Gcse English Coursework Lady Macbeth Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

length: 733 words 2.1 double spaced pages rating: red free macbeth is a play about death, deceit, and corruption. As the play progresses, their relationship changes dramatically as a result of how each of them handles their emotions following king duncan's murder. She seems able to coerce macbeth into doing things that he would not do on his own.

She would have no problem dancing on the backs of the bruised for the same reason stuck up rich people today don't care about the starving kids in africa she has never seen or experienced it. When reading macbeth's letter that told of the witches' prophecy she said, yet do i fear thy nature it is too full o' the milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way. She wanted to take the quick and dirty route to royalty murder , but didn't think macbeth was up to it. She has never killed anyone as far as we know , so she doesn't understand why it would be so difficult. We're informed of that at the opening of the play when a sergeant tells of how macbeth hunted down macdonwald and unseamed him from the nave to the chaps and fixed his head upon our battlements. When lady macbeth brought up killing the king he was hesitant to talk about such a thing, then blew her off and said, we will speak further.

Of course, being the whipped little mama's boy that he is, he was talked into her fiendish conspiracy plan. Of course that is a bunch of bs in reality she was just too fainthearted to get the job done. As the play progressed her emotions got the best of her and she was slowly transformed into a pitiful, spineless, little jellyfish who kills herself because she can't take the heat. Near the end she goes insane and walks around saying odd things like, here's the smell of the blood still. Oh, oh, oh! she was obviously more than a little disturbed by her role in the king's murder as well as the various other killings that had taken place. She was so far gone that the doctor proclaimed, this disease is beyond my practice. This feeling of empowerment also led to him doing things on his own and not letting his wife boss him around.

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Even when he is facing the final battle which he knows he will lose, he yells at least we'll die with harness on our back , implying that he plans on fighting to the death and taking a few people down with him. By this time macbeth and lady macbeth had grown apart and he was not too sad when seyton told him, the queen, my lord, is dead. Whereas lady macbeth's thoughts were more along the lines of, what have i done? i feel so terrible and evil. I'm going to go into seclusion because i'm not comfortable interacting with people anymore. Such marked differences in philosophy tend to tear relationships apart and are usually not a part of a healthy marriage. mla citation: shakespeare's macbeth relationship between macbeth and lady macbeth.

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21 feb 2016 lt how does one get an essay done from the entire play? the answer lies in taking key scenes, getting them into a word document and then highlighting, in yellow, the relevant short quotes that fit the need of the essay when it is done. Once you have the highlighted quotes, you then delete the rest, leaving gaps between the quotes, so you can develop links between the words spoken by one character or another. I did this and then put an essay together for you, to show you how it is done, but being the creative writer and thinker that i am, ended up with nearly 1300 words.

What began by using 3 key scenes, then became an essay using 2 key scenes, leading to an essay of 840 words. Now technically, that is 15 words over the 10% limit aqa sets for controlled assessments, but if that happens to you, fear not. Explore the ways that power is presented in macbeth, with reference to the power that lady macbeth has over her husband. Power exists within all relationships and is usually portrayed in fiction as patriarchal, but what the bard is famous for as a playwright, is subverting the accepted norm and bringing to the attention of the public new ideas relating to the power relationships that exist. His play, macbeth, about the scottish tyrant king who is affected by witchcraft and the inward desires of his own wife’s evil intentions, is a good example of this power that exists in such relationships, even regal ones. In act 1, scene 5, after macbeth has been visited by the three witches on the heath, he writes a letter to his wife back at his castle. When she receives it, the audience begin to see where the power lays in their relationship.

When she says glamis thou art, and cawdor and shalt be what thou art promised she is expressing her desires to see her husband crowned king, but there is a problem the present king, duncan, is alive and well, so she begins to plot his demise. But as she does so she knows that her husband is a man who is too full o the milk of human kindness to undertake such a task as killing the king. Shakespeare is using the language of kindness to describe macbeth but follows this up with lady macbeth summoning evil spirits to aid her in her quest for her husband to become king. She says come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, and fill me from the crown to the toe top full of direst cruelty! never could words uttered by any character in fiction be any more powerful than these, for she is asking for evil spirits to appear before her and make her utterly evil in every way. She wants to direct and urge her husband in the act of murder and treason because of her lust for power.

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When macbeth returns to the castle and is unsure of the plan to take over the throne, it is lady macbeth who tells him to bear welcome in your eye, your hand, your tongue: look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent undert when the king arrives. She is telling macbeth that he must appear to the king as friendly and unassuming deceptive so as to gain power. What becomes evident is that power does corrupt, even if it is in the sense of the chance of power corrupting someone who is vulnerable to temptation. His soliloquy, spoken to the audience, leaves them in no doubt at all about his state of mind. He knows that he is the king’s kinsman and his subject, that he is related to the king as well as fond of him and this makes the act of murder harder for macbeth to endure. He knows that duncan hath borne his faculties so meek, hath been so clear in his great office and so, says that he will proceed no further in this business. At this point, macbeth is withering under the pressure of his wife’s plan, so she has to control him.

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