Essay on Why Do You Love Your Parents Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Their beauty and inviting dependence brings palpable meaning to life, a voice that speaks the purpose of life. Their beauty and the feelings they invoke within us are sufficient to know what we should focus upon. Sacrifices, positive discipline, and values parents implant in their children will help them determine the person they grow up to be. A child is like a sponge that absorbs their parent's thoughts and viewpoints that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Day after day, parents protect their children from danger, attend to their cries, and reassure them after a bad dream. In the poem those winter sundays вќ by robert hayden, the father displays the sacrifices he makes for his son.

The father would also rise early in the blueblack cold вќ and relight the fire 1 5. Stacey burleson describes the father as not only bringing physical warmth to him by making a fire he is also bringing spiritual warmth to him вќ. The mother in ballad of birmingham вќ by dudley randall illustrates this caring sacrifice. The mother of this young girl tells her daughter she is not allowed to go and march in the streets вќ because it is unsafe 1 5. This mother wants to protect her daughter from the violence of the world, the violence in the streets. She instead tells her daughter to go to church where the mother feels it is safe.

In the words of baxter miller the mother refused to let her child march in the wild streets of birmingham and sent her t it will probably happen to you at least once in your life. Sometimes their disapproval will be valid, other times it will be irrational, but no matter what it will be hard for you to deal with. What do you do when your parents can 39 t stand the person you’re dating? before taking on the role of diplomat, or even worse the role of family agitator, there are some things that you need to examine. You need to take an honest look at your romantic motivations and the reasons for your parents 39 objections. Are you crazy in love or loving driving your parents crazy? if you are motivated by rebellion the simplest and right thing to do is end the relationship. With the relationship out of the way you will be able to focus on the real issue of why you feel the need to resort to such drastic rebellion in the first place.

Do you have real and deep feelings for this person, or do you have less heart felt reasons for the relationship? are you dating this person because of pressure from friends or in the name of popularity? if your feelings are based on your reputation rather than your heart you are being unfair to the person you 39 re dating and your parents. Take a step back and ask yourself if the relationship is really worth all the drama it is causing. Opposites can attract and people can find themselves in relationships that look weird to the outside world.

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When your parents object to your love it can feel like they just don’t understand. If you are in a good and loving relationship you will do whatever it takes to protect it, even go against your parents. If your parents don’t like the person you love you will definitely have a fight on your hands.

It is important for you understand where your parents are coming from and why they disapprove of the relationship. When you know why they object to your relationship you will be better able to reason with them and stand up for your love. Some of the reasons your parents disapprove may seem silly, others may seem wrong and some may actually have merit. It is up to you to look at the whole situation and see if your parents are seeing something you aren 39 t or if they are acting from a place of ignorance.

Objections based on racism, classism, religious bias or homophobia are not acceptable. While your parents may have the best of intentions with these types of objections you need to hold your ground and not give in to their bigotry. Their reaction is wrong but it is based on their love for you and their desire to see you get the best out of life. If this is the case, if your parents are trying to get you to conform to their biases, you need to stand your ground. You need to tell them that in this situation you will never see things their way. They can often see things in your relationship that you are unwilling or unable to see. They love you and want what is best for you and seeing you in a bad relationship is hard.

Of course they will disapprove! when your parents see something in your relationship that they don’t like you need to listen to what they have to say. You may not agree with them after you hear their point of view but it is important that you hear them out. If your parents have heard bad things about your partner, if they have seen behaviors they don’t like or if they are worried that you are being hurt, they are going to object to your relationship.

If you have started doing harmful things because of your partner, like alcohol or drugs, your parents have a valid concern. Your parents have a right to speak up if your grades are dropping, if you’re losing friends or if you have stopped doing the things you used to love to do. If your love has a positive influence in your life it is worth holding on to even if your parents object. They don’t want to see you struggling or making decisions that will complicate your life. Understand that they have your best interests at heart and keep the lines of communication open. How to cope when your parents don 39 t like the person you love it will probably happen to you at least once in your life.

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First, a few reasons your mom or dad may not be your best college essay editor: many parents and older siblings may want to give you the experience in college that they never had. Or they may have had a great experience and want you to have that same experience i’m guilty of wishing this for my younger brother. How do you know if this is true? if you sense that at times they’re wanting this more than you do.