Non-Research Literature Text

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Analysis of expert teaching has long been a part of professional education at all levels of instruction, but, even in light of seemingly endless discussions of the definitions and indicators of good teaching, there remains considerable debate about what makes an expert teacher. Despite the remarkable consistency across all disciplines with regard to broadly framed descriptions of effective teaching and its attributes, identifying precisely what expert teachers actually do to elicit positive changes in their students moment to moment remains an unsolved problem for aspiring novices, teacher educators, and other professionals involved in teacher assessment. Perhaps especially in music, in which the interactions between teachers and students differ markedly from conventional classroom instruction, there is a paucity of literature that adequately explains the complexities of expert teaching in context. Music teaching has a long and rich history, and much has been written about notable pedagogues of the past, both in the history of western music and in the histories of other cultures shehan campbell, 1991 , but surprisingly little of what has been written provides information precise enough to be useful in learning to become an excellent teacher.

How do experts turn poor musicians into good ones? how do they turn good musicians into great ones? answers to these questions encompass all of the things that teachers do:  how they explain, how they demonstrate, how they ask questions, how they respond to student performance, and, perhaps most importantly, what they have students do. The difficulties in defining expert behavior precisely are not unique to music teaching, of course the same challenges confront those who attempt to capture the nature of expertise in every discipline. Perhaps not surprisingly, observers at all levels of experience and expertise are highly reliable in identifying excellent teaching when they see it duke, 1987, 2005 madsen amp geringer, 1989 madsen et al.. 1992 schmidt, 1992 siebenaler, 1997 , and the many books written about teaching express similar views about the characteristics of excellent instruction. But the majority of the non research literature, rather than explaining the process of effecting behavior change in learners, comprise primarily descriptions of instructional materials, music repertoire, performance practice, and the physical aspects of music performance e.g.

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The purpose of the present study was to identify common elements in the teaching of expert artist teachers in music. We began with no systematized observation structure we simply watched many hours of video recordings of private lessons, noting elements of instruction that elicited changes in student performance, and classifying the behaviors of expert teachers that may define the nature of their expertise. We then selected videotaped excerpts that illustrate each of the elements as they appeared in the teaching of our three subjects. Good scholarship involves: connecting ideas, theories, experience applying method/methodology to different areas creating new synthesis or insight re examining existing knowledge an essential means toward this end is the literature review. The review is the foundation for the research: ldquo a literature review is an objective, thorough summary and critical analysis of the relevant available research and non research literature on the topic being studied.

The key features of a systematic review or systematic research synthesis are that: explicit and transparent methods are used it is a piece of research following a standard set of stages it is accountable, replicable and updateable there is a requirement of user involvement to ensure reports are relevant and useful. Systematic reviews aim to find as much as possible of the research relevant to the 160 particular research questions, and use explicit methods to identify what can reliably be said on the basis of these studies. Methods should not only be explicit but systematic with the aim of producing varied and reliable results. Such reviews then go on to synthesise research findings in a form which is easily accessible to those who have to make policy or practice decisions. In this way, systematic reviews reduce the bias which can occur 160 in other approaches to reviewing research evidence. To find out more about how these methods have developed, see our page on the history of systematic reviews. 160 for detailed information about each stage of a systematic review, please see our page methods 160 for a systematic review.

The methods used in systematic reviews have traditionally given more attention to research 160 reporting evaluations of interventions than to other kinds of research. Ways of locating, reviewing and synthesising non intervention research are thus an important challenge, and one which is central to the eppi centre’s work. See also the methods, tools and databases for more information 160 about 160 methods of systematic reviews.

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