Essays on Human Population Growth Text

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Below is an essay on human population growth from anti essays, your source for research papers, essays, and term paper examples. Analyze the two types of growth exhibited by the human’s population and its effects on the environment. In an environment where these conditions exist, populations’ shows logistic growth as the environment reaches its carrying capacity.

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Human population has changed as time has gone by, based on numerous of reasons such as diseases, birth rate, economic conditions, accidental reason, living situations and etc. Based on the environment it can determine whether or not if the population can survive in that area. There is never an unlimited amount of such resources so a exponentially growing population will grow past its carrying capacity for a time before dipping back down and leveling off. Another effect of the two types of growth that is exhibited by human population is running out of space. No matter what organism you are talking about, all living things possess the ability to reproduce. Exponential population growth refers to when a population is not subject to any limiting factors, it will grow and expand exponentially even past the capacity of the environment to sustain. Rabbits are a good example of this form of population growth, thus, the exponential growth model explains how a few dozen rabbits can multiply into millions and overrun a continent.

Simon, reece, dickey, 2010 logistic population growth refers to when a population reaches the capacity of the environment to sustain, the population growth declines. Paul island are a good example of this, after hunting was controlled, the population increased rapidly until about 1935, when it began to level off and started fluctuating around a population size of about 10,0 bull seals the carrying capacity for st. Simon, reece, dickey, 2010 humans tend to exhibit exponential forms of population growth.

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We rapidly reproduce and expand, exceeding the carrying capacity of the environment. This leads to us spreading to other areas and exceeding the carrying capacity there as well. There is not enough talk today about the consuming problem of the human population.

I may not have to worry about the problem because i will most likely be dead in 97 years, but my children may have to. I only bring this up because you pointed out that the world's population is expanding exponentially. You also alluded to the fact that in the year 2100, that the world лњs population will have reached the 12 billion mark. This outrageous amount is 6 times the population of the world only 170 years ago. At some point we could be faced with severe famine due to the rising population of the world. Over 200 years ago thomas malthus published an essay on the principle of population вќ. He said that because of the increasing population, the world would eventually out grow вќ of its food production.

His ideas, at the time, were quickly discarded because the other great thinkers of his time believed that mankind's ability to master the environment was limitless. He blamed the survival of society on the improvements in agriculture and the industrial revolution. Many of today's great thinkers feel that malthus' ideas are more applicable today. I feel we should spread his message and start preparing for the possibility of a massive famine or disease that could quickly ravage and entire country or continent.

In 1960, many steps were taken by several different nations that reduced the child mortality rate. The use of ddt in africa cut down mosquito born malaria, child immunization programs saved lives all over the wo below is an essay on human population growth from anti essays, your source for research papers, essays, and term paper examples. The population growth rate is measured by the number of people in a specific area grows over a specific length of time. With exponential growth rates, the change in the size of the population is measured by multiplying the current population size by a constant number that represents the number of births in the area minus the number of deaths.

With exponential growth, the number of people in a specific area increases consistently over time, so the population growth rate also increases over time. This happens in an ideal environment where the birth rate is higher and more consistent than the death rate of the area and there is less competition for resources. Logistical population growth occurs when exponential growth essentially evens out because of limiting factors like food or water. This means that the carrying capacity of a specific area has reached maximum population capacity. Essentially exponential growth occurred until the resources to sustain the growth even out and prevent growth from occurring. In more developed countries, the growth rate is only 0.2% as where is in less developed countries the growth rate is 1.2%. Our writers can help get your essay back on track, take a look at our services to learn more about how we can help.

Essay writing service essay marking service place an order a positive correlation between population growth and environmental damage overpopulation is our number one environmental problem rodnguez tnias 19979. This has resulted in a rapid increase of the world population which rose from 3.3 billion in 1965 to over 6 billion by the year 20. Thus world population almost doubled in just 35 years and the rate of growth itself was also rising. Moreover a billion people were added to the world population from 1987 to 19, an increase equivalent to the total world population in 1804 panayotou 20. This relatively recent increase in world population has led to a mounting concern for how population growth affects the natural environment and natural resources meadows et al 200. There are many reasons as to why population growth is seen as a threat to the environment.

For example, human populations use up natural resources, omit greenhouse gases contributing to climate change, destroy habitats resulting in loss of biodiversity, and increase air and water pollution levels. Hence, almost all environmental issues are either directly or indirectly related to population. Furthermore, it is often reported in the media that a growing population is an environmental threat, further increasing the concern. For example andrew woodcock reports in the independent that a booming population is a threat to climate change 2006 online. There has been a simultaneous trend of a growth in population and a steep decrease in environmental quality and an increase in resource depletion panayotou 20.consequently, population growth is often considered the greatest and key threat to the environment.