Homework Site Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Welcome to the weald school homework site use the links to find homework that has been set by your teacher. All your teachers are available via e mail but you may need to go and speak to them to ask for a further explanation. Please do this well in advance of the due date so you leave yourself enough time to complete the work. Students can now use a school computer from home! to access this feature please log into vpn.theweald.org.uk.

On this page you will also find the links to the office compatibility packs and open office. The office compatibility packs mean if you are running office 2003 you can still open office 2007 and 2010 files. Open office is free open source software where you can produce spread sheets, presentations and word processing documents. The homework site formally called the student progress tracking system spts was designed to help willowwood students manage their workloads, keep on top of their own progress, and keep parents informed of their student's academic progress. Each parent and student of willowwood has been assigned a unique id/password that is used to sign on to this system. If you have any questions or comments regarding spts, please contact sari in guidance at: [email protected].

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homework: to do or not to do?

copyright 2002 by elizabeth yeow included here with permission of the author 9 every fall excitement fills the air as students arrive at school with new backpacks and school supplies, eager to meet their new teacher.

Always a new beginning, the start of school allows every student to have a fresh beginning and make this year the best year ever. Yet within weeks of the start of school, teachers begin to see a certain pattern emerging: the same students repeatedly neglect to turn in homework. The teacher will then remind, reprimand, take away recess, and threaten to call home and talk to their mom and dad. Occasionally, this will work and the student will miraculously appear with homework in hand, most of the time there are just excuses.

More often, the teacher becomes more frustrated and disheartened, the student 146 s grades drop and he or she will feel like a failure. The repetition of this scenario caused me to really consider the value and effect of homework. Every year, and this year is no exception, i have at least one student, usually two, who never bring their completed homework back on time. I wanted to understand more about their perceptions of homework and to find out what kind of support they were receiving at home. Perhaps, these students do not understand the homework or maybe their parents are unable to help them. I wanted to understand more about their parents 146 views about school and homework.

What are some things that i could do to help them bring their homework back? as i began this study, i had several assumptions. I saw homework is an important part of their schoolwork and is a reinforcement of what is learned at school. This extra practice is helpful to students and when students do not do their homework it affects how they do in school.

Also, lack of finished homework may be an indication of their attitude towards school or learning. Background information i teach at clara barton elementary school pseudonym , a public elementary school in the suburbs of a metropolitan area, about 15 miles outside of washington, dc. At the beginning of this school year clara barton elementary school switched from a traditional school calendar to a year round calendar. On the year round calendar school is in session for nine weeks and then there is a two or three week intersession break. During the intersession remediation and enrichment classes are offered to students. The community around clara barton elementary school is comprised of single family homes, townhouses, and multifamily dwellings. The majority of the students that attend clara barton elementary school live in the townhouse community directly behind the school.

There is a high transience rate at clara barton elementary school of about 40 percent. Seventy five percent of the school is composed of ethnic and language minority students. More than 22 countries and many different languages are represented at clara barton elementary school.

Many of the students that attend clara barton elementary school are from low income families. Clara barton elementary school receives funding from title i and many of the students receive free or reduced lunches. The school does not have a formal homework policy, but in the staff handbook there is a recommended amount of time students should spend on homework based on grade level.

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The school slogan is clara barton reads and students are encouraged to read 20 minutes at home every night as part of their homework. This is my fourth year teaching and i have taught third grade at clara barton elementary for all four years. Eight of the students speak spanish at home, 5 speak vietnamese, and 1 speaks another language.

Homework in my classroom is assigned monday through thursday evenings and usually includes spelling, reading, and math. When students arrive at school in the morning they take out their homework and stack it on a table at the back of the room. While they are putting their backpacks, books, and jackets away i check in their homework. Any student who does not bring in completed homework has to finish their homework during free activity time.

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