Essay on Trees Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Trees are good sources of medicinal herbs, lace and raw materials for many industries. It is an important source of shelter for the poor and economically weaker people. Image source: cane is another variety of tree which is used for many purposes. Babul, dhaora, salat, kulu and bigasal are some varieties of trees which yield gum. Rapid industrialization, urbanization and population growth have contributed to the loss of trees. In times when deforestation has led to global warming, acid rain and the green house effect saving trees has become an issue we have to address. Environment degradation has occurred almost everywhere thanks to mans need to capture more and more land either for agriculture or for housing purposes.

Rainforests around the world are being cleared, since people are misled to understand that these rainforests that are often hot and humid, insect ridden and difficult to penetrate are of no use to humanity. However, the truth is that when we clear rainforests we stand not just to lose an entire ecosystem but we risk our own quality of life as well we are gambling with the stability of the climate and we are undermining the precious services afforded by their biological diversity. The trees cleanse the air, they serve as effective sound barriers, they produce oxygen, they absorb carbon dioxide, they prevent soil erosion, and they serve as wind breaks. Loss of trees also reduces the availability of renewable resources like timber, medicinal plants, nuts, fruits and game.

It also means loss of livelihood to the worlds poor who rely on natural resources for their day to day survival. The continuous loss of natural ecosystems could make us vulnerable to ecological surprises in the future. In order to prevent claiming of forest land for cultivation purposes in the rural sector, the government should concentrate on finding ways to increase the output of the already present farming land. Wooden furniture should be banned and it should be replaced with other synthetic alternatives or steel which is just as sturdy. Rural areas should be provided an alternative to firewood which is used for cooking. Cancelling the subsidiaries given to industries involved with the trade of timber might be an effective way to stop timber manufacture.

With cities transforming overnight into concrete jungles to accommodate the growing urban population, it is important that whatever mangroves remain in these areas be preserved. The government must make it mandatory for builders to keep a certain amount of green space not just for landscaping but for the planting of trees. To preserve the trees we have, it is important that we lessen the mindless use of products made from trees: paper and wood.

Catalogues should be banned and so should items like facial tissues and kitchen swaps that are not necessities. Since eighty percent of indians are hindus approximately eighty percent of deaths occur in hindu families, which accounts for around eight deaths per minute. That accounts for eight trees being chopped down every minute to bid farewell to the parting soul. Despite these staggering statistics electric cremation which is both environment friendly and cost effective has yet to find large acceptance. In these times when all over the world natural resources are hard to come by, and survival has become necessary it seems paradoxical that the dead are being allowed to deplete the resources of the living.

The children are the future and if respect for trees is inculcated in them at a young age, they will make sure that the earth might have a future still. When trees start out in the wild, their life begins in an area where that type of tree is adapted to and tolerant of the conditions of that particular site. The building of these structures most times take away an assortment of brush and small plants, thus altering the natural landscape. The types that are not tolerant and cannot adapt only have one choice, and that is too die. 9 another situation that may occur is the planting of young trees in an urban site.

In that case, there will be another chance to put a more tolerant tree in that area. The trees that do survive in this condition are in so much shock after being taken out of its tolerant environment, and being put in a none tolerant environment, that their limits are being pushed to the edge. When this happens, the result will be poor performance, and a non attractive tree. These trees that are not at their peak condition are more prone to contract diseases and attract unwanted visiting insects. The trees that have problems with diseases and insects need to be sprayed often to control these problems. Whitcomb’s theory is if you plant the right tree in the right place, it does not require extensive maintenance. But the site must be modified to fit the plant, because the plant cannot adapt to fit the site.

9 in a plant life span, there are many positive and negative factors that influence plant health. Because a tree or shrub is alive and green, doesn’t always mean it’s healthy. For example in azaleas, changes in the amount of micro nutrients in the soil mix greatly affects the size of the plant and the size of the root system. In turn, experimenting with the micro nutrients allows the plants to develop more roots below ground. The development of roots below ground absorbed more nutrients, which allow the leaves and flowering part to flourish. Nobody knows, though, even when getting the right combination of nutrients, how much a tree is going to grow.

As refinement in soils and nutrients become more to the trees liking, many trees may grow taller. If one or two factors are not synchronized properly, you will get green leaves, but the overall tree size is not great. Too much nitrogen would knock the proportionality off of the other level of nutrients and elements in the soil. Another misconception is that you can’t get too much phosphorus, and additional phosphorus helps make a good root system. When too much phosphorouss is added, it can tie up essential micro nutrients, iron and manganese, and can suppress plant growth. The common misconception here is that the soil should be heavily limed to raise the ph to six and a half to seven.

9 when planning a landscape, it should be considered that there will be different conditions at different landscape sites. In order to pick the right plants for the conditions, climate and soil should be considered. When a tree or plant gets larger, the distance compounds, and the need to travel increases. If during the growth flush , there is an attempt to transplant this tree or shrub, the stress levels increase tremendously, which then invite secondary problems. Just as in man, if trees don’t sweat, their temperature will rise to a lethal point and cause damage to cell tissues.

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