Park Descriptive Essays Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Themaster teacherseries descriptive writing preface lesson 1: pretest and portfolios lesson 2: introduction to descriptive writing lesson 3: the snow person. Decide whether each description of a written work is an example of fiction or nonfiction. An article supporting a proposed law the project gutenberg ebook of heretics, by gilbert k.

Chesterton this ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. The first things you see are trees and flowers, children and parents, swing sets and slides. As you begin to take your walk, the sound of children laughing and playing arouse your curiosity of what they are doing. Every teenager is being careful not to fall and hurt himself or herself, so they use safety helmets and kneepads. At this point of your walk, you notice families having reunions with their relatives. Moreover, there are families grilling chicken, eating potato salad, and devouring baked beans.

Noticeably, the trees are beginning to turn colors of red, orange, and yellow the colors of autumn. As the wind blows, the colors of the leaves blend together into a beautiful portrait that god painted for us. As your attention shifts toward the sky, you see blue jays and cardinals flying overhead.

The sound of the birds chirp makes you think of a song that you heard at church the previous sunday, and you begin to sing it aloud. Looking closer, you see butterflies with many different designs on their wings and it reminds you of a kaleidoscope. The park can be a place to go and relax, a place to go and play, or a place to go and thank god for everything he has made for us. I suggest that everyone take advantage of being able to attend the park for little or no cost at all. The park is a perfect place to go for any age, and everyone can have a good time. Sep 28, 2012 . of course everyone has a great time at an amusement park but i have been to dorney. amusement parks something for everyone people of all ages, shapes, sizes, financial statuses, and and symbols and realize that discussing, reading, writing.

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shalom! thank you for taking the time to familiarize yourself with shoreshim ministries. Providing good details in a descriptive essay also rests on the idea that a writer must show and not tell the reader. Introduction descriptive piece of writing: the park wandering through the park, engulfed by my thick coat, i stare around me with disgust.

However, the park is the place where i can just come and think: it's quiet and peaceful and i feel free away from the bustle and noise of the city. There is a chill breeze in the air, therefore most people are inside their warm houses, clustering round their coal fires, but this is when i like it best. To me, wrapped up in layers and scarves, it only feels fresh, not cold and i can think better when i'm alone. I stare at the climbing frame, once bright and colourful with a shiny slide, but now the only colour is the dull rusty red of the metal and the black of the graffiti covering it. My eyes glaze over while i reminisce about happier times spent on the climbing frame, and how i used to fly through the air, aided by the monkey bars, just like a chimpanzee swinging through a tree. My eyes swim in and out of focus as my vision is replaced by one from a long time ago. The sun is sparkling in the clear blue, cloudless sky and my ears are filled with the shouts and laughter of children enjoying themselves.

I see a group of children laughing and playing together on the apparatus while another group chase each other energetically teenage boys playing football topless, supported by a group of giggling girls three college girls are sunbathing on the soft grass, wearing nearly non existent bikinis, ogled in awe by drooling boys. My eyes drift over the picturesque landscape, and fall onto a shaded patch of grass, surrounded by towering trees, where a couple sit, oblivious to the world around them. A smile forms on my lips as i watch the buy present his girlfriend with a beautiful rose.

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