Extended Essay Topics Biology Ib Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Every student working towards a qualification with the international baccalaureate should know that there is enormous support for them during their studies. The resources available are outstanding because each school which undertakes to offer the international baccalaureate as part of their curriculum, does so knowing the value of the qualification. When it comes to writing extended essays as part of your ib studies, it is vitally important that you discuss the topic you wish to write about with your supervisor beforehand. As a student you must be able to demonstrate appropriate research and your ability to communicate ideas and develop an argument. how does the aging process impact a person's eyesight and in particular the human retina? as is the case with extended essays, there is a question as part of the topic. The better resources you choose to support your argument the greater the chance of you receiving an outstanding mark for your extended essay.

how does exercise and the physiology of exercise in particular relate to the overall fitness and good health of participants? in all science and in this case biology extended essay topics, there is scope for a great deal of research with results and tables tabulating the experiments conducted. how has the epidemic of obesity changed the biological structure of overweight people? here the amount of information for research purposes is truly staggering. By choosing a biology extended essay topic which is very much in the news, you give yourself the opportunity to seriously tackle the topic. One important warning however is that a topic which is too broad will not enable you to provide specific answers. how has the incidence of food labelling changed the biology of products created by the food industry? extended essays which win high marks are often based on controversial subjects. If you can find a topic which lends itself to rigorous debate and, of course, write well on the subject, you may give yourself a clear advantage.

The idea of the extended biology essay is to explore, test, and prove that of biological theories. The extended essay is incredibly important make sure to really read through the required guidelines so you have a great topic. With such strict guidelines, it is going to be a little bit of a task to find the perfect extended biology topic. The guidelines will help you weed out any topics that are not appropriate or prohibited. Sometimes there is just not enough research while other topics go against the guidelines. How to find a topic read the guidelines avoid animal behavior topics avoid human disease topics think plants i cannot stress enough to read the guidelines for a biology extended essay.

The criteria for topics are very strict included in the guidelines is the human ethics guidelines and animal experimentation policy. The guidelines provided will let you know there is no way you can do any type of experiments to prove any type of theory. It is important to remember you will need to do your experiments to prove your theory.

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You will not be able to study human disease or animal behavior because of the guidelines. There are some topics you can get away with in those areas however, finding one within the guidelines provided will be quite a task. Studying and experimenting on different biological affects and effects of plants makes your experimentation much easier to document without breaking the guidelines.

If you do not read through the guidelines you will not get a topic that is accepted. Due to the human rights guidelines, anything about human behavior or disease is practically out of the question. Anything that would require an animal to be out of their natural habitat is also a big no on the list of unacceptable topics. Weed out any topics that do not have enough information, you need plenty of information for your extended essay.

like this unlike yeemonkyaw 31 jul 2007

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Studying the effect of food additives on the digestive system and the body as a whole. Obviously this is bad from a personal safety point of view and it 39 s safe to say the ibo frown on this kind of thing. I spoke to my supervisor and she has made it extremely clear that i have to collect 39 lots and lots of data 39 and i can 39 t do experiments on/ regarding the human physiology.

I am looking for a complicated experiment that agrees to the terms that i mentioned above. Thank you don 39 t try to complicate yourself 33 just because an experiment is easy doesn 39 t mean you are going to get a low mark.

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Im really interested in cancer and genetic diseases, but unsure of what my topic should be and how i would be able to experiment and gather data for it. Any ideas on some topics i can do for my paper that will be in depth enough as well as manageable. As a rule, anything involving topics like cancer and genetic diseases will involve knowledge and experimental equipment/labs etc.