a rewarding sense of belonging in a time when there is a profound feeling of isolation.