Essays Written By George Orwell Text

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George orwell is the pseudonym of eric blair who was born at mothari, india on 25 june 1903 educated at st cyprian's preparatory school, eastbourne where he won a scholarship to eton and. After completing his education, worked as a policeman in burma, attaining the rank of sub divisional officer, a private tutor, school teacher and an assistant in a book shop. He fought against the fascists in spain in 1935 37, worked for the bbc for a time during the second world war and for tribune after the war. From about 1930 he tried to earn his living as a writer, finally achieving outstanding success with his last two novels animal farm 1945 and nineteen eighty four 1949. His last years were dogged by tuberculosis and he died in london on 21 january 1950. Orwell was a fine, though somewhat confused, journalist who became famous for the plain style of writing evident in his essays his successful attempt to make political writing an art his famous satires on totalitarianism his search for objectivity and honesty in journalism depicted most graphically in homage to catalonia 1938. Indeed any study of orwell must keep in mind the fact that there is some fiction in all his autobiography and some autobiography in all of his fiction.

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Orwell described himself as lower upper middle class, failing to realise that there are only two classes: the capitalist class which possesses but does not produce and the working class which produces but does not possess. His father's pension was £438 10/ £438.50 a year compared with the average annual wage of about £l00 for a skilled manual worker in 1913 14. Some twenty years later orwell was commissioned by victor gollancz to write about conditions in the coal mining areas of the industrial north with an advance of £500 spread over two years – a considerable sum when orwell himself stated that the miners earned less than £3 a week in 1934 even allowing for expenses incurred in obtaining material for the book. Although orwell did not make a great deal of money from his writing until the publication of animal farm in 1945, he was able to keep his head above water with a standard of living, although far from luxurious and certainly spartan by today's standards, that would have been the envy of many miners in the 1930s. Throughout his novels, documentaries, essays and journalism orwell relentlessly and uncompromisingly criticised imperialism, nationalism, capitalism, political dishonesty, power, totalitarianism, privilege and private education. He claimed to be a democratic socialist, joining the independent labour party in june 1938 until after the outbreak of the second world war, but his confused notions of socialism can be read in the lion and the unicorn 1941 in which he states: in england there is only one socialist party that has ever seriously mattered, the labour party.

It has never been able to achieve any major change, because except in purely domestic matters it has never possessed a genuinely independent policy. It was and is primarily a party of the trade unions, devoted to raising wages and improving working conditions. This meant that all through the critical years it was directly interested in the prosperity of british capitalism.

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Thus orwell describes the labour party as socialist and continues in the same paragraph to describe, quite accurately, why it is not and cannot be socialist. He also suggested that there should be limitation of incomes, on such a scale that the highest tax free income in britain does not exceed the lowest by more than ten to one , which even the majority of conservatives would recognise as unsocialist. He also described russia as the only definitely socialist country , although it is true he had many harsh things to say concerning the perversion of socialism in russia in many of his other books. Nevertheless in this, arguably his worst book, orwell describes the inefficiency and contradictions of capitalism when he wrote of british capitalists selling war materials to germany: right at the end of august 1939 the british dealers were tumbling over one another in their eagerness to sell germany tin, rubber, copper and shellac and this in the clear, certain knowledge that war was going to break out in a week or two.

Brian rubin argues that orwell's socialism was in fact little more than a moral stance, a call for justice and liberty and a more humane and decent world. Rick hales, in the 1980 socialist standard literary lefties in the 1930s claims that the literary left wing tried to expiate their class guilt mostly by becoming communists or fellow travellers except for the two heretics of the left wing julian symons, who became a trotskyite, and george orwell who became a tramp. Orwell's imaginative writing was not as good as his autobiographical or documentary work, but it was in his political journalism and polemical essays that he excelled. He was not an original writer, however, and many of his ideas had been written about previously the road to wigan pier 1937 in which he discovered poverty in the industrial north and down and out in paris and london in which he became a tramp had been written about by jack london in the people or the abyss 1902 and w. The section in a clergyman's daughter in which the central character, dorothy, spends the night in trafalgar square with a group of tramps is an attempt to emulate the stream of consciousness style of james joyce's ulysses 1922 and fails artistically.

Bernard crick, orwell's biographer, has drawn attention to similarities between jack london's the iron heel 1907 in which is written by virtue of that power we will remain in power. We will grind you revolutionists down under our heel, and we shall walk upon your faces , and nineteen eighty four. We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it , and if you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – for ever. animal farm owes much to swift's satire and, indeed, orwell wrote an excellent essay politics vs.

nineteen eighty four owes a debt to evgeny zamyatin's book we 1925 , which orwell acknowledged in a letter to george woodcock 1967 , in which he stated that he had only been able to obtain a copy of the book in french and was looking for an english translation. However, it would be unfair to accuse orwell of plagiarism because he borrowed ideas. Most topics and human emotions have been written about previously and genuine originality is difficult to achieve.

It is sufficient to say that most of orwell's work was well written and all of his work has survived him. A common view held by the political right wing is that orwell exposed the horrors of socialism by predicting what would happen under a regime of the stalinist model which the right wing claims to be representative of all socialist ideals, conveniently ignoring the fact that he was writing about state capitalism represented as socialism and that the book was intended to be satire and not prediction. Also conveniently ignored are his other writings depicting the evils of imperialism, the inherent unfairness of privilege and the inefficiency and self interest of capitalism. The communists had good reason to detest orwell for exposing their treachery in spain, during the civil war, with the publication of homage to catalonia in 1938 in which he stated: . Among the parties on the government side the communists stood not upon the extreme left, but upon the extreme right.

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