How Do You Write a Compare And Contrast Essay Introduction Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

In order to understand how to start an essay, you must first have a full understanding of what youre going to be writing about. In a compare and contrast essay, you are discussing both the similarities and the differences between two subjects. While you may be someone who can start an essay off of the top of your head with no problem, many people find it easier to sit down and write out an outline before beginning. The order in which you introduce your points in your introduction is the order in which you should introduce them in your essay, so its good to have the framework completed before beginning. knowing how to start a compare and contrast essay is the first step to writing an interesting essay that will keep readers engaged all the way to the end. If youre ready to learn the ins and outs of effective academic writing, udemy has the course for you. Enroll in college writing essentials to learn everything you need to know about sentence structure, thesis statements and different formats! before deciding how many paragraphs to break your essay up into, you should first figure out approximately how long the essay is going to be.

If it only has to be 500 words, you dont need to split it up into 7 different paragraphs. But if it is a longer essay, such as 5,0 words, youll want to break it up into smaller chunks in order to keep the readers attention throughout the paper. Once you know how long the essay must be, you must then determine exactly how youre going to split up the topics. These arent the only options you have depending on your topic, there are many other ways of organizing your paragraphs. There is no right way to go about organizing your paper, it is up to your own discretion.

How do you think you should organize it so that the paper will flow the smoothest? another thing to consider is your audience. Are you writing for a third grade class, or are you writing for college professors? your audience will largely affect the tone and voice of your essay, as well as the words, phrases, and grammar you use throughout it. The introduction should entice readers into reading your essay, so make sure you start out strong. You may begin by mentioning one interesting fact about one of the subjects, or by asking a question that will be answered later in the paper. An introduction should describe what the compare and contrast essay is about, so if youre discussing the similarities and differences between vacationing in a city and vacationing in the country, be sure you make that clear. One key thing to remember: dont say in my essay i will be talking about this and this.

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Instead of saying ill be discussing the similarities and differences between a vacation in the city and a vacation in the country, you could say something like what makes a city so unique? what draws people to the countryside? though both are compelling in different ways, they hold more similarities than you may realize. This statement may also double as your thesis, which is your view or stance on the particular topic at hand. Lets say the first paragraph is comparing and contrasting the people of the city and the country, the second paragraph is about the landscape and general aesthetic quality of the two, and the third paragraph is about what you can do for entertainment. Youll mention all of this, and mention them in the order the paragraphs will be presented in. Before trying to compare and contrast your two subjects, begin by writing down every bit of knowledge you have on the two off the bat, being sure that you are keeping the two subjects separate from each other for now.

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What is it that you already know about your subjects? what are you going to need to research further? now take a look at the two lists you have made. The differences are probably fairly obvious, but can you pick out any similarities? if not, youll have to dig a little deeper. When researching your subjects, try to find information that may not be common knowledge. If someone is going to pick up an essay on the similarities and differences between city and country, chances are they already have a lot of background knowledge on the subject.

Youll want to find a small handful of facts that will make readers think wow! and continue to read until the end. Whatever you told readers you were going to speak about throughout your essay, make sure you write a concise summary of it in your conclusion and make sure you are referring back to something in the body of your essay. As a simple example, you could say something such as although cities are full of hustle and bustle and the countryside is more relaxed, both are areas where people go to find inspiration for novels, paintings and screenplays. The next time youre staring at a blank word document, make take out that old fashioned pen and paper and start making that outline! youll find that starting a compare and contrast essay is easier than you may have imagined. If youre looking for more ways to improve your writing skills, sign up for udemys course on quality paragraph and essay writing. Whether youre a novice or a professional writer, youll find valuable information that will help you become more organized and succinct! a comparison essay or a compare and contrast essay is a commonly used type of writing assignment in various classes of high school and college, from art to science. In a comparison essay you,the student, should critically analyze any two subjects, finding and pointing out their similarities and/or dissimilarities.

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Depending on your assignment, such essays can be comparative only looking only at similarities , contrasting only pointing out the differences or both comparative and contrasting. In order to write a good essay, first of all you need to have a good topic for it, i.e. A topic that lets you easily demonstrate your writing skills and finally get a high grade without thinking too much. What does it means specifically regarding the comparison and contrast essay? very simple: the subjects must be easy comparable, so you don’t need to think too hard to point out their similarities and / or differences. For example: a big college campus and a small college campus world war i and world war ii two perspectives on the same place: morning and night william shakespeare with william wordsworth windows vs.

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Linux using the following links, you can find a lot of good comparison topics for your essay: considering the right structure for your essay is one of the key points of success. First, let’s make sure we all understand the basics of a compare and contrast essay. Rest assured, you will come across this type of paper at some point in your academic career, if you haven’t already. A compare and contrast essay asks you to look at the similarities compare and differences contrast between two or more items or concepts. It may seem easy to look at vladimir putin and kim jong un and notice the surface level differences and similarities. The compare and contrast essay often asks you to go beyond the surface, to perform a critical analysis of the two subjects, and to begin to understand the underlying tendencies and characteristics.

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By doing so, you not only better understand the two subjects, but you reveal the concepts and connections, and possibly what makes them the way they are. Depending on the prompt assigned, you may find your mind is overwhelmed by the myriad similarities and differences related to your subjects. Instead of just shoving them all into an essay with the subtlety of a dictator with daddy issues throwing a tantrum, let’s see if we can organize them beforehand. My favorite organization tool for a compare and contrast essay is the venn diagram.

This writing tool allows you to clearly organize the similarities and differences of two subjects with two simple, overlapping circles. I suggest you draw a big venn diagram on a piece of paper and write everything you can think of that fits in the three sections. Once it is packed full of aspects of each subject, you can then think about which ones are the most important to your paper. What do you want to focus on? what interests you about these two areas? which similarities and differences best relate to the prompt, or the course in general? which pieces of information support the argument that you are presenting? for example, if you are comparing and contrasting two novels, you may want to take a look at how the two stories and the characters within them relate in terms of a certain theme.

Do the two works support each other on a certain subject? if so, perhaps those aspects are the ones that should be presented in your paper. Once you have narrowed your focus, you can then identify the points in your venn diagram that you will include in your paper. On the other hand, if you are able to narrow your focus to a couple of similarities and differences that really highlight the point you are trying to prove, you leave more space for discussion of those points. Compare contrast thesis statement examplescompare/contrast papers the thesis statement of a comparison/contrast paper should contain an idea or claim compare / contrast cc examples of introductions and thesis statements for comparison/contrast avg. Score 4.31 based on 1 opinions / 15526 views total 0 today compare and contrast essays are the other big essay types in academic writing.

Many wonderful essays fall victim to the woes of bad structure, making any ingenuity to fall by the wayside. A compare and contrast essay also known as comparison essay , which requires the author to either compare or contrast an item, a piece of art, a concept, a literary piece etc. Due to the fact that a comparison essay may require to either compare or contrast things, it can be referred to as a compare/contrast essay.