Fun English Homework Ideas Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Homework is generally part of any english course and is set with the aim of helping children absorb and build on work done in class and to extend their learning time. Doing homework also helps children on their way to becoming independent learners. homework and parents homework provides a link between school and home. Parents like to see what their children are learning and children, especially very young learners, often like to show parents what they can do. If you are setting homework from learnenglish kids you need to get parents involved as their children will need permission to use the internet at home. It might be a good idea to begin setting homework from learnenglish kids following a meeting with parents where you have told them about the site. The ideal scenario for learners using the website to do their english homework would be to have a parent or guardian sitting with them as they do it, offering encouragement and support and sharing in the learning process.

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In reality this may not always be the case, but if parents are at least aware of how they can help their children learn and practise their english at home, we’re increasing the chances of it happening. Parents who want to know more about how to help their child with english at home might be interested in the ‘helping your child’ section on learnenglish kids parents section:  what kind of homework? you could give your learners three stories to read and listen to at home and decide which they like best and why. Alternatively, you could choose just one story and give children a story worksheet to complete at home.

Find all the learnenglish kids short stories here: you could ask your students to listen to and sing along with a song at home and then have a group sing along in the next class. There are lots of songs here: your learners could watch a short video from the ‘kids news’ section in the ‘your turn’ section, children are invited to write about something they are interested in. You could give students a choice of three topics from the ‘your turn’ section: your learners can read any comments already posted under their chosen topic and then send in their own ideas to be published. Tell your students that you’ll be checking the site to read what they’ve written and point out that writing doesn’t have to be error free! as children need to become members of learnenglish kids before they can send in their writing, you could spend a lesson on completing the registration process in class with your students before asking them to post their writing as homework. This is lots of fun and involves choosing a username, creating a character and choosing a password.

They will need an email account to register so you will have to check this with parents first or encourage parents to help their child register at home. To register go to the ‘sign up for a free account ’ link on the home page of the website. playing games nobody could complain that playing a game for homework is boring! you could choose a game from learnenglish kids and have a quick practice of the game in class to make sure everyone is clear about how to play it. Set the game for homework then in the next class ask students to compare their scores or tell a partner how many times they played the game at home. Why not ask children to look around the website to find a game that they like and then tell a partner about it next class? paper based homework if you’re covering a specific topic in class you could choose a relevant activity sheet to print out for homework from the alphabetical list of topics here: very young learners can take home something they made in class to play with or use with family members. There are lots of things to make including masks, puppets, clocks, and games here: checking homework it can be tricky to check that non written homework has been done.

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Make sure they know what homework their child has been set by having your students copy instructions from the board into their notebooks or diaries. It could be worth giving them a handout with instructions that include web addresses, as these can be difficult to copy correctly. Keeping homework records is very handy if a problem arises and parents need to be shown hard evidence of occasions when their child hasn’t done his or her homework. It’s also nice to be able to show them a record that their child has always done the homework. when you have used some of these ideas, why not come back to this page and leave a comment below to tell us how your class went. Let us know if you have any additional ideas! send to kindle evenings and weekends are precious to us all. Homework – a compound word that resonates down the chalk dust swirling corridors of all our school days.

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Work: well, fill this one in yourself, why dont you? the point is, the two things dont often sit well together and i have always been ambivalent about the value of homework for children under 11. An ofsted inspector once told me that theyd stopped being critical of schools about parental attitudes to homework, because invariably half of parents thought the school set too little and the other half set too much, so schools couldnt win no change there, then. They may have read it in the daily mail, or they may be of the i had to do it and it never did me any harm school of thought, in which case whats wrong with flogging and outside lavatories? these may well be the same parents who can remember how to do quadratic equations unlike me whose secondary school child regularly weeps into her calculator at half nine of a tuesday evening whilst bewailing the fact her parent is a mathematical imbecile.

Research indicates, however, that the value of homework in developing academic understanding is questionable at best. This may be down to the nature and the quality of the homework set and also down to the nature and quality of the finished product. For every diligent teacher who sets and marks homework with brow furrowing zeal there is one who sets the first thing that comes into his head at the end of a fraught lesson and marks it cursorily, if at all. For every compliant child or parent – come on, you know it happens! who spends hours writing that essay there is one who is still scribbling down a few hasty sentences in his largest, page filling writing in the school playground. The nub of the matter is that homework is only useful when meaningful, related to and supporting class based work, well matched to the child, time limited and marked with top notch feedback from the teacher. Having got those longwinded caveats off my chest, here are some suggestions where homework can be manageable for both the setter and the doer and have a positive impact.

Ask questions interview a family member about their school days, work, play, food, etc. Digital dictaphones are available for 20 quid and are within the reach of most schools. Results can be shared and presented in any way from a video presentation to a pie chart.

Pack a suitcase following some input on wwii and the mass evacuation of the young, set the children the task of making their own evacuation suitcase. Some children will literally make one out of cardboard, but its the contents that are the key. What five things would they take with them and why? they can write this, or simply talk through their suitcase with the rest of the class.