How to Get My Daughter to Do Her Homework Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

I have a great 16 yo daughter very bright makes good choices with her friends, is thoughtful, does her chores when asked, but has several missing. Show more i have a great 16 yo daughter very bright makes good choices with her friends, is thoughtful, does her chores when asked, but has several missing homework assignments across the board. She 039 s a little less aggressive than her older sister in speaking her mind, so she 039 s not one to push things with the teachers asking for extensions, help, etc. I 039 ve offered to help her do homework, offered to have a friend come over to do it with her and provide food and i 039 ve threatened that she won 039 t have a social life/take away internet, etc but she 039 s such a good kid and not into sex, smoking or drugs. She says she 039 s not her sister who made mostly a 039 s and says i 039 m not looking at all the homework that she is passing in.

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I 039 m at a loss i 039 m trying to encourage her to succeed and obviously she 039 s not seeing how important passing in homework is to her gpa. This book is suppose to stay in their bookbacg, they only take it out when the use it at school and then at home. Another good thing is if you have internet access, you can sign up for emails from your childs teacher. If there is a problem you also have the teachers emails and they usually respond fast.

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like us on facebook if you 'like' us, we'll love you! and yes, my daughter 039 s teachers think i 039 m insane. my 6 year old daughter came home from school with a homework assignment this weekend. That shouldn rsquo t be too hard, right? a little moss, a fake pond, a plastic frog, easy peasy, right? in fact, it won rsquo t actually take her any time at all. Because she 39 s not doing it. she won rsquo t be partaking in this project in the same way that we did not partake in creating a large cardboard sunflower, a design our own board game, or a cloud photography assignment. Why not, you ask? because i have a big problem with the amount of time zapping homework my daughter 39 s school system doles out and because of that, i rsquo ve decided my daughter won 39 t be doing her homework anymore.

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I don rsquo t have a problem with homework in and of itself because, obviously, i understand it 39 s an important part of our children rsquo s development process. My daughter needs to learn responsibility, time management, and self facilitated learning and i 39 m grateful that homework provides some of those lessons for her. I 39 ve spent hours helping her learn how to read, do mathematical equations, and understand the history of our country. We 39 ve spent many a late night practicing spelling words and reading book assignments. As a single mom, i try my hardest to make her education a priority in my overfilled life because i know that education is one of just many things that will play a role in the foundation of her future. my problem with homework is that it rsquo s given in excess and the lesson behind it is wrapped up in time sucking busy work. and because of that, i 39 m rebelling against it. Some of the greatest minds in our country were college and even highschool! dropouts: steve jobs, mark zuckerberg, bill gates, the list goes on.

But before you get all up in arms about that statement, let me assure you i would love nothing more than for my daughter to graduate college. But we also need to acknowledge that there are other life lessons to be taught outside of school lessons she 39 ll learn through team sports, quality family time, playing outside, and everything in between, that have nothing to do with a grade. Those learning moments are more important and valid to me than gluing moss to a f cking shoebox. I reached out to them the first week of school to politely tell them my daughter would only be doing as much homework as would feasibly fit into our lives. I asked them to contact me if she was struggling in any areas so that i could shift our focus onto those subjects and i asked them if they had any questions for me.

Which i was fully expecting. because what we are doing is not normal and i get that. She sent me a rather strongly worded email that rules apply to all kids and that kids can 39 t be taught that they 39 re the exception to the rule. her email was followed up by a request for a conference with the school 39 s principal. The teacher seemed to understand that my desire to avoid homework was not because i didn 39 t want to put in the effort it was because i wanetd my daughter to have ample time to explore the world outside of the classroom.

Although i went into the meeting thinking i was going to need to defend my alternative lifestyle. I walked out feeling as thought my viewpoints were not only understood, but respected. In the end, we decided some homework assignments would simply not count against her grade and other times, an alternate assignment would be given, one that was more adaptable to our lives and the educational path i 39 m creating for her. I don 39 t want my daughter to feel that she 39 s above the rules and at the same time i don 39 t want to box her in. I make sure that she gets her core homework done and then, if she 39 s into it, we 39 ll occasionally do what i 39 ve deemed the time suck activities: camouflaging a cardboard turkey, making a puppet out of a paperbag, you get the idea.

Still though, even without all the homework we don 39 t do, she 39 s at the top of her class academically. She 39 s learnng and thriving, not in a conventional way, of course, but in our own way and it 39 s obviously working. i don rsquo t know how my stance on homework will play out long term. so far, we 39 ve been lucky to have teachers willing to work with me.

That being said, it 39 d be unrealistic to assume a 39 partial homework 39 policy will be the norm forever. Someday, when my views on homework collide with the mainstream school system rsquo s views on it, tough decisions will need to be made. What will those decisions be? i 39 m not sure yet, but i will tell you this: this weekend will not be spent making a fake frog habitat in a shoebox. Originally posted by liz c 180 i'd have been furious if someone had given my dd homework when she was still in nursery!! me too, i had many a run in with a 'reception' teacher because they sent the same book home every night and expected her to read it over every night. Originally posted by olga r 5 homework in reception! i'm flabbergasted op said nursery i am flabbergasted too.

I have never in all my days ever heard of nursery aged children being expected to do home work. Are you sure you ment nursery? i used to sit and with ds and do his reading books and point to a word and say oh whats that word i dont know it in a jokey way and he would tell me. I would then say something like wow you are clever you knew that word! try reward charts so 3 good pieces of home works she gets a treat. The other thing i used to do with him was point to a word and ask what it said when we were out. Do not push it or shout because if you put her off homework now then you will put her off for life and i can assure you that the homework will only increase as she gets older.

The second my 4 y old daughter gets home from school, she wants to do her homework. It 039 s usually one page and i let her pick out any color crayon to write her letters. When she does something right, she gets a reward, whether it 039 s as simple as a hug and a great job! or getting a snack. Children can never know that they can outsmart you or get out of things by throwing tantrums, crying, disobeying, etc. It will just cause them to rebel or to start believing they really are no good and act that way. I work a lot with her and try to help her understand things, but she never seems to quite get it.