Essay Writing on Importance of Education Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Elementary education refers to the first phase of compulsory education that children obtain during the few years of starting schooling. This education has specific goals that meet the special needs that children have. The period taken to complete this primary education differs from state to state, for instance in countries like canada and the united states, elementary education goes for a period of six to seven years once children have begun schooling.

In spite of the fact that this education is compulsory, it can be offered at home by parents. The benefits of this education cannot be underestimated and all efforts are directed at ensuring that this education gets universally recognized cohen amp malin, 2010. A persuasive essay is written on persuading the reader to agree with your point of view. To make a persuasive essay effective, you need come up with evidence to back your viewpoint and write the essay using your powers of persuasion. Think of how you may have convinced a customer to buy a particular product or how you have advised a friend to change a habit.

There are many topics that can be considered when you have to write a persuasive essay. However, if you are assigned a topic, there is nothing much you can do, but to do the best job you can of writing it. One topic you may be assigned is the writing of a persuasive essay on the importance of education. How will you handle the writing of such as topic? we all agree that education is important to become someone in life. With proper education, you learn how to think and make decisions, how to speak and how to act in the proper manner. As you study deeper and extend your educational qualifications, you can also accumulate a large body of knowledge on a particular subject area.

Education is as important as your three basic requirements in life, food, clothes and shelter. Now that we have established the importance of education, let’s go further and examine a few topic choices on its importance. the importance of education at an early age – this topic can discuss the importance of pre kindergarten education. There are many opinions regarding children entering kindergarten before the age of 5. However, you can write a persuasive essay informing the reader on why children should be enrolled in pre kindergarten before this age.

You can inform the reader on how children in pre kindergarten have higher iq scores, are better behaved and learn faster than those not enrolled in pre kindergarten. the importance of education for seniors – this is another method of handling your persuasive essay on the importance of education. Many people feel that once you are of a certain age, you need not spend time learning new things. You can write an essay persuading reader on why education is important to senior citizens even at this late stage in life. You can write the advantages of an education for seniors as in an advantages essay about how education gives seniors a purpose in life, makes them happier and keeps their minds alert etc. the importance of education in third world countries – proper education is sorely lacking in third world countries.

A country needs a good education system to produce people who can help develop the nation. This is not possible without a good education system as the country has to look for alternative answers. Now you have a few basic topics which you can consider when assigned the persuasive essay on the importance of education. Important tip to note always conclude your essay with a few phrases on why education is important.

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Once you have completed the essay, read it and examine it from the reader’s point of view. Your essay will be a success if you feel that the manner in which you have written in persuasive enough to make the reader agree with your viewpoint. If you need assistance with your essay, go through a few sample essays in our sample gallery. It was born with the birth of the human race and shall continue to function as long as the human race lives. It has been rightly said that without education, man is a splendid slave, reasoning savage.

Important for the integration of separate entities an individual is made up of different entities. Aristotle wrote, educated men are as much superior to uneducated as the living are to the dead. Diogenes felt that education is a controlling grace to the young, consolation to the old wealth to the poor and ornament to the rich. A man becomes a human being in the real sense when he is transformed from primarily an animal being into a human being. In schools, there are a lot of times when we are being asked to write essays on different topics. What is the importance of studying arts and what is the significance of learning history are probably two of the most basic essay topics that we are familiar with.

If you haven’t tried writing on this essay topic yet, the following tips will sure be your good guide! more often than not, your teachers won’t check the whole essay especially if it is like 5 page, single spaced essay. Most of them would just scan your paper and look for the important points that you have written. First of all, think of why education is important to you and how the present situation in the educational system is affecting you. Is it important because it will help you get your dream job? or it is significant because it will help you gain more knowledge on how to hone your skills and talents? whatever your answer may be, write it down.

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Remember that the teacher wants your own ideas and not those from the books or newspapers. You can start by simply describing the situation of education sector that you are experiencing right now. Is it good? does it provide quality education for all? why or why not? cite all the possible problems: lack of classrooms, qualified teachers, inappropriate textbooks etc.

But remember to put as much good points as you can regarding the present situation of the system. After listing down all your thoughts on the significance of education, always remember to organize your thoughts. The economy of words simply pertains to the manner of using few but really descriptive words. This will keep your thoughts well organized and make your paper pleasing to the readers.