Essays on The Development of The English Language Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Term ldquo community rdquo brings to our minds a series of words like ldquo common, group, agreement, together and interdependence. All these point to the basic underline of community that is ldquo common ownership or common interests'. Scientifically if we put it, is a group of inter dependent organism inhabiting the same region and interacting with each other. Similarity here refers to the common aspect that all members of the society share with each other reason of their being in the same community.differences refer to the characteristics that are specific to their group and which differentiate them from other such communities.

Cohen 1985: 12.this brings to light the concept of boundary something which separates the community from others. It can be of different types physical, emotional, rational.each community can define itself ,the points of marking its members out from the crowd of people. Blakely and snyder 1997 community is always related to ldquo value generation rdquo. It is like a powerhouse with trust, mutuality, unity and commitment forming its four strong pillars.frazer 20.76 value generated at any time always aids or promotes wellbeing and lead to state of happiness. Health and prosperity and with all these the final result is something that can be beautifully described in a word ldquo welfare rdquo .with this i completely agree with the topic that ldquo community is just another form of welfare rdquo. In about 1950 and 1960 the community work and development received a separate identity.

If we specifically look at uk perspective it was the youngusband report 1959 that was the turning point. It described the term ldquo community development rdquo as task aimed at assisting people within a local area in identification of their social needs methods of fulfilling those. Community can be looked on in various forms like community place, where is more specifically locality with people sharing geographical elements.other way is by interest here the people share a common characteristic other than place like religion, sexual orientation occupation or ethnic origin. Thirdly we can also approach this as a sense of attachment and encounter with god and creation. Cohens 1982 1985 work around belong and attachment is very symbolic in this sense and it describes ldquo communities of meaning rdquo this type of community generate sense of belonging of people crow and allan 1994 96.

The complete complex procedure of community development can be described best in the following steps. Evaluating progress and including the result of evaluation in subsequent activities looking at this series we can easily comment that any community development is with a specific goal or ambition that has to be attained and is the sole purpose of community development. For fulfillment of the ultimate ambition various plans are made and then a set of activities are decided which complements the plans and then finally leads to the achievements of the goals. Gulbenkian foundation in 1966 in uk holds a great contribution to the structure of community development.

After the realization of the presence and characteristics of the community development in united kingdom. Helping of local people in realization of their need and then subsequent planning and actions required in the presence of available constant resources. Also increasing the efficiency, usability and accessibility of the local service. Also in forecasting the required characteristics required to properly adjust in the ever changing environment. The major result of this community was the realization of the fact that community development includes direct neighborhood. One of the basic is approaching the most recent problem at a national level or a macro level.

One very good example of this is what happened in united kingdom in 1960 wherein community development program was launched to answer the problem of solving poverty. The programme was funded by government and major intention was promoting self help and gathering information about the presently existed social policies and also defining means of creating more responsive local service. This also led to the realization that the some issues were better to resolve at national level than at the local level because they required a particular degree of zeal and enthusiasm.

This realization brought a great deal of change in the policies adopted by workers working for the issues. This also formed the basic of policy adopted by the government during the oil crises of 1974. First one is distributive aspect it is where the complete community with its function helps its members in various ways like giving them the knowledge about various methods, that can be adopted by them to solve their issues, which might involve the resources either held by them personally or with the other member of the community. Second is the one that involves the development of the political responsibility and the last but not the least is of that of the communal coherence which involves the state of logical and orderly union of different parts. All the above mentioned three objectives involves something good and constructive leading to a state of new development be it a mentally, physically or emotionally and this symbolizes the birth of a new being and spread of happiness and thus the spread of welfare. David thomas in her work about community development has brought about 5 new approaches. This focus on that part of organization that is affected by existing socio political and economic processes or by work of public or private groups.

This successfully clears out the critical perspective of the status quo and also showed the alternative state of power and action. This is the one focusing the interaction and interdependence for facing the challenges in other way this promotes the collective action and fight and is in fact based on the bottom line ldquo unity is strength rdquo. Is the part that focus on reorganizing the present problems and development of strategies, plans and services to solve.

This brings to light a new perspective of the issue that is coming together of different communities and joint ventures. This basically deals with providing the staff and services which work and face the challenges, a physical presence in the community. Any typical, core community work involves all of the above mentioned points and is a combined function of all the above issues.

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Other way in which community development is used in the development of centrally planed initiatives like the community care though this involves high degree of harnessing still the basic purpose of the effort is the same that is the attainment of ultimate goal that is welfare. Along with this it is inscribed with technical orientation which is very different from the radical concern of all the members of the community. Some of the benefits of community development are according to putnam marshal trust and social network within the family, friends ,peers and society cause a great effect on the opportunities.

The characteristics of these are very different and better from their counterparts in the general areas. Also points like poverty, crime rate these are lesser in the community than their counterparts. Tolerance, reciprocality and trust are the three most important characteristics of any community and lot of research have proven that where these flourish even nations flourish economically. Previous research has already proven that one's health improves due to presence in a group.according to a thumb rule, if u are not part of any group and then decide to join one.

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