Essay Writing Tips Middle School Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

An essay is a multi paragraph response usually to a prompt that your teacher will give you. An essay is going to have to take a specific point of view and include an introduction, body paragraphs and a conclusion. One of the most common mistakes that students make while writing essays is that they use a personal voice meaning they 39 re writing like they 39 re speaking.

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Writing is more formal, particularly for an essay, and they need to take out those i declarative statements. Another common mistake that the students make is that they won 39 t give specific enough examples. Often, whoever is reading your essay is not going to know anything about the subject.

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Students need to remember that they need to tell them everything that they know, not just one particular piece of what they know. A third tip about things that kids often mistake on their essays is that they don 39 t take a point of view. When you write an essay you need to form an opinion you need to either agree or disagree, not necessarily just write about the subject. An outline can definitely help you write a better essay because it will help you stay on topic and give appropriate supporting information for the point you 39 re making in each paragraph of the essay. Also, an outline will help you better structure your essay so your reader can fully understand what you 39 re trying to say in the essay, how you 39 re proving your point, and make sure you include enough supporting evidence.

Here are some middle school essay tips for writing an effective outline: the first part of your outline should be your intro, which will include your thesis statement. You want to write your entire thesis statement right here so you have it on hand when writing your essay. Part two for an effective outline should be body paragraph one right here you 39 re going to write your topic sentence and three pieces of facts or details that are going to support your topic. You 39 re going to do these for each of your body paragraphs, so you should have at least three, which means you have part three, four. Your last part is going to be your conclusion here you are going to write a concluding statement. This serves as a skeleton for your essay, so all you have to do is fill in the holes, making complete sentences, so that everything flows, and you 39 re ready to write your complete essay. One of the best ways to improve your essay writing is to make sure you revise it.

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After that, you should go back to your essay and figure out what can be changed in order to make it just a little bit better. Often with just a little bit of time after you 39 ve written your essay, you can go back and realize what things sound a little bit awkward, or could be said in a better way to prove your point. Also, you might think of some better evidence than what you initially thought of. With regards to middle school essay tips, in order to revise an essay effectively, here are a couple of helpful tips.

The first tip for revising an essay is to write your rough draft, step away from it for at least 15 minutes, get a drink, watch some tv and clear your head a little bit. Now, you see mistakes in your essay that you wouldn 39 t have seen 15 minutes earlier. Think about your teacher, she 39 s going to be seeing your paper for the first time and have a nice, big, red pen and just mark the essay up with everything that she finds wrong with it. Put yourself in her shoes and mark up anything you think sounds awkward with your essay, anything that doesn 39 t quite work right or maybe evidence that might not be as strong as you like it to be. Once you 39 ve highlighted all those areas, you can figure out how to change and improve your essay to make it better. Lastly, you can revise an essay forever, but i recommend you revise it three times. After your rough draft, you should have tons of revisions, lots of red pen on that page, but then once you 39 ve made those changes, you 39 ll probably have a much better essay than you initially did.

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