Narrative Essay Flood Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Sai shruthi advertisements: flood appears as a curse to the people who are directly affected by it. There are mainly two reasons that can create a flood: excessive rains and overflow of rivers. Rain is wel­come for the growth of crops and cooling down the atmos­phere, especially after the hot summer. But excessive rains spoil the harvest, and sometimes with the accumulated rain water, the tanks are overflowed and fields and roads remain under water, and even water enters the courtyard or drowns the ground floors of human habitations. As the stagnant water remains for a few days, the people face numerous difficulties. The insects, the serpents and many poisonous creatures take shelter in the human abodes, causing threat to the lives of the dwellers.

People are sometimes found to take shelter on the branches of trees, which are near at hand, in order to save themselves, when their houses are submerged in water. And in that marshy land, the remains of the dead cattle or the skeletons of human corpses lay scattered, making the entire area extremely polluted. That brings about plague, cholera and other dangerous diseases to those who somehow survive. Numerous huts of the poor people are demolished by constant water stagnation, making them homeless. There are many other problems that a flood brings to the unfortunate people, in whose area flood enters. Although the government and the charitable organizations send their instant relief by boat or helicopter, food, clothes, pow­dered milk, medicine etc. , yet that is not enough for removing their endless distress that continues for a long time after the flood.

The indian governments have since taken some major steps for protecting the people from flood. There are certain areas, especially in bengal and assam, where frequent floods appear due to the overflow of the rivers, such as the brahmaputra or the ganga. A special commission has been set up to take precautionary measures before the monsoons so as to prevent flood in those particular areas. At the time of flood in any area, all the civilized citi­zens should come forward with their helping hand. If they themselves cannot reach the spot, they can at least send their relief articles or money through some reliable organisations or the government machinery engaged in the relief work. The rain water instead of being absorbed down through the tree roots flows on the surface.

It results in more and more flood as the excess rain water finds obstacle in being let out into the sea. Flooding can have a large effect on medc's therefore it is in there interests to prevent floods from happening in the first place. The first of these is a reservoir, these can be built on the upper part of a river and help to store the water where it can be let out at a steady rate and even used to generate hydro electric power. This not only helps to reduce the risk of flooding but also helps to promote alternative energy sources.

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engineering to make the channel of the river larger, deeper and wider can also help it to hold more water before it over flows.

These are artificial channels that can be built to take away surplus water and prevent flooding. This allows the river to be free from obstructions and to flow faster and thus clear water away more quickly. A flood barrage can also be built across a river to protect a community from floods. This has happened on the river thames in london however it is expensive to do so it is not a popular option. A cheaper method of planting vegetation around the river channel to reduce the amount of run off and to also prevent soil erosion. This method was successfully used at the source of the river calder in calderdale.

This helped to reduce the amount of water running into the river during heavy rain. The reduction of the effects of flooding can also be reduced by limiting the amount of buildings that are constructed on flood plains. However if flood defences do fail and a flood does occur then a number of things can be done to reduce to effect that it has on the community. For example after the lynmouth flood, г1,300,0 had been collected by the summer of 1953. Flood insurance is also taken out by many people who live in an area that is at in a high risk of flooding.

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This insures that if there property or belongings are harmed by flood waters then compensation can be paid. This means that the environment agency can give prior warning to residents in the area allowing them to place sand bags etc around doors and openings to reduce the effects of the flood water. Also in some cases allow them to be evacuated safely before the flood waters are too high. In many areas that have a high risk of flooding an emergency procedure is put in place so that every one is aware of what to do in the case of a flood and therefore no ones life is put in danger.

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attention. provides free sample essays and essay examples on any topics and subjects. essay writing service produces 100% custom essays, term papers amp research papers, written by quality essay writers only. You can order a custom essay on floods now! flood is one of the most horrible disasters that world has to struggle with.

One of the possible ways to get to know more about floods, its reasons and consequences is to write a good flood essay. Do you have any ideas of how to write an essay on flood? let us help you a bit and provide several quite interesting flood essay tips. Floods essays may present general information about floods such as its reasons, types or effects or enlighten certain events and specific floods that took place in america or in any other country. So, here are several ideas to present in essays on floods specially for you:

    present different organizations in essays on floods whose main job is to defense population by preventing floods or taking certain measures to evacuate people and help them survive.

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    Describe the way such organizations work, what measures they take, how they control floods, etc. Make educative essays on floods considering the actions of people in case of a flood.

if you do not want to analyze such general information, you may describe the strongest floods in your essay on flood. Here are some examples that you may pay your attention to:
    describe the flood that took place in heppner, oregon, usa in essays on floods. That flood was caused by a hard rain: the river big thomson swept everything on its way.

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