Essays on The Nature of Singing Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

An article from: notes this digital document is an article from notes, published by music library association, inc. The article is delivered in html format and is available in your digital locker immediately after purchase. welcome to recital publications our offerings are principally new and reprint editions of late 19th century and early 20th century art songs of many countries. We also offer new and reprint editions of works in other genres, including vocal duets, trios and quartets, opera and concert arias, scenes, solo cantatas, pantomimes, one acts, vocal chamber music, and choral works. In addition, we offer new and reprint editions of late 19th century and early 20th century instrumental solo and chamber music and orchestral scores. We are also publish first editions of vocal and instrumental works by several current composers, including royal brantley, rocco digiovanni, john duke, walter foster, timothy hoekman, michael horvit, james marks, alexandre rydin, phillip schroeder, and the complete canzone scordate of arne dørumsgaard. the following books on vocal pedagogy are included in our catalogue: cornelius l.

Walter foster owner/editor and jerry lynn foster recital publications pianist are available on a limited basis to conduct workshops in vocal literature and performance. The first stanza focuses on the beginning of autumn, when the ripening of fruit is so great it is almost unbearable, as 'summer has o'er brimm'd their clammy cells'. As more fruit ripens and flowers are 'budding more and still more' it is thought that 'warm days will never cease'.

The first stanza represents fruitfulness and productivity, and a generally happy time. This is an allegory for the time in our lives when we are our most productive, the early autumn of our lives. The poem is also seems to describe a passing day, and the first stanza represents the morning. Our writers can help get your essay back on track, take a look at our services to learn more about how we can help. Essay writing service essay marking service place an order the author has used personification. This is a figurative speech in which an inanimate object or abstraction is given human qualities or abilities. For example america is just a name of the country so it can't sing but the poet say america sings and again america is not a living thing.

I can say that the poem affects me because it gives the ideas of how people go around with their day to day business just like the way i also do by daily activities. It remind me of how some of my work mates are so happy or frustrated especially when chatting with friends during work as they share some of the problematic and good aspects of the work environment. I will incorporate what i have learnt from the poem which is cheerful spirit when working and also active participation at work. This is because according to the poem the independence that all of these different types display in their work is left aside at the end of the day, when they come as a party of young fellows. Nurture: tandem tango one of psychology’s biggest questions, to which an answer remains elusive, is, what plays a greater factor in human development: nature or nurture? many experiments, studies, and discussions have attempted in vain to determine whether biology or environment can be attributed to the way a person has developed. This paper will contain a brief history, the most essential characteristics of the nature versus nurture issue, as well as my own thoughts on the controversy. The debate of nature versus nurture is an enduring controversy that has survived through the ages.

The greek philosopher plato assumed that we inherit character and intelligence and that certain ideas are inborn. During the 1600s, european philosophers took up the argument once more rené descartes shared the same view as plato. English philosopher john locke proposed his tabula rasa theory, … which states that people learn and acquire ideas from external forces, or the environment.

The debate was solidified when charles darwin’s book, on the origin of species sparked greater controversy. Francis galton invented the phrase nature versus nurture , and was influenced by his cousin’s. This work by some has been named as the starting point of the nature versus nurture controversy. Compared to past times, when opinions were largely based on religious or philosophical beliefs, many experiments, studies, and discussions have approached the nature versus nurture argument with a more scientific approach.

Despite the hundreds of years that this controversy has seen, a solid and proven answer has yet to be presented. To better comprehend the nature versus nurture debate, we should look at the essential characteristics that make up this controversy. The environment that humans are surrounded by and/or raised in is the nurture side. Humans are unique and highly intricate creatures, and dna is what makes individuals who they are it is the code for our physical being.

Physical features, personality, and even intelligence are all decided by our unique dna. Those that say nature has the largest hand in human development believe that who we are is decided by who our parents are we are products of our predecessors. Each and every person was created by god, and he endows uniqueness to each individual. As psalm 13 says, for you have created my inmost being you knit me together in my mother’s womb. The dna sets a range of possible characteristics sometimes called your genetic tendency , and your activities determine what portion of that range actually manifests itself in your body. While our dna provides us with genetic tendencies, it is our environment that molds us.

Those that side with the nurture angle of the nature versus nurture debate believe that the environment that humans are in, or were raised in, molds them into who they are. The environment in which a person is surrounded by or raised in has a tremendous impact. If a person is exposed to certain environmental factors while in the womb, or during critical phases in childhood, there can be irreversible catastrophic consequences. If a father has aggressiveness in his genes he may pass aggressive tendencies on to his children. However, if his child is raised in a healthy, positive environment where the aggressive genes are not provoked, the child may not manifest the inherited aggression. On the contrary, if a mother passes on her very peaceable traits and genes on to her child, and the child is raised in a hostile environment, s/he may be provoked to display aggression.

Proverbs 22:6 says, train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. I believe that the way children are raised up through adolescence will have a lasting impact on them and will shape their life, and how they live it, forever. In the nature versus nurture argument, i do not believe that one can simply choose a decisive winner of the controversy. Nature, our biology, certainly decides a lot of who we are, but i believe that nurture has more of a deciding factor in how humans develop. It is of my opinion that nature prepares a person for what nurture will ultimately finish. While the longstanding controversy has no conclusive winner, we should look at these seemingly opposing views as working in tandem with each other. Without the genes, we wouldn’t be able to adapt to situations, or to allow our environment to affect us.

One of the oldest and still debatable issues in psychology is nature vs nurture. This issue talks about genetic inheritance and the environmental factors that might affect the child development. Descartes believed that some things occur naturally or are inborn regarding any environmental influence. Other philosophers argued descartes and stated that the mind starts as a blank state and through experience and environmental factors it develops and acts and responds in certain ways.

Psychologist still didn’t not find an end to this debate but have agreed that both nurture and nature affect individual behavior. Arnold gesell a psychologist that worked on child development came up with a theory called maturational theory that related child’s development with genetics and biology. He believed that biological and genetic inheritance can create a path through which the child behavior can be determined. Gesell stated that a child’s pattern of behavior is due to biology because he is already programmed to act in that way. Gesell stressed on the importance of having a good environment and he studied child’s developments at each stage.

His studies helped parents understand better their children and the reasons why they behave in certain ways. Gesell considered that life experiences and knowledge through learning were secondary, whereas biology and genetics are primary and they are the real reason for a child’s behavior because they program his development. But of course we must not imagine that singing means exactly the same thing here as in a modern concert hall. When we say that speech originated in song, what we mean is merely that our comparatively monotonous spoken language and our highly developed vocal music are differentiations of primitive utterances, which had more in them of the latter than of the former. These utterances were, at first, like the singing of birds and the roaring of many animals and the crooning of babies, exclamative, not communicative that is, they came forth from an inner craving of the individual without any thought of any fellow creatures. Our remote ancestors had not the slightest notion that such a thing as communicating ideas and feelings to someone else was possible.