Global History Regents Thematic Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

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Click the left mouse button on the thumbnail image of the component assessment to open the portable document format pdf file in microsoft internet explorer. Adobe reader, 7.0 or higher, will be required to view portable document format pdf files. Please contact the t echnology c all c enter x2 if the program is needed on the computer. Click the left mouse button on the date to the bottom right of the component assessment's thumbnail image to open the portable document format pdf file in microsoft internet explorer. it is important to remember that a thematic essay is an essay based on a particular theme from the global history and geography curriculum. After the stated theme, students are given a task which they must complete in essay format regarding the theme.

Finally, students are provided a list of potential topics to write about regarding the theme. unlike a document based essay question, a thematic essay does not provide actual documents to answer the essay question. Instead, students must possess a prior knowledge base to answer the essay thoroughly. However, given the multiplicity of suggestions, students will invariably find several suggested topics that they can use to effectively write the essay. Thematic essay writing is possible if students remember several important guidelines for successful writing. On this page, students will find guidelines as well as outlines of previous regents thematic essays. first, the guidelines! 1. read the theme carefully. the theme is the essays big idea. It is critical that students understand the theme and begin to think about the various ways the theme has occurred throughout history. thematic essay overview to successfully write a thematic essay response, one must focus on the task.

Each of the task items must be addressed in the written essay response in order to receive full credit. A generic scoring rubric is provided which explains how the thematic essay response will be graded. To earn the maximum score possible, consider the following steps for writing a thematic essay response: 1. pre writing thematic essay theme:civilization throughout history, great civilizations have existed in various parts of the world.

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The cultural and intellectual achievements of these civilizations contributed to the advancement of humankind. During the neolithic revolution, people discovered agriculture and were able to use this practice as a food source rather than having to hunt and gather. As a result of this, people were able to discontinue their nomadic life styles and civilizations were created.

Despite some of these civilizations having geographic obstacles, they were all great civilizations and made contributions to the development of human kind or contributed to world history. China made significant contributions under the rule of the three dynasties: the zhou, the qin and the han dynasty. The test was based on the teachings of confucius which was a man that lived during the zhou dynasty that believed that when people live up to the duties of their position in society it would result in a harmonious society and preserve order. Wudi created this system of testing to ensure that the government ruling the empire would be wise and so they would rule with confucian values and instill them into daily life.

Another important achievement of the han dynasty was the establishment of the silk road. This was a four thousand mile trade route that connected china with lands in the west. Each of these achievements of the han dynasty had a lasting effect on the development of chinese civilization and helped it prosper. As a result of wudi’s creation of the civil service exam system he ensured that officials were skilled in government and therefore strengthened it. Because he established such a strong government, the han dynasty was able to expand its empire and conquer china’s surrounding lands such as korea, manchuria, north vietnam and tibet. As a result of the silk road, china had another income besides the taxes that it received from its people. The trade route enabled china to trade globally, therefore helping trade prosper.

Similar to the han dynasty of china, the romans also created a way to stabilize and strengthen its government. Some of the ideas that these laws conveyed were the right of the criminate to face one’s accuser and the idea of being innocent until being proven guilty with evidence. As a matter of fact, when the peasants or lower class of roman society argued that they wouldn’t be able to know the laws unless they were written, which led the laws of twelve tables or the twelve tablets to be promulgated, eventually the lower class or plebeians were even able to earn a position in government.

As a result of their great achievements in law, it strengthened the roman empire. The social studies intellectual skills are taken from the commencement level performance indicators found in the learning standards for social studies. Students apply these skills in the thematic essay and document based question dbq essay included on the global history and geography regents examination. Thematic essays require students to write in depth about one of the themes identified in the global history and geography section of the social studies resource guide with core curriculum. In the thematic essay, students are asked to compare and contrast events, analyze issues, or evaluate solutions to problems in a comprehensive and cohesive essay that includes a clearly articulated introduction statement and a logically drawn conclusion. Document based questions require students to identify and explore multiple perspectives on events or issues by examining, analyzing, and evaluating textual and visual primary and secondary documents.

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The thematic essay, the scaffolding portion of the dbq, and the analytic essay of the dbq will be scored holistically using clearly defined criteria described in the scoring rubrics. The following links provide instructional strategies and guidance on developing and scoring both types of essays, along with an explanation of the holistic scoring process. Sometimes review themes write a rewrite of the following graphic organizers coincide with us history essay us by bill.