Homework Page Ideas Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Try the activity telescopes from the ground up to learn how telescopes have changed the way we view the universe. Visit the space telescopes section to find out how hubble functions, inside and out. Could you work for nasa? test yourself by trying to unscramble a hubble servicing mission in the activity mission mastermind. Many parents have been there and wrote to share their advice about what helped end the homework battles with their kids. One parent of a fifth grader writes: we pick up our son from school and immediately sit down at the kitchen island to open the backpack, eat a snack and immediately start the homework. As such, on rare occasion when a friend comes home with us after school, the friend has said, bobby, what do you want to do? my son responds, well, we can do anything but not until we get our homework done.

One day we were talking about colleges and we said that sometimes you can choose which days to attend classes in college, like monday, wednesday and friday, and when you want to take class, like in the morning or afternoon, or evening. His comment was, if i did my homework right after class, then i am free to do whatever i want? understand the stages that lead to atherosclerosis, its affect on health and the factors that increase the risk of its development. Each of my cooperating teachers had a method that i will try to describe: one teacher used a weekly smile packet student managed independent learning environment. The student was allowed to work on the packet during smile time only, unless otherwise told. The smile activities included: dol, da have to activities preview a story, write a prediction in the response journal and then read the story as assigned. Complete the activity/guided reading worksheet that corresponds to the book cmt formatted questions, worksheets.

Each smile packet has a grading rubric for students to self score and the teacher to score. Assessment is based on organizational skills, time management skills, completion of work, and quality of work. After they finish their work, they could work on their writing, ssr, extra challenges, computer time website suggestions given. My other cooperating teacher used a weekly homework packet with a cover sheet indicating which assignments were due when. Typically, monday thru thursday she would assign a math page or problem or game and the student had to read a book to or with a grown up. She would offer challenge homework packets for those who needed more, asking them to complete 1 2 additional pages each night and turn in the whole packet when done. At the beginning of each month, students are given a calendar every other day is marked with a writing prompt.

Folder work included copies of pre made or handmade worksheets reinforcing skills already taught. There is also independent early bird morning math worksheets set up like a weekly calendar days of week on left side and 8 columns across with problems in each box. Worksheets are identified as easy, average or challenging by the alphanumeric code in the top right corner. I also know someone who keeps a binder with all homework answers up front so the students can check their answers themselves.

I'm just thinking maybe a class job someone who goes over answers with class? we asked teachers to tell us their best ideas for encouraging students to take responsibility for turning in work on time. submitted by alicia vandermale, west elementary school, tooele, utah my students have horse homework folders that they turn in to me every morning. Students really want to do their homework because 10 stars on the homework chart earns them a trip to the cow box, which is full of cool stuff like magic ink and rubber snakes. submitted by tonya rowswell, drane intermediate school, corsicana, texas on the first day of school my campus provided each student with a tracker to record all homework assignments on. They are able to use the tracker as a restroom pass in each class period middle school students , so they are required to bring the tracker to every class each day. On monday, as soon as they enter my room, they are to be seated and copy their homework assignment from the board into the tracker. Once the tardy bell rings, i check attendance and then i walk around the room and check each tracker to make sure they have their assignment written down in ink.

We reflect on what we have learned for the day and i have someone in the class remind us of our homework assignment and parent signature that is required in the tracker that night. The next day we go through the same procedure, checking for parent signatures when i walk around the room and to check what they have written for that day's assignment. I also collect the previous night's homework they have placed on the corner of their desk or we take a few minutes to check our homework together. For students who have a completed all required spaces filled in, signatures each night, and homework completed and turned in on time , i give them either one free homework pass for the following week, or a treat from my treasure box.

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Andrews school, savannah, georgia in my third grade classroom, my co teacher and i feel that students really need to internalize the value of doing the work not so much for a reward, but because it helps them learn. For this reason, when we have our back to school night we tell parents that we want the homework done by their children, with little or no help from the parents. If a parent does the work or helps them too much, we don't get a picture of how the child is doing on his or her own. We tell the parents that nothing goes home for homework that we haven't gone over in class, so the children should at least be familiar with the concepts.

This gives us the opportunity to go over the work with a child at a deficit or if he/she does not complete the work. submitted by carolyn campis, ps 180 hugo newman school, new york, new york in my classroom, students who complete all components of their homework for 20 or more nights in one month, are entered into the lunch date raffle. At the end of each month, two homework superstars are selected to have a lunch date with me. During lunch, i'll order a pizza and the superstars stay in the classroom and chat with the teacher while they eat.