Format of Writing a Formal Speech Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

There are, however, some words and structures which are mainly used in formal situations  for example report writing, business meetings, conferences, polite conversations etc. There are also some words and expressions which are mainly used in informal situations conversations with friends etc. For example, in informal speech and writing we use contracted auxiliary verbs and negatives. Formal: to which nation does he belong? informal: which nation does he belong to? some determiners are followed by singular verbs in formal language and plural verbs in informal language.

Formal: whom did they elect? informal: who did they elect? in informal language we often leave out words. Formal: have you seen annie? there is every reason to consider tobacco smoking the most harmful of bad habits, since it adversely affects not only the person addicted to cigarettes or cigar smoking, but also those around the smoker, who involuntarily inhale the smoke. Statistical reports on the impact of smoking on americans show that 269,655 deaths annually among men and 173,940 deaths annually among women are tobacco related. Some people might argue that the odds of aids, car accidents and homicides taking one’s life are greater than smoking a couple of cigarettes a day.

Regular tobacco smoking, despite its apparent comparative harmlessness to illegal drugs or incurable diseases, kills more people every year than car accidents, illegal drugs, aids, murders and suicides combined. In the us alone, approximately 400,0 people die each year from voluntary cigarette smoking. when we add the deaths from tobacco related causes, primarily the impact of second hand or so called environmental tobacco smoke ets , the numbers exceed 430,0 people every year. is this the considerable price you are prepared to pay for allowing yourself to yield to this deleterious addiction? it is notable that some people in the us zealously argue against making tobacco smoking illegal.

Their main argument is that it is a personal choice that everyone should be allowed to make. In a democratic society, does not everyone have a right to make their own conscious decisions, and even if it harms their health? certainly, we cannot force someone to give up their personal right in favor of the collective good. Or can we? when it comes to tobacco, the harmful impact it has on health and life goes beyond the person who is smoking. researchers report that exposure to secondhand smoke causes approximately 3,400 lung cancer deaths among nonsmokers in the united states every year lung cancer fact sheet . Environmental smoke from tobacco products also causes an estimated 46,0 premature deaths from heart disease each year in the united states among nonsmokers health effects of secondhand smoke . Furthermore, environmental tobacco smoke is also often considered responsible for sids sudden infant death syndrome , and for causing serious health problems in children, which will affect their development and future life prospects health effects of secondhand smoke . do those around us, especially children, freely choose to be exposed to the hazardous effects of tobacco smoke just because they are in immediate proximity to those who smoke on a daily basis? is it fair to those who are victims of second hand smoke? most certainly not! another impact of tobacco smoking that is often underestimated is the pollution that it causes from a global perspective.

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Do smokers ever ask themselves: where do all the packs and cigarette butts go, where do they disappear to? they do not just vanish. Unfortunately, they pollute our environment, litter our streets, beaches, lakes and seas. They not only spoil the aesthetics of our environment, but also harm animals, fish and plants, enough of which are being killed every day even without this occurrence.

After all, one can argue that a tiny cigarette butt is not even worth thinking about when compared to the many tons of litter that we produce in our life’s routine activity. A separate issue that needs to be discussed is tobacco addiction in teens and kids. Yes, it is illegal in most countries around the world, including the united states, to sell cigarettes to minors. But does it really help when all the tobacco products are still out there and teenagers still manage to find a way to access them, made even more desirable because it is prohibited? we all know that, despite prohibition, smoking among teenagers and children exists, simply because there is little control over the selling of tobacco products as is also the case with alcohol. This is why despite all of the cons of tobacco smoking and all the harm it brings to society, this industry is still successfully run and widely advertised. The time has come to stop this engine of death! smoking does kill, slowly and inevitably, not only those who choose to smoke, but also those around them family, friends and colleagues. The only way to protect us all from being exposed to the hazardous effects of tobacco smoke is by making cigar and cigarette smoking illegal both within and outside of the united states.

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