Gender Inequality Reseach Paper Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

an incomplete list of topics for research paper this list is meant to give you some ideas about the topics for research papers in this course. You should also realize that the topics are stated very broadly and that you will have to narrow the topic you choose considerably. homophobia and gender cultural differences in ways men and women can exhibit male and female roles hijab, berache, etc. Male and female aggression relational aggression in women women and men and sports male vs. Female math ability lesbians and homosexuals and relationships anorexia and bulimia in males and females tv programs and their betrayal of male and female roles gender and low self esteem oxytocin: the hormone of bonding ane men and women gender equality is a broad topic with many different angles that can be examined. For my part in this project i chose to research the changing perspective on gender inequalities in schools. I wanted to find out what people really felt about the fairness of their education, and whether they really felt they had been shortchanged in the learning process because of their sex.

My results were generally what i had expected to find, though there were a few interesting findings along the way. I used an article from education week entitled, the silent gender gap, an empirical research project conducted by molly weinburgh of georgia state university, and i conducted my own research by using surveys and interviewing people about what they remember from their days in the public schools. I wanted to answer the question as to whether or not gender really played a role in the equality of peoples education.

I expected to find that the further back through time i looked, the more evidence i would find of there being a general sentiment toward the belief that males were favored in the classroom. This favoritism i expected to be greater and have a larger impact the further back through time i went with my interviews. However, i expected that in more recent times the pendulum of educational inequalities would have swung hard the other way, giving the females a clear advantage. I conducted interviews with or received surveys back from forty eight people ranging in age, background, and geographic region of where they attended high school.

Six of these people graduated high school between 1945 and 1955, twenty four graduated between 1968 and 1979, and the remaining eighteen people have recently graduated since 1995. They represent three the pay gap between men and women has fallen quite dramatically over the past 30 years though a sizeable gap still remains, but this headline figure masks some less positive developments in recent years. We are used to each generation of women making progress relative to the one before, but this process has slowed slightly with the better than the previous one centre piece summer 2006. The gender pay gap measures the earning differences between women and men in paid employment in the labor market.

It is one of many indicators of gender inequality in a country, when examining labor market participation in terms of gender ec 2007. The study global employment trends for women published by the international labor organization ilo in 2009 provides current information about the global gender pay gap. Assumptions about a decline or increase in the pay gap between women and men depend on the data available and differ in the subjects of study and country specific wage and salary administration. According to the ilo, progress in reducing the gender pay gap is very slow in europe and central asia. In certain countries there has even been evidence of an increase in the difference. Review of literature two main reasons for the pay gap can be identified undp 2006: direct gender, discrimination, in labor markets and occupational segregation.

Direct discrimination occurs when people who have the same level of educational attainment and work experience are treated differently because of their gender: different pay levels for the same work or different job requirements for the same pay level. Efforts and achievements in the field of direct discrimination have been made in many countries by passing laws or establishing supportive institutions. The various forms of discrimination relating to occupational gender segregation are more subtle as well as more delicate to address with specific actions center piece 2008. However, that proportion is not reflected when investigating occupational groups within the various sectors: 46.3 percent of employed women work in the services sector, 35.4 percent in the agricultural sector and only 18.3 percent in the industrial sector compared to 26.6 percent of employed men ilo 2009. The specific sectors in which women employees are the vast majority – secretaries, teachers and nurses – also are poorly paid work areas. And even within these jobs they are paid less than their male colleagues iwpr 2009.

This fundamental under evaluation of women's work results basically from two facts. Firstly, women's primary responsibility for unpaid care work such as children, education and basic family services seems to channel them into similar working areas in the labor market unifem 2005. Some researchers refer to differences in occupations between women and men as the selection effect e.g. The selection effect implies not only that women choose certain kinds of occupations, but that employers are favoring men over women by not adapting the work environment to suit both genders.

Secondly, the specific way in which work skills are attained plays an important role in to their financial evaluation: the gender pay gap exists is evident from a brief review of labor force statistics. The national women's law center nwlc declared that in the usa at the present rate of the gender pay gap the average woman had to work until april 2008 to make what the average man made by the end of 2007 nwlc, 2008. For example, in the uk at the present rate of the gender pay gap the average woman who works full time would miss around $369,0 over her working life bbc news, 2008. Questia, your online research library and paper writing resource, contains thousands of scholarly articles and books about gender. Gender studies emerged from the discipline of sociology to become a rapidly growing area of inquiry. Often coupled with women's studies in academia, gender studies traditionally focused on the systematic oppression of women and the resulting liberation movements. More recently, faculties have adopted an interdisciplinary approach to gender and women's studies, that places gender relations in the context of other social influences such as race, religion, class, and sexual orientation.

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