Ocr Law G154 Past Paper Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

G151 is worth 40% of the total as gce marks and is examined in a 1 hour written paper worth 60 marks. This question paper consists of two source based questions involving analysis, explanation or legal reasoning. The main areas of study in unit g152 are: doctrine of precedent: legislation: european union law: law reform.

Two full practice exam papers with mark schemes more cases more detail on answering question 1 and achieving a and a grades candidates will study either sections a and c or sections b and c. section a criminal law offences against property theft roberry, blackmail, burglary and criminal damage fraud and making off without payment and finally defences. section b tort the tort of negligence, general principles relating to physical damage and medical negligence psychiatric damage and economic loss product liability, liability in tort for defective goods, occupiers' liability, the tort of nuisance and the rule in rylands v fletcher and vicarious liability. section c concepts of law law and morality law and justice judicial creativity fault balancing conflicting interests smartdecat sitebuilder 2014 order the above textbooks by clicking on them.

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students should print off the intranet materials and take them to class with them. the recommended reading text is chapter 7 of 'criminal law' by diana roe. Students should also make use of a criminal law cases and materials book for example: 'criminal law text, cases and materials' by jonathan herring. Eo/diversity issues and health issues prior to the delivery of ss1 and ss2 students should read and precis chapter 3 of 'the english legal system' by jacqueline martin on the doctrine of judicial precedent. Take your notes to class so they can be checked at the start of the lesson. students should also start preparing ss6 now work ahead of the teacher. prior to the delivery of ss3 and ss4students should read and precis chapter 7 of 'the english legal system' by jacqueline martin on the doctrine of judicial precedent. Take your notes to class so they can be checked at the start of the lesson. ss5 important read and precis. ss 7 working in pairs small law firms produce an imindmap timeline showing the development of the law for burglary and robbery in this timeline reflect precedent and relate to the special study materials. ss 9 produce detailed case notes for all cases on the time line s show precedent. ss10 conduct a detailed and critical look at the special study materials.

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Break up into small law firms each law firm to present one of the special study items to class via a powerpoint presentation. ss11 we will give consideration to reform issues and evaluate the types of examination questions that could arise for each of the special study sources. if time permits, we will run a mini mooting competition making use of the special study materials. mock examination involving a specimen examination paper to be provided by your laws tutor plan an answer with a fellow student mock examination involving a specimen examination paper to be undertaken in examination conditions. revision will consist of essay practice and undertaking past exam papers a ready made reference list and a great collection of activities to help your weaker students get to grips with those key criminal cases for a2 aqa criminal law. Each of the cases is summarised succinctly with details, outcomes amp significance, all cross referenced to the law03 and law04 topics. Supported by a variety of creative activities to engage your students – perfect for revision or to test case knowledge on a topic by topic basis. Activities include:

    match up activity to support weaker learners – students match each case to its significance ‘learning grid’ style activities for each topic, where students fill in the outcome amp significance of each case and check their answers against the completed grid flash cards provided on cd rom – ideal for revision games
this resource would be very useful students are often overwhelmed by cases.

This enables teachers to pick and choose relevant cases and enables students to learn them. The structure is very clear which is useful, it is very valuable to have a brief outline of the significance, often this is all the students need to know for an exam. €� e skinner head of department and independent reviewer price is £49 includes photocopiable master with site licence electronic copies available. A strong point of the resource is it sets the foundations of learning it covers all aspects of consent.

A hepple, teacher and independent reviewer price is £69 includes photocopiable master with site licence electronic copies available. Orders are normally dispatched in 2 5 working days. superb collection of activities that can be used as starters, plenaries and research tasks to supplement your class teaching. Activities are clearly indexed and ready to use so you can easily pull out activities for the topic you are teaching. Designed to encourage active learning comprehensive coverage of each topic, with all key and common cases and their legal principles this is a high quality, thoughtful and excellent resource in a challenging area of law for students which will be just what a2 law teachers are looking for.

€� p emerton, teacher and independent reviewer this is a good resource, the structure is clear and the material covers all that is required by the aqa a2 syllabus. €� e skinner, teacher and independent reviewer price is £69 includes photocopiable master with site licence electronic copies available. Orders are normally dispatched in 2 5 working days. help your students to really get to know their cases, understand the significance of each and link them to the as specification.

    listed alphabetically, with details, outcomes amp significance, cross referenced to the ocr as topics. €�learning grid’ style activities for each topic, where students fill in the outcome amp significance of each case. Match up activity to support weaker learners – students match each case to its significance.

this resource is very useful and will help the students learn and remember key cases and acts which will substantially improve their grades. The tables allow students to interpret the cases in a way which they understand. i would definitely purchase this resource and will recommend it to my colleagues. €� a hepple, teacher amp independent reviewer price is £49 each includes photocopiable master with site licence electronic copies available. Orders are normally dispatched in 2 5 working days. written by an ocr law teacher with real experience of what is required in the classroom, the resource includes: price is £54 includes photocopiable master with site licence electronic copies available. и многие, ощущая подобное, стараются активно растереть или размять болезненные места, стремясь снять напряжение и побыстрей улучшить самочувствие.

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