Giraffe Writing Paper Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

The word giraffe comes from the arabic word, zirafah, meaning the tallest of all. The giraffe is the tallest land animal in the world, standing up to nine feet tall and weighing up to 2,800 pounds! this huge mammal is best known for its long neck, spotted pattern, and long legs. The giraffe relies on a lot of different sensory modalities in different situations, from eating to communicating with others of his or her kind.

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Giraffes can be up to a half of a mile apart from each other and still be able to maintain eye contact. Watching out for predators, eating, watching ones offspring, drinking, these are just a few examples of a time a giraffe would need the ability to see. A herd of giraffes can be made up of all males, all females, females and their young, or of both sexes and all ages.

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Female giraffes are more social then male giraffes and are almost never out of sight from another female. Males stay in female herds until they outgrow their resemblance to females at about three years old. Actually, giraffes very rarely are bunched up together unless they happen to be interested in the same food source or are nervous of a near predator. Even when giraffes are at rest they are usually about twenty yards apart from one another. giraffes what i’m going to talk about is the giraffes habitat, behavior, what a giraffes looks like.

Until the middle of the 20th centrey giraffes were also commonly found in west africa, south of sahara. I chose to write my essay about the giraffe because this mammal has been my favorite animal since the third grade. I did mine on the giraffe and working on that project i became more fascinated by the giraffe as i was working. Mammal anatomy 2010 marshall cavendish corporation the giraffe is perhaps one of the most iconic species of africa and to the mysteries and intrigue that lie within the confines of evolution. The word giraffe comes from the arabic word, zirafah, meaning the tallest of all. The giraffe is the tallest land animal in the world, standing up to nine feet tall and weighing up to 2,800 pounds! this huge mammal is best known for its long neck, spotted pattern, and long legs. giraffes also known as its scientific name camelopardalis, these brownish, blackish, orangish, spotty separated by light colored or whitish lines creatures, are the world’s tallest mammals which live in the african range around the southern part of the sahara in the savannas and grassland areas.

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For example a giraffe that cannot reach food up in trees wouldint live so it would die of starvation. As time goes only the gene of the giraffes that have long necks would live and reproduce while shorter necked giraffes would die off. The giraffe giraffa camelopardalis is an african even toed ungulate mammal, the tallest living terrestrial animal and the largest ruminant. Its species name refers to its camel like appearance and the patches of color on its fur.

An example of how natural selection may have worked in a population for example, moth in new england, drug resistant bacteria, giraffes. Finches in the galapagos islands, or another species you select an explanation of how adaptations help species survive such as mimicry and camouflage. Small animal such as a mouse were to become 5ft long, its heart would not be strong enough to pump blood throughout its body. If a large mammal like a giraffe were to become smaller, it would not be able to maintain its footing because of winds and ground vibrations. Today, not many people know much about giraffes these animals live a very interesting life since the day that they’re born. How the giraffe got its long neck many moons ago, there was a beautiful land where all was calm and pleasant. Where the gods, perched boringly on their clouds above, looked down upon the perfect animals, conferred with each other, and decided that all was good.

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